Merlin's Beard

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   Running into the bank, you take a moment to look around. The bank is impressive, having many clerks serving many customers. Skidding to a halt, you look around for the Niffler, oblivious to the stares to your appearance. A employee looks suspicious to the new pair that entered the building.

   "Can I help you, sir, ma'am?" Newt spins around to face the man. "No, we were just. . . Just, waiting. . ." Newt grabs your arm and motions to the bench next to the man from earlier. A woman peers at you both from behind a pillar nearby.

   The nervous man tries to conversate with Newt. "Hi. What brings you here?" You send Connor, your jet black snake, to help look. He moves from your neck, jacket, and leg onto the floor in search of your furry creature. "Same as you. . ." The man looks excited. "You're here to get a loan to open up a bakery?" Preoccupied you answer with a simple "Yes." "What are the odds of that? Well, may the best man, er and woman win, I guess."

   Sniffing in the air, you pick up his scent. Nudging Newt's leg with your knee, you point to the Niffler who is stealing coins from a women's purse. Newt darts away, excusing himself. In his place is a large silver egg. "Hey, mister. . . Hey ma'am!" You both don't hear, to busy in search for the Niffler. "Hey, fella!" You hear a door open, calling out for a person. "Mr. Kowalski, Mr. Blingley will see you now." You dismiss it, while Mr. Kowalski pockets the egg, mumbling under his breath.

  The Niffler pauses from his rampage, and see a shiny buckle from a women's shoe. You both watch helpless, as the Niffler snatched more goods from bags and cases. While searching, you look at the floor, eyes darting everywhere as Newt peers behind a women into her bag. The woman behind the pillar watches you both with interest.

   Connor slithers up your pant leg, wrapping around your neck, hissing lightly while pointing towards a bench. As you look, you hear a clatter of metal from underneath. Newt hears you whisper "Bloody hell" while fast walking to the bench as paws pick up the fallen treasures. Walking behind you, you both see him looking at the dog, cheekily. Just when the dog barks, Newt dives underneath the bench, while the Niffler runs away out of his reach.

   "Merlin's Beard"

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