A Niffler Is A Creature That Likes Shiny Things

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  You and Newt look out the window to see the Billywig flying around again. Your nervous as to what might happen to the creatures if you don't get them back in time. The Goldsteins prep and prepare to make a meal for dinner. Queenie uses her magic to get the supplies from the cupboard; carrots and apples cutting themselves, and pastry dough rolling itself, and pans stirring. Queenie reads Tina's mind as she starts a conversation.

  "Hots dogs, again?" "Don't read my mind!" Queenie smirks "Not a very wholesome lunch." Tina uses her wand to set the table itself with cutlery and dishes. Jacob stumbles into the kitchen, half fascinated and half terrified. As the sisters and Jacob are distracted, Newt reaches the doorknob for you to exit, but Queenie calls out to you. "Hey, Mr. Scamander, Mrs. (L/N), you prefer pie or strudel?" Everyone looks to you both, who are embarrassed, as Newt releases the doorknob. Newt recovers from his embarrassment faster then you. "I really don't have a preference" You nod in agreement. Tina looks to you two in disappointment and hurt. Jacob, who is already seated, places a napkin into his shirt as Queenie reads his mind. "You prefer strudel, huh, honey? Strudel it is." Jacob nods with excitement as Queenie grins with glee. Mixing together appropriate ingredients, which are raisins, apples, and pastry dough, wrapping itself in the air while baking, it gets coated in a layer of sugar by magic. Jacob takes a deep breath in to enjoy and saver the smell. Heaven.

  Tina lights the table with candles as Connor and Pickett poke their heads out, curious. "Well, sit down, Mr. Scamander, Mrs. (L/N), we're not gonna poison you." Jacob stares at you two from the table, silently telling you to sit down. You sit in between Queenie and Newt, seeing as you know Newt and like Queenie better than the rest. Queenie smiles at the compliment as she briefly reads your mind.

  The latch on Newt's case unlatches itself, making your ears twitch. Queenie looks over at you before continuing the conversation with Jacob. "The job ain't that glamorous. I mean, I spend most day making coffee, unjinxing the john. . . Tina's the career girl." Queenie reads his mind before he can speak. "Nah, we're orphans. Ma and Pa died of dragon pox when we were kids. Aw--You're sweet. But we got each other!" "Can you stop reading my mind for a second? Don't get me wrong, I love it. This meal, it's insanely good! This is what I do. I'm a cook and this is, like, the greatest meal I have ever had in my life." Queenie giggles with delight. "Oh, you slay me! I ain't never really talked to a No-Maj before." "Really?" Jacob says, baffled. As Jacob and Queenie stare into each others eyes in affection, you and Newt sit uncomfortably as Tina continues to eat. Queenie snaps her head towards Tina. "I'm not flirting!" Tina looks embarrassed. "I'm just saying, don't go getting attached. He's going to have to be Obliviated!" Tina turns to Jacob "It's nothing personal." As Jacob pales, you try and comfort him. "It's okay! You won't remember any of this." Jacob pales more. "(Y/N)! That didn't help." Newt says to you. "Sorry! I'm not good with people." Queenie looks to Jacob "Oh, hey, you okay, honey?" Newt stands up from the table, putting a hand on your shoulder awkwardly. "Miss Goldstein, I think Mr. Kowalski could do with an early night. And besides, you, (Y/N), and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find our Niffler so-" Queenie looks to Tina. "What's a Niffler?" Tina looks tiredly at Queenie. "Don't ask."

  Tina gets up from the table to show you your rooms. As you get up to go with her, you turn to Queenie. "A Niffler is a creature that likes shiny things." You smile at each other and walk out with Tina.

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