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Caleb was gone by the time I woke up. He had sent a text an hour ago saying he didn't want to wake me. Luckily, I didn't have to go in until 11, so I had a good couple of hours to recover from my hangover. I sighed, standing up, first going to the bathroom and getting some tablets and then the kitchen, to get some water. I couldn't remember that much from last night, except the obvious fact that I'd drunk way too much.

I made myself from fruit, yogurt and granola, before sitting at the table and opening my phone  scrolling through my Instagram when it alerted me Aria had commented on my Instagram photo, what photo? I hadn't posted in a week or 2.

Might wanna delete this now lmao

I opened it, my once perfect feed filled with drunk, blurry photos, without my usual filter or boarder and I looked a drunk mess. I shook my head, quickly going down deleting each one before closing the app and sending Aria a  simple thumbs up emoji.


Before I knew it, I was back at my desk, drawing the newest sketch, when Claudia came over, slamming a coffee cup on my desk "Hanna, can we talk."

"Of course." I nodded.

"I know your new, but we have a serious policy about being drunk or hungover on the job, it causes lazy work." she explained.

"Is it that obvious." I mumbled.

She shook her head "we keep up on all our employees social posts, this is an important business, especially if you work for me. Got it?"

I looked down, a deep shade of red spanning my face.

"Your talented, but one more slip up and your gone." she pushed the coffee over "drink."


"Babe you'll never believe my day." I said, entering the kitchen. Caleb was stood against the counter, a coke in hand.

He simply looked at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He shrugged "depends."

"What are you going on about?" I questioned.

He put the can down, and looked at me again, stepping closer "do you remember what you said last night?"

"Did I say something horrible?" I worried.

He shook his head "Our relationship, it's built on trust, but..."

"Are you breaking up with me?" I croaked "I know we've been arguing a lot recently, and I'm sorry, its just the new apartment and we've been busy."

"I'm not breaking up with you." he confirmed.

I let out a long breath "what then?"

"You thought you were pregnant in Paris- you didn't tell me."

I bit my lip, not knowing what to say, so I didn't, say anything, I just stood there.

"Were you too scared to tell me?" He paused "I wouldn't have been angry."

"Can we go on a walk?" I whispered "and talk about it."



We walked in silence, neither one of us knowing what to say first, we reached central park after a while and sat down on a park bench.  It wasn't dark yet, but the sun was setting beautifully above us.

"I was late." I started, thinking back to a year ago  in Paris when I realised I was over a week late "I didn't realise at first, but when I did I got scared." I looked up at him, and then continued "I told you I was going to buy tampons, because I thought that was a good excuse ya know? So I went to a pharmacy, brought 4 tests, and I shoved them in my bag, when I got back, I didn't know when I would take them, we were always together obviously, so a week after hiding them from you, you went out to buy pizza, so I thought that was a good opportunity, and when I went to take the tests, when I sat down, there was blood, I wasn't pregnant. So I threw the tests into the outdoor bin where you wouldn't see, and pretended it never happened."

He sighed "So  you thought you were pregnant a week and didn't tell me?"

"We still had a  year left in Europe, we were only 20- living off our student funds. I didn't want to bring it up if it was false and start unnecessary panic." I explained.

"We're supposed to tell each other everything." he bit his lip "I mean, you thought you were pregnant- that's big."

"But I wasn't." 

"But you could've been." he argued "I never want to be the person who's surprised by it, I wanted to be the guy who's there for you when you take the test. I just wish you would of told me, I could have helped you through it, you wouldn't have had to spend a week worrying."

"I'm so sorry Caleb, I was just worried, of how you'd react." 

"honestly?" a small grin formed on his lips "I probably would've wanted you to have been pregnant."

"Really?" I squeaked, close to tears. I was so sure back then he wouldn't be ready.

"I've wanted you to have my kids since I was 18 Hanna Olivia Marin." He chuckled lightly.

"But not yet...I mean you don't want kids this very minute- a couple of years?" I asked nervously.

"I mean, if it was to happen, that would be fine, but no, I think in a couple of years." he agreed "when we move to rosewood."

My eyes started to water, and he immediately noticed "Sweet?"

"I don't think my fashion career will be good enough in a couple of years for me to open the boutique in rosewood. I mean, I think I'm good, but its going to take ages."

"Babe, we're 21, give yourself a few years, then you'll be big enough to open your own little shop in rosewood. Don't stress okay?" he took my hand, and kissed my knuckle.

"But I don't wanna be Claudia's assistant for that much longer, I didn't expect it to be this hard."

"Well, whatever happens, we'll be together." he squeezed my hand "and then you'll come home from your boutique, me from my tech company, and then, your mum will be at our beautiful forever home with our 2 or 3 or even 4 children, then you'll make dinner whilst they play and I walk the dog we'll have, then we'll eat and our kids can tell us about their days, and it will be-"

"perfect." I finished.

It was silent for a minute with our hands still interlocked, before Caleb spoke again "I'm sorry for everything lately, Kara, not listening about Claudia, just being an overall jerk."

"I'm sorry too, for not telling you about the scare I had in Paris, for everything now and everything in the future."

"Don't apologise for the future." he kissed me softly, before pulling away and whispering close to my lips "Because the future is our kids."


Another week without updating, I'm so sorry! but I only have 14 and a half days until schools out for summer, which means I'm going to try (don't quote me on that!) to update 2-3 times a week.

The once mystery roommate #2 - HalebWhere stories live. Discover now