What Have We Gotten Into?

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  As they Apparate, Tina is dragging Newt towards a building, The Woolworth Building.

  "Come on" Tina says as she drags Newt to their destination, not taking her eyes off forward. "Er- sorry, but we have things to do actually." There is a small 'squeak' of agreement. "Then you'll have to rearrange them." Tina says as she forcefully guides Newt through the traffic. "What are you doing in New York anyway?" "We came to buy a birthday present" "Couldn't you have done that in London?" They arrive outside the building as men and women enter and exit. "No, there is only one breeder of Appaloosa Puffskeins in the world and he lives in New York, so no. . ." Tina moves Newt to a side door that is guarded by a man in uniform. The guard immediately opens the door when Tina announces "I got a Section 3A"

  Tina stops to look at the two of you, only to notice just Newt. "What! Wait, where? Where is he other women? The (H/C) haired women?" As she is slightly freaking out, you pop your head out of Newts breast pocket and squeak. "Ahh! Sir, there is a mouse on your shirt!" Newt looks confused before looking down at his pocket. He sees Picket petting you, and smiles. "Ah, no. She's here. Just, not, um" You climb onto his shoulder and jump. In mid air you turn back into a human, with Connor wrapped around your neck. Tina makes a noise of surprise before turning back around but grabbing you as well. While walking through the building Tina says "Hey. By the way, we closed that guy down a year ago. We don't allow the breeding of magical creatures in New York."

  As You, Newt, and Tina pass threw the doors, the entrance magically transforms into the MACUSA entrance. While going up a wide staircase and into the lobby, you see many impressive vaults and a giant colorful dial with the legend: MAGICAL EXPOSURE THREAT LEVEL. The hand points to SEVERE: UNEXPLAINED ACTIVITY. Behind the dial is a portrait of a majestic-looking witch. Her name is Serphina Picquery, MACUSA president. While owls are flying overhead, many employees are working and costumers are waiting in line. You, Newt and Tina keep walking until you reach a elevator. A goblin appears and greets Tina. "Hey, Golstein." "Hey, Red." You and Newt get pushed into the elevator. "Major Investigation Department" "I thought you was-" Tina cuts Red off before he could reveal anymore information. "Major Investigation Department! I got a Section 3A."

  Red pushes the elevator buttons with a stick. You look at Newt and whisper "What have we gotten into?" As the elevator descends. 

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