When You're ILL

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LUKE: Groaning slightly from the achy, intense pain you felt pulsate throughout your body and nerves, you felt Luke's hands wrap around you. "What hurts, baby?" he asked, his voice deep and husky, a hint of worry seeping through. "Tummy and head," you replied, squeezing your eyes shut. Luke freed his hand from underneath the blankets and gently stroked your forehead, his warmth soothing your headache. "Aw, Y/N," he grumbled, kissing the back of your neck and leaving a trail of goose bumps behind. "Let me get some medicine." When he gently loosened his embrace and began rising, you reached your arm out. "No, Luke, it's okay, really," you rambled, not wanting to create a hassle for him. "Shhh, the pain will only get worse, sweetheart," he hushed as he lingered his touch, carefully climbing out of the bed and tucking you into the covers before disappearing into the bathroom. You rubbed your stomach in slow motions in an attempt to soothe the pain before Luke bounced back into the room, a cup of water and medicine in his hands as he gestured you to sit up. "Here," he instructed, as you took a bit of medicine and washed it down with water, his glossy eyes locked on your face to make sure you were feeling alright. "Hopefully that'll make it better," he mumbled, sliding into the space next to you, fluffing the pillows and tucking himself in before again encompassing you in his arms, his hands wandering your stomach and gently rubbing soft ovals. "Luke," you hummed, already feeling more comfy with him flush against you. "What would I do without you?" He giggled softly in response, his warm breath splashing your neck. "I love you so much. Feel better, honey." He whispered, as you felt his head nuzzle into the back of your neck, his sleepy purring filling your ears. "I love you too, Luke," you mumbled softly before falling back asleep in his arms.

ASHTON: "Hey, sweetie," you heard Ashton whisper warmly, his head poking out from the door's crack and his hazel eyes peering in as you stuck your head out of your blankets, smiling tenderly at him. "I brought tea and soup for you, darling." He carefully balanced the mug and bowl as he wandered his way into the room, placing them on the bedside table before flopping down gently beside you on the bed. "How are you feeling?" he asked, softly stroking his hand across your forehead, trailing down to your cheek as he rested his palm against you, his face growing with concern as his eyes gazed into yours. "Still stuffy," you replied, sniffling your nose a bit. "Better now that you're here, though." You placed your hand on top of his and stroked his smooth skin with your thumb, his dimply smile growing widely across his face. "Aw, baby girl," he cooed, his eyebrows turning upwards as he stuck out his bottom lip in a sad face. "I want you to feel better, honey. I'm here for you. Besides, I like playing doctor," he giggled playfully, his body pressing against you providing extra warmth and comfort as you smiled along with him. "Whatever you say, Dr. Irwin," you joked, his giggles filling the space in between you. Your dribbling nose began to itch as you grabbed a tissue and sneezed in a frenzy into it. "Y/N, you need to get some rest, sweetheart," he whispered, his fingers lazily brushing up and down your cheek again, his warm touch soothing your heart. "I'll be right here." He propped himself on the end of the bed as you took sips of the tea and soup, absorbing the warmness, and drifted off to sleep wondering how unbearable it'd be without a boy like Ashton.

CALUM: It was well into the early morning hours when the extreme discomfort shooting from your stomach roused you out of sleep, your head feeling dizzy as you quickly climbed out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, hunching over the toilet as you threw up into it, your throat burning. "Y/N, babe, are you okay?" Calum asked from the doorway, his eyes squinting to the bright light contrast and hurrying his way over, bending down beside you, his fingers gathering your hair into a ponytail as you continued vomiting. "Ugh," you whimpered, your body weak and fragile. "I don't feel well at all, Cal." He began rubbing heavy ovals across your back, soothing your achiness as he hummed gently. "Aw, poor baby," he whispered sympathetically, worry spreading across his face. "I'm here, it'll be okay." You felt your stomach begin to settle slightly, as you tried to stand up on your wobbly legs. "Come on," he said, helping you rise to your feet, his firm arms gently gripping you. "Let's get you back to bed, Y/N." You quickly brushed your teeth before climbing back into bed, snuggling up to a warm Calum as he delicately caressed your back, occasionally asking how you were feeling. "Calum," you hummed, flustering your eyes up to him, his brown puppy-dog eyes gleaming down at you in concern. "Thank you for taking care of me. I didn't mean to wake you, babe." He quickly shook his head as his eyebrows folded. "Shhh, Y/N. I'm always here for you. Now go to sleep, sweetie." His drowsy voice trailed off, and soon you were both asleep encompassed in each other's arms.

MICHAEL: "Got everything," Michael announced as he entered the living room, a grocery bag in his hand as he slid off his coat, throwing his keys onto the coffee table. "Medicine, soup, tea, movies. Oh, and me of course." He joked, raising his eyebrow and flashing a silly smirk. Reclining on the couch, you giggled aloud before breaking out into a coughing fit, your sore throat burning and your eyes watering. "Shit," Michael muttered as he hurried his way over, flopping down beside you with the medicine in his hand. "Take some of this, sweetie." He directed as he poured some of the liquid into the little cup and brought it to your lips. As you felt the gross liquid flush down your throat, you scrunched your face in disgust as Michael crept his hand up to your forehead. "You're burning up, baby girl," he said, his voice rising in distress, leisurely sliding off the blanket you had wrapped yourself in. You whined in response, but let him take care of you, your heart warming to how he always made sure you were okay. "Now let's watch a movie, and you get some rest" he mumbled, pacing over to the television and popping one into the player. He goofily stumbled back to the couch, his face grinning in a silly fashion as he drew you into a hug, your arms wrapping around his chest. "You're gonna get sick, Michael." You warned, his body vibrating as he chuckled softly, his lanky fingers rubbing your skin. "You're so dumb." You joked playfully. "Hey, that just means you'll have to take care of me next," he giggled, planting a small kiss upon your forehead. Before you could respond, he hushed you, "Shhh, the movie's starting." You nuzzled into his chest, your throat still sore as you both watched the movie, eventually falling deep into slumber together.

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