Now, You Need Food

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  "I admit that is a slightly more severe reaction than I've seen, but if it was really serious, he'd have. . ." Both of you start to get uncomfortable  with the conversation as Tina grows curious. "What?" "Well, the first symptom would be, um, flames out of his anus-" Jacob is now scared as Tina looks appalled. "This is balled up" You giggle quietly at the conversation. Newt tries to reassure Tina "It'll last forty-eight hours at most! We can keep him if you want me to-" "Keep him? We don't keep them! Mr. Scamander, Ms. (L/N), do you know anything about the wizarding community in America?" You answer "We do know a few things, actually. We know that you have rather backwards laws about relation towards muggles, er, non-magic people. You can't befriend them, or marry, which is absurd." Jacob listens to the conversation with his mouth open, "Who's going to marry him?" Jacob looks offended, "You're all coming with me-" "I don't see why we have to go with you-" Tina interrupts Newt with a "Help me!" as she tries to lift Jacob. You and Newt take his arms, and put them over your shoulders as Tina gets her wand. "I'm, I'm dreaming, right? Yeah. . . I'm tired, I never went to the bank. This is all just some big nightmare, right?" Tina grabs Jacob's arm "For the both of us, Mr. Kowalski." Everyone Disapparates, leaving the picture of his grandmother falling, revealing the little Niffler.

  You and Newt support the ill Jacob as Tina hurries everyone behind a large truck, peering over towards the apartments. "Okay, before we go in, I'm not suppose to have men on the premises." "In that case, Mr. Kowalski and I can seek other accommodation-" You look at him "You're gonna leave me? Take me with you!" "Tina grabs your arm, along with Jacob's, causing Newt to follow. "Watch your step."

  You all tiptoe up the stairs. Everyone freezes when they hear the landlady, Ms. Esposito, call out to Tina. "That you, Tina?" "Yes, Mrs. Esposito!" "Are you alone?" Tina keeps her head down. "I'm always alone, Mrs. Esposito!" You pat her back.

  As everyone enters the Goldstein apartment, you're met with magic doing assortment of chores. You look at a corner and see a pretty blond tending to a dress on a dummy. She is wearing nothing more than a silk slip. You cover your eyes with your hand, blushing, as Newt lightly laughs at your childish antics while looking anywhere but at the blonde. Jacob is thunderstruck. You and Newt look out the window instead, wanting to leave immediately. The blonde notices her sister, then her guests. "Teenie, you brought men home?" Tina sighs "Gentlemen, and women, this is my sister. You want to put something on, Queenie?" "Oh, sure-" She is not embarrassed whatsoever. Queenie magically slips on the dress that was on the dummy. Tina starts to tidy up the apartment.

  Queenie breaks the silence. "So, who are they?" "That's Mrs. (L/N) and Mr. Scamander. They've committed a serious infraction of the National Statute of Secrecy-" Queenie get excited "There criminals?" "Uh-huh, and this is Mr Kowalski, he's a No-Maj-" Queenie instantly gets worried. "A No-Maj? Teen, what are you up to?" Tina sighs again "He's sick, long story, Mr. Scamander and Mrs. (L/N) has lost something, I'm gonna help them find it." Jacob sways and sweats, making the sister come to his aid. Jacob falls onto the couch, as Queenie talks to him. "You need to sit down, honey. Hey-" She gasps and while he reads his mind. "He hasn't eaten all day. And--aw, thats rough, he didn't get the money he wanted for his bakery. You bake, honey? I love to cook." You tilt your ears to the side, this is getting your attention. Queenie looks at your ears and squeaks. "Cute!" she runs over and put a hand on your head. "Ah no! Newt, help! Please don't-" You purr. Newt smiles and looks at Queenie. "You're a Legilimens?" Queenie, while still petting your head, answers. "Uh-huh, yeah. But I always have trouble with your kind. It's the accent, and you're part cat, so. . ." Jacob looks amazed. "You know how to read minds?" "Aw, don't worry, honey. Most guys think what you was thinking, first time they see me."

  "Now, you need food."

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