You Got a Piecing Without Him Knowing

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Luke: eyebrow

You slowly opened the door, wincing as it creaked loudly the further you opened it. You sighed as you closed it; Luke’s front door was a lot noisier than you thought. You slowly tiptoed down the hall, hoping to make it into the bathroom before you saw your boyfriend. When you rounded the corner, you slammed into his tall body. “Whoa. Oh hey, babe,” he said, smiling down at you. You looked up nervously at him, wondering if he’d notice anything different. “Why’s there a bandage on your eyebrow?” You bit your lip before replying with “I got my eyebrow pierced.” Luke’s eyebrows scrunched up, almost as if he was mad. He turned around and shuffled over to the couch before plopping down on it. He crossed his arms and began pouting like a little kid. “Uh, Luke?” you asked, your unpierced eyebrow raised. You crossed your fingers, hoping and praying he wouldn’t be mad. “Why didn’t you bring me? You know I’ve been dying to get my eyebrow pierced too,” he whined. You held in your giggle while shaking your head, thinking of how lucky you were to have him.

Ashton: nose

"Ow," you complained after sneezing. You cupped your nose when you heard Ashton, your boyfriend, thumping down the hallway of your shared flat. As you continued watching TV with your hand covering a part of your face, Ashton became suspicious. "Y/N, why are you covering your face like that?" Your eyes slowly made their way up to Ashton’s face, trying to think of an excuse. When you didn’t answer, he tried removing your hand from your face. "No, Ash," you tried to tell him, but he wouldn’t listen. He began tickling you, hoping you would take your hand away from your face. You couldn’t help but laugh uncontrollably and try to take his hands off of you. As soon as your hand left your face, Ashton stopped mid-tickling. His mouth formed an O as he stared down at your button nose that had a single stud poking out of the side. His eyes widened like a little kid who just saw ice cream, and he slowly brought his finger up to your nose. When he poked it, he jolted back and his face scrunched up. He stared at it for awhile before saying "How the hell do you blow your nose with that thing?"

Calum: hips

You were cuddling with Calum on the couch while having a Friday night movie marathon. He shifted on the couch when you got up to get more popcorn. “Where do you want the popcorn?” You asked him. He shrugged, so you set it down on the coffee table in front of the couch. When you sat back down next to him, he gripped your hips, digging his fingers into your sides. You winced, trying not to make any noise, but you couldn’t help it. A quiet yelp escaped from your lips and Calum immediately took his hands off you. “Are you okay, Y/N?” he asked, concerned. “Yeah, my hips just hurt,” You tried to lie, although trying to lie to Calum never works. He always found out sooner or later, usually sooner. He stared blankly at you and your mind raced to come up with a lie. But you found nothing. “I, uh, I got my hips, um, pierced…” you slowly said. You braced yourself for a rude comment from him, but all he did was make you pull up your shirt. “Those are sick,” he said after a few moments of staring at your hips. You immediately grinned at him, glad that he liked your new piercing.

Michael: lip

"Michael, you’re late," you solemnly called down the hallway of your house. Silence spread throughout the room before you heard a muffled "shit" and multiple thumps. You rolled your eyes, knowing Michael probably dropped something and tripped a couple times before he could even reach the door of his room. Seconds later, he came barreling down the hallway, tugging a random band t-shirt over his bare chest. He stopped in front of you and gave you a quick kiss while stuffing his feet in his shoes. He took a moment to look at your face; he almost seemed lost in your eyes. His eyes were squinted a little and he had a slight smirk on his face. "Go on," you pushed him toward the door, trying to guide him. He turned around just before he reached the front door. "You look different. Did you do something with your hair? Wait, is that a lip-" Before he could finish his sentence, he slammed into the wall next to the door. You struggled to keep in a laugh as he fumbled for the door handle. "It looks… good!" he slurred before slamming the door behind him. "Oh boy," you mumbled, wondering how you got stuck with him.

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