Caught By His Parents

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‘You’re so cute.’ Calum said, moving his hand towards your cheek. He smiled, leaning towards your lips. He was about to kiss you, when you moved your head back. So his face fell forward into thin air.

You laughed, as he moved back so he was sitting up staring at you. ‘That was mean.’ He said, pouting.

‘I’m sorry.’ you said, giving him puppy eyes. He smiled, signalling that he had got over it.

‘It okay.’ He said, moving closer to you. Putting his hands on top of yours. You quickly glanced down, wondering what he was doing.

He swiftly moved his hands towards your body, letting then tickle you. Erupting with laughter, you waved your hands around trying to stop him.

‘P-please stop!’ You said, out of breath. He carried on.

‘What was that? I couldn’t hear you!’ He said, making himself laugh. You heard a door shut, looking towards the noise you see Calum’s mum standing there. A smile on her face.

Calum’s topped when he saw his mum, slowly sitting back. You stayed silent, concentrating on not giggling.

‘You two are so cute.’ She said, putting some clothes in Calum’s floor before walking out.

You looked towards Calum, bursting out laughing. Finally letting him kiss your lips.


‘Luke.’ You whined, but he ignored you. ‘Luke!’ you said louder. But still he sat there. He was only in a playful strop, but it was still annoying you. Moving closer to him, you pushed him slightly.

It was only gentle, but it got his attention. ‘Are you being violent with me?’ He joked, turning to his side so he was facing you fully. You pushed him again, annoying him.

‘Are you going to talk to me now?’ You asked. He shook his head, crossing his arms. you both were acting like children.

‘You two are such kids.’ His mum said, making you jump. You put your hand over your chest, turning your head slowly.

‘You scared us!’ Luke said, she smiled holding up her phone.

‘Ive got a cute video of you now!’ She cheered, before walking out. You turned to Luke, ‘Your mother is so sneaky,’ You said.

‘But we are cute.’ He said, kissing your lips.


‘I love you.’ You murmured against Ashton’s lips. You could feel the smile grow on his face.

‘Well good job I love you too.’ He said, his words not totally clear. You moved, so that you were more comfortable. You were sitting on his lap, your arms wrapped round his neck.

You stretched your legs out, crossing them over. You two were sitting on his bed, eyes open, nose touching. You studied his eyes, the happiness in them. The colour, everything.

‘What are you thinking about?’ He asked, leaning his head back a bit.

‘I was just admiring your eyes.’ You said moving your head back to. Putting your arms by your side.

‘Ashton!’ Ashton’s father called out, the door opened and he walked in.

‘Hey dad.’ Ashton said, you quickly got up. Standing up.

‘I heard you two.’ his dad said. Your eyes widened slightly, ‘You really are in love.’ he said before walking out.


Your hands were intertwined with Michael. You two were dancing round his room, music was low but you were laughing over it.

‘You really can’t dance.’ you said, looking down at his feet. ‘Look! You’re rubbish!’ You laughed.

‘Well I’m sorry I’m not a professional!’ He said,

‘Neither am I!’ You said, removing your hands from his, and placing them on his shoulder and on eon his waist.

‘Where do I put my hands?’ He asked, moving them.

‘I don’t know! I’ve only seen people doing this from the movies!’ You said, giggling.

‘Well, somehow I am uploading this on the line.’ Someone said, you turned to see Michael mum and dad standing there.

‘On the line?’ Michael asked.

‘The internet.’ You laughed, leaning your head on Michaels chest.

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