Come On

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  "Okay, you guys can bunk here." Tina says as she leads you towards the back room. Tina looks a bit stressed. "What's wrong?" you ask politely. "Um, we only have two bed and-" "Nonsense!" you spoke "I can turn into a mouse, remember? Problem solved." You turn into a (H/C) mouse and laid down at a cushioned spot at the end of Newt's bed. "Alright, goodnight."

  Everyone's tucked in neatly in the bed. Newt and you are facing a wall, pretending to be asleep  as Jacob is trying a make sense of a wizarding book. Someone knocks at the door. Tina walks in wearing patterned blue pajamas with a tray of mugs stirring themselves. Jacob stares at the mugs like a did earlier in the kitchen. You sit up in your mouse body, rubbing your eyes pretending that you just woke up. "I thought you might like a hot drink?" Tina hands Jacob his mug. You run over to the night stand and point at Newt, showing he's 'asleep'. Tina pointedly places his mug on the bedside table. You turn into a human so you can take the mug. "Thank you." Tina smiles slightly. Jacob talks to Newt, trying to be friendly. "Hey, Mr. Scamander. Look, cocoa!" Newt does not move. You sit down at the end of the bed after placing the mug on the nightstand. "The toilet's down the hall to the right." "Thanks. . ." Jacob responds to Tina as she takes her leave. As Tina closes the door, Jacob  catches a glimpse at Queenie in the other room, wearing a slightly revealing nightgown. "Very much. . ."

  The second Tina closed the door, you and Newt jumped out of bed, still wearing all of your clothes. Newt places the case on the floor, you jump down whereas Newt walks down. Jacob lets out a small scream of surprise. Newt's hand appears beckoning Jacob over. Jacob just stares. Your hand appears this time, calling him over again. "Come on." Jacob readies himself, mentally, and gets out of bed. He steps into the case but gets stuck at the waistline. He jumps to squeeze himself through. "For the love of. . ." With one last jump, Jacob disappears inside the case, which snaps shut after him.

  Jacob crashes down the steps, bumping into various objects, instruments, and bottles. As he looks around, he find himself in a wooden shed containing two camp beds, tropical gear, and various tools hung up on the wall. Wooden cupboards contain ropes and jars with net all around. A very old typewriter with a pile of manuscripts sit on top of a medieval desk. Potted plants line the shelf. Rows of medical supplies from pills and tablets to syringes and vials form a medicine chest. Tacked up on the walls are notes, maps, drawings, and a few moving photographs of creatures. A dried carcass hangs from a hook with several sacks of feed are resting against a nearby wall.

  Newt looks at the newly arrived guest. "Will you sit down?" Jacob sits down on a crate that's labeled: MOONCALF PELLETS. "That's good." Newt glances at his neck then busies himself at his workstation, using plants and bottles to create a poultice, then rapidly applies it to his neck. You work on cutting up the dead carcass with a butcher knife. "Ow. . . " Jacobs groans as the medicine starts to work. "Now stay still. That should stop the sweating." Newt hands him some pills. "One of those should sort out the twitch." Jacob takes them after deciding he has nothing to lose. Newt removes his waistcoat, undoes his tie, and lowers his suspenders. He helps you put the meat into a bucket. "Take that." Newt says after handing Jacob the bucket. Jacob looks disgusted. You take of your own waistcoat, and lower your suspenders. After taking off your gloves, you take off your hat and let your (F/C) ears and tail out. You put a hand through your (H/L) (H/C) hair and pet Connor. Newt goes towards a cocoon, which he begins to squeeze. Venom drips out as Newt collects it in a glass vial. "Come on. . ." Newt mutterers to the cocoon. "What you got there?" Jacob asks curiously. You answer. "That is what the locals call "Swooping Evil". Not the friendliest of names. It's quite a agile fellow." Newt flicks the cocoon, which unravels, dangling on his finger. Newt looks towards Jacob. "We've been studying him. I'm pretty sure his venom could be quite useful if properly diluted. Just to remove bad memories, you know." Newt throws the Swooping Evil at Jacob. The bat-like creature bursts from its cocoon and howls in Jacob's face before Newt recalls it. Jacob recoils and you give Newt a playful glare. You knew that it was Newt's idea of a little joke. Newt smiles and you giggle at his reaction. "Probably shouldn't let him loose in here, though."

  Newt opens the door of the shed and walks out with you behind him. "Come on." Jacob, who is startled, follows you out.

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