You Got Memory Lost, After an Accident, but Remember Only One of the Other Boys

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”Mr. Hemmings?” The nurse announced, making all the boys’ heads to raise up in unison, Luke standing up in his seat. “Yes?” He asked nervously, a small smile forming on his lips. “Ms. Y/L/N is awake. Her condition is stable; you’re now able to see her.” Luke let out an award winning smile, the other boys standing up as well. A call earlier today had informed Luke about your accident. You had slipped outside at work, knocking your head against the pavement, your whole body going numb and unconscious. It was lucky that one of your employees had seen your fall, running out, calling an ambulance. When Luke got the phone call, he almost felt down the chair he was sitting on, the other boys looking weird at him as he yelled up “Y/N is in the hospital.” before they all went over to hospital. But when they arrived your condition was bad, and they weren’t allowed to see you. Standing in front of the door, he took a deep breath before reaching towards the door handle, opening the door to the small hospital room instantly seeing you in the bed, scooping some yogurt into your mouth. “Oh my god Y/N.” Luke mumbled, almost running over to your bed, instantly pulling you into his chest. When he felt that you didn’t hug back, he pulled away slightly. “Are you alright?” Luke asked concerned, seeing your almost terrified expression, looking him up and down. “I’m not trying to be rude but who the hell are you and why are you hugging me?” You asked in fear, moving further away in the bed from Luke seeing a hurt expression forming on his face. “What.” He said not believing your words. “Who are you, and how do you know my name?” The chat was soon interrupted when Michael and Calum came in through the door on the same time, all wanting to see if you were okay. “Man, you look pale.” Calum joked, seeing Luke’s undescribed face, himself shaking his head. “I’m serious what the hell is going on?” You asked, reaching your hand out, wanting to grab the button that contacted the nurses. “She doesn’t remember me.” Luke said looking over at the boys for help. “Y/N you know me right?” Michael asked, walking closer to the bed. “With that kind of hair, I feel like I should have the urge to but I don’t. I’m sorry.” You trailed off in a question, giving them a sad look. “Man this is sick, I think we should call a nurse.” Calum suggested, seeing your small frame pout at the 3 of them. The door to the hospital room suddenly opened and Ashton came in to the view, running his hands up and down his thighs drying them off. “Sorry guys I had to pee. Did I miss anything?” He asked seeing Luke’s pale face, your shocked expression and Michael and Calum’s thoughtful ones. “Oh my god Ashton.” You exclaimed, jumping out of bed, and over to the curled haired boy, throwing yourself into his arms. Ashton just smiled, wrapping his arms around your small frame, but his smile faded away when he saw the other boys’ shocked expressions. “You remember him?” Luke asked in pure sadness, making you nod and smile up at Ashton.


“Okay and now look this way.” The doctor instructed as he was holding a flashlight pointing it towards your eye as you were following his finger with your pupil. “So Y/N tell me what happened?” He asked pulling away from you as he placed the flashlight on his tray. “I don’t really know.” You mumbled looking out at the window. “It all happened so fast. I remember I was about to buy some coffee and the next thing I was laying almost unconscious at the curb. I was in such a hurry. I don’t even remember but it was defiantly not worth this.” You pointed out referring to your abrasions forming in your forehead. “Well it was good that some guys saved you. They were all in such a panic especially one of them.” The doctor smiled at you before he took your wrist, placing the needle into your skin. “Where are they now?” You asked as he pulled it out before placing a piece of tape around it. “I made my nurse send them down the café. They were all so tense I thought they needed a break.” “But for how long hav-“ The sound of a door and stumbling footsteps interrupted your sentence as four big guys came into your room all looking more relaxed now. “Who are you?” You asked in confusion seeing the boys’ eyes go wide the dark-haired one looking like he just got hit by a train. “You don’t know any of these guys?” The doctor asked almost in fear making you shake your head slightly looking curious at the 4 tall boys standing awkwardly behind the doctor. “Oh jezz.” The doctor mumbled before writing some more stuff down on his notebook before placing it on the table. “Do you remember your name?” He asked as he checked on the intravenous needle before checking on some of the damages in your forehead. “Y/N.” You said looking at him for accuracy and he nodded his head sure but his skeptical expression didn’t disappeared. “Y/N when were you born?” The doctor asked as he wrote down a few notes making you open your mouth but nothing came out as black mind came across. ”I don’t- I don’t know.” You said in panic, making you look around in any direction confusion spreading across your mind. “Okay Y/N take a deep breath.” The doctor ordered making you look at him in fear a single tear rolling down your cheek. As the colourhaired boy saw this he started to panic walking over to your bed whilst saying no’s trying to calm you down before wiping your tear away with his thumb. As he did a glim of his tattoo showed making your eyebrows knot before grabbing his hand. Gazing his anchor black ink tattoo, the calculator in your head started multiplying different memories before you looked up at him wide eyed mouth agape. “Michael?” You almost whispered unsure making the other boys’ heads snap up as you said it and Michael burst out a smile nodding his head. You let out a squeal in victory before pulling him into your arms a massive grin forming on your lips. But when you looked over at the other boys and saw the black haired boy’s devastated expression the grin disappeared and a knot started to form in your stomach.

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