He Walks In On You Changing

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Calum: The immediate crash that follows the soft creak of the door causes you to jump and cover yourself with the nearest object, which happens to be a thin blanket. “Calum!” You  shout, trying to keep the giggles from escaping your lips as you blush furiously and watch him pick himself up from the carpet he had tripped over. “S-Sorry, babe.” He coughs out and you can see a faint blush dusting his cheeks, a rare occurrence for his normally fearless personality. “I was just coming to tell you that the boys are going to be here in about twenty minutes. And since you’re already getting dressed..” His eyes skim up and down your body and he licks his lips unconsciously. It’s a few minutes before he’s realized that he was saying something and claps his hands before looking back up at your eyes. “Yeah. So, I would get dressed before something like this happens again.. It would be much more awkward with one of the boys, don’t you think?” He chuckles as you throw a pillow at him, running out the door and shutting it before continuing to laugh as he walks down the hallway.

Ashton: “Hey, babe-” He trails off and you watch his jaw slacken in the mirror as his eyes trail up and down your body. They skim over your calves, up your thighs and rest on your bum for a moment before moving past up your back and across the smooth curves of your waist before finally trailing up high enough to meet your eyes in the mirror. “Whoops,” He smirks at your blushing face, walking further in to the bedroom until he’s close enough for his hands to brush across your waist. The roughness of his calloused fingertips sends shivers up your spines and you’re blushing furiously as you debate whether to yell or kiss him senselessly. Your mind is made up as soon as his lips attach to your neck and press soft kisses that trail up towards your jaw, his slight stubble tickling your skin as his lips move north. “Don’t drag it out, Ash. Just kiss me already.” You breathe out and he spins you around so quickly that you’re seeing stars when his lips meet yours, soft and urgent against yours as you kiss in the bedroom, your plans for the evening completely forgotten as you savor the feeling of his lips against yours.

Luke: "Holy shit." You see him mouth the words in the mirror, his fair cheeks flooding with a deep pink when he realizes you’ve seen him staring at you. His mouth opens and shuts several times before the words finally come to his tongue and he begins to speak rapidly, stammering as his eyes blink repeatedly while he tries to maintain eye contact through the mirror. You giggle softly and turn around, but his blush just grows deeper when he tries to keep his eyes from trailing to your chest. "I..I was just going to tell you that our reservations are in an hour and we don’t want to be late.. You know, since it’s our first anniversary and all and it would look really bad to arrive late to a restaurant, especially since the press will be there and I’m in 5SOS and-" He realizes he’s rambling and cuts himself off, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment as the blush spreads to the tops of his ears. "It’s okay, Luke." You smile, walking over to hug him and chuckling softly when you hear his intake of breath and feel his rapid heartbeat against your ear. "I don’t mind being a little late." Your lips brush against his ear and it’s only seconds before they’re are pressed against his.

Michael: "And this is our - oh shit." You hear him fumbling with his phone and eventually dropping it, assuming that the keek has stopped recording and he’s preparing to start a new one. You finish shimmying in to your jeans and turn around to smirk at him, your arms crossed over your bra-clad chest as you stare up at his blushing face. "I didn’t know you would be finished so quickly." He stammers as he tries to keep his eyes from roaming your body. You could see him struggling and laugh before unfolding your arms and dropping them to your sides. "You’ve got ten seconds." His jaw drops at your proposal but he complies, and butterflies fill your stomach as you watch his eyes trail down to your toes and back up, resting on your chest for a few extra seconds before returning to meet your gaze. "Okay. I’m going to go redo the keek, and you.. You should probably get dressed before I do something I’ll regret later." You laugh out loud before kissing his cheek and turning around to get dressed, chuckling softly to yourself as you relive the past few moments. There’s definitely no such thing as a normal moment with that boy.

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