Pushing Him Away

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You never wanted to bother Luke with your problems because he had a lot himself. You always seemed to just go in tot he bedroom and cry until you felt better. Luke noticed one day and came up to you. “Babe, what’s wrong?” he asked panicky. He never liked seeing you sad because he thought you deserved the world. “Nothing. Just stressed from school,” you replied quickly sitting up. It wasn’t completely a lie, you were stressed from school, but that wasn’t the main cause. “Don’t lie, Y/N. Tell me what’s wrong,” he demanded. It wasn’t like Luke to get like this, but it because you were keeping something from him. “I said nothing. Just please,” you sighed,”please drop it.” He jumped up and anger crossed his face. “You never tell me your fucking problems, Y/N. I’m your boyfriend! I should be able to help you, no! You don’t tell me what the problem is,” he shouted. “You keep pushing me away when I try to get close to you,” Luke half whispered. You stood up slowly and hugged him. “I’m sorry. Its just, you have a lot of problems and I don’t want to bother you with mine,” you explained. He looked you in the eyes and said,”You shouldn’t worry about that. I want to listen to your problems.”


Calum was all over you today and every time he tried to kiss your neck, you’d push him away. You guys were now sitting on the couch watching a movie. “This is boring,” he whispered in your ear. “Shut up, Cal. This is my favorite part,” you said pushing his hand off your thigh. He huffed and turned to stare at the wall. “Fucking movie. I never get what I want,” he grumbled to himself. You smirked and turned back to watch the movie. A few minutes later he pinned you to the couch. “Babe!” you whined trying to look at the TV. “No babes. I want a kiss,” he stated gripping your arms tighter. You sighed and pecked his lips quickly. “I kiss you now let me up,” you groaned trying to let yourself up. Calum wasn’t having this, though. “An actual good kiss I meant.” You rolled your eyes. “I will if you let me up.” He slowly let go of you and you pushed him back. “Fuck off, Cal. You don’t get shit now because you made me miss the movie.” You ran off before he could catch you.


It wasn’t that you didn’t like Michael, it was the fact that he was never there. Every time he was home, he tried to spend every waking moment with you. “Babe, wanna hang today?” he asked as soon as you picked up the phone. You didn’t know how to break up with so you kind of just pushed him away. “I’m busy, Michael. I have plans with the girls.” He rolled his eyes. “You’ve had plans with them every day this week.” You didn’t have plans any day this week, but you told him that you did. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry,” you said hanging up. Michael knew something was up, though. He came by an hour later and knocked on the door. You answered in your sweats. “Oh,” was all you said. “Yeah, ‘Oh.’ What the fuck? You probably didn’t have any plans. I’m so stupid. Why are you pushing me away?” You looked down at your feet. “I didn’t know how else to do it. I can’t take when your gone, but I didn’t have the guts to break up with you. Michael, this isn’t working. You’ve been gone and I don’t feel like I have a boyfriend.” He looked at you and said,”You’re breaking up with me. No. You can come on every tour we have. I can’t have you leave me. Please.” You look up and nod. “Promise?” “Promise.”


He beat you at a game and you were pissed. He wasn’t even a gamer, but he still managed to beat you. You sat on the couch and stared at the wall. “Seriously?” he squeaked. You folded your arms and looked down. You knew it was silly, but you were super competitive. He played down on top of you and hugged you. “Cheer up, buttercup. It was a game.” You rolled your eyes and tried to push him off. “Fuck off, Ashton.” He smiled widely. “She speaks!” he announces. This caused you to push harder. He didn’t budge, though. “Get off!” you yell. He put more weight on you. “Say that you’re not mad,” he demanded. “Ashton Fletcher Irwin,” you warn. He just giggled and put more weight down. “Fuck ow. Okay, I’m not mad.” You pushed him again, but this time it worked. You stood up and tried to walk, but he clung to you. “Ashton,” you said pushing him once more.

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