Don't Shoot!

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   The Niffler empties the trolley of money in his pouch. Newt and you watch behind the security bars as guards push the trolley away. Mr. Kowalski calls out to you both. "Hey, Mr. and Mrs. English! I think your egg is hatching." Newt looks between you, the elevator, and Mr. Kowalski. "(Y/N)!" Newt shouts as he points his wand at Mr. Kowalski, pulling him forward, while your grab the case and Newt's arm before he Disapparates. The women behind the pillar looks dumbfounded.

   You Apparate into a small stairwell, past the security guards. You gently take the egg from Mr. Kowalski as it hatches. From inside the egg is a small, baby Occamy. You coo to the small being as Newt and Mr. Kowalski watch with wonder. You and Newt slowly walk down the corridor with the Occamy in your hands. Mr. Kowalski is beyond confused at this point. He ducks down after seeing Mr. Blingley approaching. "I was, over there. I was. . . over there?"

   Newt crouches down to open his case while (Y/N) whispers words of encouragement to the young Occamy.

   "In you hop. . ." You whisper. "Hello?" Mr. Kowalski tried to get your attention. "No. Everyone settle down. . . Stay. Dougal, don't make me come in there. . ." Newt says sternly. Picket, a Bowtruckle, sticks his head out and looks around. Newt looks to see the Niffler going under the locked door, in the vault. "Absolutely not!" Newt said as you point your wand at the vault. "Alohamora" The locks spin and turn as the door turns. Mr. Blingley comes around the corner as the vault door opens.

   Mr. Blingley looks at Jacob, "Oh, so you're gonna steal the money, huh?" Mr. Blingley hits the alarm button, sounding the alarm. Connor slithers down your leg, going towards Mr. Blingley. Connor bits his leg, making him stiffen and fall to the ground. Mr. Kowalski looks austonished. "Mr. Blingley!" Mr. Kowalski cries out. As the vault door opens wide, Mr. Blingley curses Mr. Kowalski's name.

   "Really?" Both you and Newt call out as you watch the Niffler among the gold and money he's taking. Newt grabs the Niffler and holds him upsidedown, shaking him. Precious treasures fall out of his pouch. "No. . . (Y/N), can you help?" Connor is now resting around your neck as you walk towards the Niffler, tickling him. Dispite the situation, you smile at the creature that's upsidedown.

   Armed guards come down the stairs, as Mr. Kowalski is panicking. "Oh no. . . No, don't shoot. Don't shoot!" Newt grabs his arm and the case as you grab the Niffler and Newt's arm and Disapparate.

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