Welcome to New York

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    Seagulls are over head, soaring and flying as you lean against the bar on the edge of the ship. Newt is sitting next to you, eyes fixed on his case but smiles as he knows the childlike wonder that is on you face, just by simply looking at the water.

    As you sit next to Newt, fixing your (H/L) (H/C) in your hat, the latch to his leather case snaps open, startling you. "Sorry, (Y/N)." He says as he flips the latch back on. Leaning down to his case, he whispers "Dougal. . . You settle down now, please. It won't be long." You giggle and smile showing your fangs as he talks to the case. "Newt. Do you reckon we'll be there soon?" He looks at you and smiles "It won't be long."

    After the boat docks, you and Newt stand next to each other waiting in line. "NEXT!" the Custom Official shouts. You both hands over your tattered British passports.

    "British, huh?" You look down, avoided eye contact as Newt speaks, doing the same. "Yes" "First trip to New York?" You look up shyly, "Yes, sir" the Official gestures to the case in Newts hand. "Anything edible in there?" "No" "Livestock?" Your (E/C) eyes widen slightly as the latch unbuckles itself. "Must get that fixed. Ahh no." The Official doesn't seem convinced. "Let me take a look" As Newt sets the case down, he discreetly flicks a dial that turns to MUGGLEWORTHY

    The Official opens the lid to reveal: one pair of men's and women's pajamas, maps, a journal, a sketch book, a alarm clock, a magnifying glass, a Hufflepuff scarf, and a pair of (H/H) fingerless gloves.

    Being satisfied, he closes the lid and returns the case.

  "Welcome to New York"

Newt Scamander x readerWhere stories live. Discover now