We Have To Get Our Case Back

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  You hear voices down the corridor, the voices raising in volume every so often. With your hearing senses, you make out some of the conversation. You hear the words 'this is a beasts', 'it must be stopped', and 'This could mean war'. You slow down significantly as Tina's confidence falls. As you round the corner, the group of individuals that have a look of importance stop their conversation and stare at the intruders. One women you recognize almost immedatly. Madam Picquery; The president of MACUSA. Upon seeing Tina, Madam Picquery seems quite agitated but manages to keep contained.

  "I made your position quite clear, Miss Goldstein." Tina, who is now frightened, replies tentatively. "Yes, Madam President, but I-" Madam Picquery who is now very irradiated interrupts Tina. "You are no longer a Auror." You remember when Newt asked Tina about being an investigator, and how she hesitated. "No, Madam President, but-" "Goldstein" "There has been a minor incident-" Madam Picquery raises her voice to get her point across "Well, this office is currently concerned with very major incidents. Get out." Tina is now humiliated, and leads a smug (Y/N) and Newt back towards the elevator.

  As the elevator descends you and Newt look at each other in confusion. When the door opens, you're met with a cramped and windowless basement. Tina leads you past hundreds of typewriters that are working themselves, glass pipes hanging from the ceiling. When the papers are done, they form into origami mice, and go into their respective glass pipes. Two rats are fighting, and to make the situation better, you turn into a mouse and fight with them. You tear them apart and look at the bemused Newt. He lends a hand and you climb on his shoulder, resting there. Tina leads you two towards a unkempt corner. As your walking, Newt has to duck under the sign that says: WAND PERMIT OFFICE. You snicker in amusement.

  Tina goes behind a desk, taking off her hat and coat. She tries to compose herself by looking like a professional, so she stacks paper and goes back to interrogation. "So, you got a wand permit? All foreigners have to have them in New York." You turn back into a human, and flick Newt with your tail. "I made a postal application weeks ago." Tina is now trying to be intimidating by sitting on the desk scribbling on her clipboard. You look to ground, avoiding her eyes. "Scamander, (L/N). . ." She leans forward, squinting her eyes. "And you were just in Equatorial Guinea?" Newt looks up, and answers. "We've just completed a year in the field. We're writing a book about magical creatures." "Like. . . a extermination guide?" You snap your head fast with wide eyes. "Merlin no! A guide to help people understand why we should be protecting these creatures instead of killing them." Newt smiles in agreement. You hear someone approaching.

  "GOLDSTEIN! Where is she? Where is she? GOLDSTEIN!" Tina ducks under the desk, which makes you giggle. Despite her attempts, the man named Abernathy, knows where she is. "Goldstein!" Tina slowly rises from the desk with a guilty looking expression on her face. "Did you just but in on the Investigation Team again?" Tina is about to respond to defend herself, but Abernathy cuts her off. ""Where've you been?" Tina looks around akwardly. "What. . .?" Abernathy turns to you and Newt. "Where did she pick you two up?" You look at eachother and back at Abernathy. "Us?" You both look at Tina for guidance but she is silently pleading with a look of desperation on her face. You both keep quite making Abernathy irritated by the lack of information. "Have you been tracking them Second Salemers again?" "Of course not, sir." Graves comes around the corner, making Abernathy immedatly intimidated. "Afternoon, Mr. Graves, sir!" Mr. Graves looks to see who greeted him. "Afternoon, ah, Abernathy." Tina takes this opportunity to tell her case, speaking fast, eager to be heard. "Mr. Graves, sir, this is Mr. Scamander and Mrs. (L/N). They have a crazy creature in that case and it got out and caused mayhem in a bank, sir." Mr. Graves looks curious, "Let's see the little guy."

  Tina sighs with relief. Someone actually is listening to her and wanting to hear her case. You and Newt are panicking. Newt tries to speak while you stare with wide eyes. Tina dramatically places the case on the desk, and turns it around. Throwing the case lid open, she looks aghast at the sight in front of her. In the case is pastries. You and Newt can't see in the case, but when you smell the contents, your horrified. Newt looks at you curiously, then the case. He matches the same expression. Mr. Graves smirks at discovering another one of Tina's mistakes. "Tina" Mr. Graves walks away. You and Newt stare at each other before you break the silence, with barely a whisper, you breath out

  "We have to get our case back."

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