Well, Not That Serious

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  As you, Newt, and Tina walk down the street, Tina is carrying the case full of pastries. As you walk, you spot the Billywig high in the air. You stiffen, which cause Newt to look at you weird. Tina is on the verge of tears as she's ranting to you and Newt. "I can't believe you didn't Obliviate that man! If there is an inquiry, I'm finished!" Both you and Newt are confused as why her job would be on the line, "So why would you be finished? We're the ones that's-" "I'm not supposed to go near Second Salemers!" You watch as the Billywig flies over you heads. Newt is horrified as you have your (H/C) cat ears pinned to your head underneath your hat. "What was that?" Tina looks at you both for a explanation. "Er, moth, I think." You nod "Big moth." Tina doubts the truth in your words. As you round a corner, you find a crowd gathered around a crumbling building. People are creating much noise which is hurting your ears a bit. As policemen are standing at the center of the crowd, they are being harassed by local commoners.

  You follow Tina as she walks towards the outskirts of the crowd, listening. "Hey" the policemen says, trying to get the attention of the crowd. "Hey, quiet down. I'm trying to get a statement." A women with young kids yells at the officer. "I'm telling you it's a gas explosion. I ain't taking the kids back up there until it's safe." "Sorry, ma'am. There ain't no smell of gas." A drunken homeless tries to get his input on the situation. "It warn't gas. Hey, Officer, I seen it! It wuzza, a giant, a huge hippopotto-" As Tina looks at the ruined building, you look at Newt and nod. You both take your wands out. Newt points at the homeless man while you point at the crowd."-gas. It was gas." The crowd that has gathered around agrees with him. Tina find the Billywig again, flying in the air. Using this to your advantage, Newt grabs your arm and runs to the ruined tenement apartment.

  You enter the apartment Mr. Kowalski resides in. You take a moment to stop and stare. The room is a complete and utter mess. Animal prints, bricks on the ground, shattered platters, and a huge hole at the opposite end of the wall. Something wanted to get out obviously. You turn to see Jacob Kowalski groaning in the corner of the room. 

  Newt crouches beside Jacob, as you look at the destruction. You hear footsteps fast approaching with a "Mr. Scamander! Mrs. (L/N)!" You quickly do a Repairing Charm, and sit on the bed before Tina comes in. Newt follows your example and sits on the bed right before Tina runs in the room. She finds a innocent looking Newt sitting on the bed closing the latch to his case, and (Y/N) sitting criss-cross fidgeting with her fingers. "It was open?" "Just a smidge. . ." "That crazy Niffler thing's on the loose again?" You whisper a "He's not crazy" but she doesn't hear. "Er, it might be-" "Than look for it!" She shouts, making you jump. Jacob moans in the corner of the room, getting Tina's attention. She immediately drops the case full of pastries and runs straight to the injured Jacob. "His neck's bleeding, he's hurt! Wake up, Mr. No-Maj. . ." As Tina's back is turned, you and Newt make way towards the door. Tina screams, loud, as a Murtlap latches to her arm. Because of the sound, your (H/C) tail comes from your pants and your ears knock your hat off. Newt spins around catching the creature by the tail as you open your case, throwing it in. Connor slithers over and acts like a guard dog, looking cheeky.

  "Mercy Lewis, what is that? And what is on your head? What-" she screams again when she sees Connor on top of the case. "Nothing to worry about. That is a Murtlap, those are her ears, and that's Connor." Tina looks at you crazy. "What else have you got in there?" You swish your tail around, enjoying it being free. "You!" Jacob shouts as he recognizes you and Newt. "Hello" you both respond. Tina goes to take care of him. "Easy, Mr. -" "Kowalski. . . Jacob. . ." They shake hands as Newt raises his wand to Oblivate the man. Jacob clutches to Tina as she stand in front of him. "You can't Oblivate him! We need a witness." You both look confuse, but you answer lightly. "I'm sorry, you just yelled at us earlier by not doing it in the first place. . ." "He's hurt! He looks ill!" Newt answers, nonchalantly "He'll be fine. Murtlap bites aren't serious." Jacob retches in the corner as you all stare at him in sympathy.

  "Well, not that serious."

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