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"Caleb, are you serious?" I gasped, he couldn't be.

"Yes." He pulled me into a tight hug "I'm so sorry."

"I don't believe it." I sniffled, my emotions everywhere "he's..."

"Going to be okay." He interrupted me "pack some stuff and we'll drive back to rosewood."

"Why can't anything good ever happen." I sobbed "why do bad things always happen to really good people-"

"I don't know. Now let's go pack." He kissed my temple "the sooner we get there the better."


We drove in silence, neither of us wanting to admit how bad the condition that he was actually in. Memories of myself and him filled my mind as we drove out of the busy traffic of new York as quick as possible. How could a life that meant so much to me, be on the brink of life and death so suddenly?

"Hes going to be okay Han." Caleb noticed my lack of concentration "It's going to be fine."

"You don't know that Caleb- he's in a coma!" I whispered, my throat dry from nerves and crying.

"He- he doesn't deserve this."

"I know." He took my hand, steering with one "and if things do go wrong- he'd want you to be there with him."

"I don't want him to die Caleb." I sniffled "I really don't want to loose him."

"I know. But we're going to be there for him and your mum."

Ted. Ted was hit by a drunk driver a couple of hours ago. Luckily, him and my mum were both together at the time so she immediately called the hospital.

I bit my lip "I just..."

"I know."

I didn't need to explain how I felt to Caleb, he just knew.


"Mum!" I ran up to her and she stood in the hallway, she looked flustered and worried- but most of all heartbroken. The second she noticed me, she flung her arms around my shoulders and cried softly.

"It's so bad Hanna." She croaked "they haven't even let me see him."

"Really?" I sniffled, pulling away "I thought they'd allow you."

"I was about to be allowed in but something happened and machines started beeping and then people were ushering me back here." My mum closed her eyes tightly "I'm glad your both here." And then she hugged Caleb.

"I'm so sorry Ashley." Caleb comforted, eventually pulling away "I really hope its going to be okay."

"I hope so..." She sighed "I really need to call Ted's mother- I've been so distracted."

"Go call her." I smiled weakly "we'll stay here until there's an update."

"I think I'll go call her outside." She nodded "I need the fresh air."

I pulled her into another hug, and then she looked down at my hand as she pulled away "I expected to see it in person on better circumstances, the rings beautiful honey."

"I know..." I trailed off "but that doesn't matter at the minute, Ted does."

She agreed, and left to call Ted's mum.

"Sweet-" Caleb pulled me into a hug, his hands tracing my back "Its going to be okay."

"Why do some people have to be so stupid." I muttered sadly "why would you drive over the limit and put somebody else in danger."

"I don't know babe." He kissed my head "I wish I did but I don't."

"I've never seen my mum so upset, even when she divorced my dad, she was obviously upset but now she just looks broken." I mumbled.

"It's because Ted's the love of her life, your dad was just her first love." Caleb replied, still holding me into his chest.

"Your my first love." I whispered.

He pulled away smiling weakly "some people are lucky enough to get both in one"

"Excuse me...there was a red head woman stood here about 2 minutes ago waiting for a Ted Wilson- have you seen her?" A midde aged woman interrupted softly.

"That's my mum, she just popped out for a second to call Ted's mother." I replied.

"Oh I take it you're Ted's daughter?" She asked.

I nodded "yeah- I'm his daughter."

Step or not, it was the same thing. And I loved Ted as much as I loved my blood father.

"Well I have some news concerning Mr Wilson, would you like to wait for your mum?" She questioned.

I nodded and Caleb awnsered for me "it doesn't seem fair without her."


It was at that moment, my mum came back round the corner, and her speed got faster as she noticed the woman infront of Caleb and I.

"Hi- you must be Ashley, I'm Lynda." Lynda the nurse said.

"Hi." She looked at me, then Lynda "do you have news on my husband? Any updates?"

"We do." She frowned "it looks as if he's in quite a serious coma. I don't explain too technically but it means he won't wake up without some determination. For example just you holding his hand, talking to him- encouraging him of what he's missing. It also shows he's got some broken ribs, but we put him in surgery for that and that is where he is now. There was some bleeding to the brain but as for now, we've stopped that."

"And when he's out of surgery?" I asked, knowing my mum could barely speak.

"We encourage everyone close to him to sit with him as long as you possibly can and then that should slowly help refresh his mind and start it working at a quicker pase." She paused "we don't expect he'll be allowed visitors until tomorrow morning as he needs time to just be monitored to make sure the bleeding on his brain doesn't restart.

"Thank you." Caleb said, and the woman left, back up the hall.

"You two should head back to new York, it's getting dark."

"No." I smiled sadly "we brought bags, theres no way I'm leaving you or Ted."

"I'm glad." She sighed "I hate being in that big house all alone."

"I delayed the start at my new job and Caleb's got 2 weeks off anyway so we can stay as long as you need." I said "do you have your car?"

"No- we were on a walk and I got here in the ambulance." She explained.

"Well theres no point staying as we can't see him until tomorrow, so we'll tell Lynda your details in case things change over night, and we'll head home, I'll make some dinner whilst you have a bath and relax." I comforted.


"Hanna, you unpack our bags in your old room, and I'll cook- you need to relax just as much as your mum." Caleb offered, as I began looking through the fridge for ingredients.

"No, I need the distraction." I said, picking up some bacon, tomato pasta sauce and pasta, as well as some onions and vegetables "how does pasta sound."

"Sounds good." He ran his hand down my arm "you okay if I go unpack?"

"I'm good." I lied, but I wanted to be strong for my mum.

"Okay." He kissed me lightly, before picking our bags off the floor and heading up the stairs. Once I was certain he was gone, I let the tears fall.

Why Ted?


Long time no update- so here. I'm debating what will happen to Ted, but I really don't know. Comment your suggestions. Do you think it's the end of Ted or do you think I should make him recover?

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