Witches Live Among Us!

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    While walking, both you and Newt are looking curiously at the different environment your in. It's certainly the most populated place you've been to, seeing as your both mostly in the case. Clutching a address paper in one hand, you follow Newt to a area that's generating noise and shouting.
    ". . . this great city sparkles with the jewels of man's invention! Movie theaters, automobiles, the wireless, electric light. All dazzle and bewitch us!"

    As you draw near, you see a women on a platform giving a speech. While walking you accidently bump into a women with a hotdog, smearing mustard on her lip. "Oh, so sorry" you say softly while peering behind your tall friend to look at the women.

    "But where there is light there is shadow, friend. Something is stalking our city, wreaking distruction and then disappearing without a trace. . . We have to fight, join us, the Second Salemers, in our fight!"

    Behind you, a man dressed in a tailored suit and brief case pushes past people to get to his destination. "Excuse me, doll, just trying to get to the bank. . . Excuse me. . . Just trying. . ." The man trips over Newts case, falling, while you and Newt haul him up. "I'm so sorry, my case-" the man cuts Newt off, "No harm done" the man walks past the crowd and up the stairs, disappearing inside the bank.

    After the little accident, it drew the women from her speech gaining your attention. "Excuse me!" She yells, making the crowd around you to to move, exposing the both of you. "You friends! What are drew you two to our meeting today?" "Oh, just passing" Newt says, shrinking a bit from the attention. "Are you a seeker? A seeker after truth?" You answer this time. "No, no. We're more of chasers really."

    While listening to the women, a man flips a coin, gaining the attention of a little creature inside your case. Little paws are trying to pry open the case.

    "Hear my words and heed my warning. . . And laugh if you dare; Witches live among us!"

    While looking, you see her children passing out leaflets. You can smell the fear and nervousness of the older boy.

    "We have to fight together for the sake of our children. . . For the sake of tomorrow!" She looks to both you and Newt, and says softly "what do you say to that, friends?" As Newt looks to the women, you see a creature out of the corner of your eye. You look down at the case to see the latch unbuckled. Tapping Newts shoulder you point out the Niffler that's taking the beggers coins. Startled, he lunges forward, while grabbing your arm, towards the Niffler. "Excuse us" Newt says hastily.

    The women looks confused by your lack of interest as you were curious a few moments ago. In the crowd, a women looks suspiciously at you and Newt.

    Chasing the Niffler​ in the bank, before disappearing inside, the women yells out to you.

    "Witches live among us!"

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