I'm Taking You In

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  You, Newt, and Mr. Kowalski Apparate into a small alleyway, Police arrive at the bank while the alarm still rings. A small crowd of locals gather at the end of the street, trying to learn more of the situation. The women from earlier runs down the stairs, out of the bank, to see Mr. Kowalski catching his breath against the wall, Newt attempting to get the Niffler in the case, and you with your hat off massaging your cat ears. 

  "For the last time, you pilfering pest. Paws off what doesn't belong to you!" As Newt successfully puts the Niffler in his case, he turns to make sure your alright. "I'm fine" you respond, "but those alarms are too bloody loud for my liking." Newt just smiles as the both of you turn to Mr. Kowalski. "We're awfully sorry about that-" Mr. Kowalski cuts Newt off. "What the hell was that?" Mr. Kowalski turns to you "And what the hell is on your head?" "Nothing that need concerns you. Now unfortunately you have seen far too much, so if you wouldn't mind. . . if you just stand over there. . . this will be over in a jiffy." As Newt is speaking to the man, you both are trying to find your wands. Jacob takes the opportunity to grab his case, swinging it violently at Newt, who knocks into you, bringing you both down. Mr. Kowalski apologizes before running for his life. Newt helps you up and checks over you for injuries. You both look after Mr. Kowalski as he hurries down the alleyway into the busy streets. "Bugger!" Both you and Newt yell. The women from earlier walks down the corridor with a sense of purpose. Both you an Newt gather your belonging, and trying not to be obvious, walk towards the women. Before walking past her, she grabs your shoulder and Newt's elbow and Disapparates.

  You Apparate into a small brick alleyway. You can still hear the sirens from the police cars from here. Surprisingly, the women is out of breath. She turns to Newt and you before interrogating you. "Who are you?" You and Newt look at each other before turning back to the women, answering at the same time. "I'm sorry?" "Who are you?" "Newt Scamander" "(Y/N) (L/N). And you are. . .?" Ignoring your question, she presses for more answers. "What's that, thing, in your case?" "That's our Niffler" Newt responds before noticing the mustard on her lip. "Er, you got something on your-" "Why in the name of Deliverance Dance did you let that thing loose?" "We didn't mean to. He's incorrigible, you see, anything shiny, he's all over the place-" As they are talking you discreetly put your hat back on, hoping she forgot about your ears. "You didn't mean to?" "No, ma'am we didn't" You answer, even though she probably doesn't care seeing as she isn't finished ranting. "You could not have chosen a worse time to let that creature loose! We're in the middle of a situation here! I'm taking you in."

  Newt answers before you could say anything. "You're taking us where?" The women shows her ID card signifying she works for MACUSA. While looking at it, you manage to get her name: Tina Goldstein. "Magical Congress of the United States of America" Tina states proudly. Newt and you are now nervous. "So, you work for MACUSA? What are you, some kind of investigator?" Tina's confidence wavers a bit as she shows hesitation, giving you evidence that she probably is not a investigator. She answers with a small "Uh-huh" before putting her badge back in her coat pocket.

  "Can you please tell me you took care of the No-Mag?" You and Newt are confused. "The What?" Tina, who is now irritated, answers. "The No-Mag! The non-magic, the non wizard!" You look at her with realization. "Oh, sorry. We call them Muggles." Tina is about to respond before stopping herself, instantly getting worried. "You wiped his memory right? The No-Maj with the case" You scratch the back of your neck. "You see. . . we were until he knocked us down with the case. . ." Tina, who is wide eyed, looks at you before speaking again. "That's a section 3A, Mr. Scamander and Mrs. (L/N). I'm taking you in." When she turns around to grab her wand from her coat, you turn into a (H/C) mouse and jump onto Newt's shoulder and into his front pocket with Picket. Tina turns back around and grabs onto Newt, Disapparating. 

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