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"What now?" he asked.

"I don't know Caleb." I sighed frustratingly "I said I need space."

"I don't think I'm capable of leaving you again." He replied.

"Theres just so much going on Caleb. I still thought you cheated on me and Travis is still out there."

"I think we established that I never cheated on you- I was buying a fucking engagement ring." He cursed.

"I know that, but it still happened okay? The possibility was still there." I said, trying to stay calm.

"And Travis isn't going to get anywhere near you Hanna." He said again, too loudly.

"Caleb don't yell." I begged.

He sighed, looking at the view of rosewood as night fell "the last time we were in this cliff, was our first kiss."

I smiled, remembering "yeah."

"What's changed since then." He muttered, running a hand through his hair.

I cautiously rested my head on his shoulder "nothing important."

"I screwed up didn't I?" He asked.

"We both did." I said, my eyes watery "I'm so sorry Caleb."

"What for?"

"You were only trying to defend me against Claudia. I shouldn't have kicked you out." I mumbled lifting my head from his shoulder.

"It's okay. It's my fault you lost your job." He admitted.

"Theres plenty of jobs in the world..." I trailed off, my voice getting softer "but there's only one you."

He looked down at me, our eyes locking together.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I gave in, as upset as I was, and as worried about Travis that I was, I forgot it all, and let him kiss my lips delicately.

After a couple of seconds, he reluctantly pulled away, his hand resting on my cheek "do you want to move back home."

I nodded slowly "I do...but I don't want to pretend this never happened."

He smiled, pulling me in and hugging me tightly. I buried my head into his chest. I'd missed him, and as much as my head was telling me not to take him back, for his own sake against Travis, and the fact that I was upset, my heart was telling me I had too.


We were sat in a comfortable silence, watching the stats shine over my home town, occasionally pointing out into the distance.

"I can't wait to raise a family with you- here." He said quietly, kissing my head.

I smiled "me too."

"Do you still want 2?" He asked.

Nothing made me happier than being open with Caleb, even after our fight, I still felt able to be myself. I shook my head "I think I want 4."

He chuckled "4?"

"It's just...I've always wanted a big family, and if it's just 2, it might be 2 girls, or 2 boys, I really want 2 boys and 2 girls."

"What if it's 4 boys?" He asked.

"Then they will still be our family, and I'll love them." I concluded.

It went silent again, each of us peacefully thinking about the future which would happen in this little town, I knew it would be hard, but I was excited for whatever my life had in store.

"Caleb..." I trailed off, slightly embarrassed.

"Hes sweet?" He asked.

"Can I see it...the ring?" I whispered.

He sighed "babe, I don't want to propose now, I wanted it to be a suprise, all romantic and beautiful. I want to do it when your unaware."

"That's okay." I said truthfully, my phone beeping during my last word.

Where are you?? X -mum

"I think I should go." I bit my lip.

"I thought we were back together?" He asked, noticing my sadness "why can't I come back too."

"You can...it's just I've been right horrible about you to my mum and Ted you know?...I thought you cheated on me..."

"But I didn't." He said again.

"But you didn't." I repeated.

"Then can't we just tell them were back on?" He asked.

I nodded "okay."


After picking Calebs things up from a near hotel, I opened the door, and my mum and Ted were sat on the sofa "hey Hanna- oh Caleb, hi."

"mum, Ted...me and Caleb are working out what happened." I smiled, truely happy.

"That's great honey." My mum grinned, and you could tell it was genuine "it's lovely to see you Caleb."

"It's nice to see you both too."

Myself and Caleb headed upstairs towards my room and I quickly rushed around, noticing the mess I'd left. Calebs eyes fell as he sat on the bed "I'm still so sorry Han."

"I know you are...but you did nothing wrong." I promised, walking over and sitting onto his lap "I'm sorry that I didn't want to...get back together. It's just Travis and what he did to you in college, it really scared me."

"I know it did." He soothed, kissing my temple "but I promise, as long as I'm with you, I'm okay."

"I feel terrible for judging Kara." I mumbled, guilt consuming me.

"Don't, she was a bitch to you, but she also did remind me." He sighed, looking at all the boxes of my stuff in what was supposed to be my old room "I just wish she'd reminded me sooner."

"Tomorrow, we'll put all the boxes back in the car and we'll go back to new York." I explained "and I'll start looking at any jobs I could do."

He nodded, and I climbed off his lap "I'm going to go shower."

"Okay." He smiled "I love you."

"How many times are you going to say that today?" I giggled.

"Until you realise how amazing you are- and how sorry I am." He paused "and I'm gonna tell you I love you everyday until the day I die."

I shivered "We'll die together."

"Logically, I don't think so, but hopefully yes." He grinned.

"I'm counting on it."

So they're back together, but Caleb doesn't want to propose now as it won't be a suprise...and Travis is out, but who knows? Is he still a threat???

The once mystery roommate #2 - HalebWhere stories live. Discover now