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Bella gave a meek wave to follow her bashful greeting. This enigma of a woman didn't seem to mind though. It also didn't seem to register to her that the two of them were strangers because she quickly came up to Bella and wrapped her up in a big hug.

"Please don't give up on him," Elena whispered into Bella's hair. The raven-haired women was an inch shorter than Bella so she had to lean on her toes to whisper in her ear, but she had an athletic figure. Fittingly, her hug was bone crushing. She only let go when Bella gave a grunt of discomfort.

"Whoops." She chuckled and quickly released Bella. Once she was free, Bella felt her ribs expanding back to where they should have been. "Don't want to break the Luna on her first day." Elena tried to joke but neither Bella nor Lucian laughed. It wasn't that Bella didn't find her funny, she was just so caught off guard with this women's strong personality. How is she friends with her big troll of a mate?

"It's alright." Bella said and quickly remembered to add a smile at the end of her sentence. Elena smiled back but it quickly vanished. Before Bella could start to wonder if she did something wrong, Elena turned to face Lucian.

"Shoo." She said and waved her hands at him. Bella's jaw dropped from watching not only this women boss around her aggressive, entitled mate but also that he obeyed her. "And don't linger like your mate was!" Elena called once he reached the doorway. His hulking figure froze for a split second as Bella felt her cheeks heat up.

Once Elena seemed to be sure that Lucian wasn't lurking around anywhere, she turned back to Bella with a smile. She quickly grabbed Bella's hand and pulled her towards the sofa. Once the girls sat down Elena turned towards Bella with an excited smile plastered on her smooth face.

"So how did you meet?"

"He tackled me to the ground and yelled 'Mine!'" Bella responded without even blinking. Her face was as flat as her voice and it didn't change when Elena's brows furrowed.

"He didn't talk to you before then?" If Bella didn't know any better she'd think that Elena was sad that Bella and Lucian didn't meet in some grand romantic way. Didn't she know Lucian? There's no way he'd make some big gesture for her. Heck, he didn't even introduce himself. At least not until he basically kidnapped her and tried to force her into his bed, in the nonsexual kind of way. Bella would sooner jump out the window than let him do anything to her.

"I actually thought this other guy was my true mate." Her mind flashed back to the dead body on the stretcher. His blank eyes staring up at the cloudless sky. Lucian's face flashed in her mind quickly after that as he watched the dead wolf pass by. Not a hint of remorse danced across his features.

"Wow, sounds like some complicated love story you have going on here." Elena joked but Bella frowned.

"There's no love between us and there never will be." She said resolutely. Elena looked disheartened and went to object but Bella put a hand up to stop her. "I'll admit he's aesthetically pleasing and this 'mate bond' is prevalent, but there's nothing more. That man is a monster. A sick twisted soul trapped in an attractive body."

"But you have to wonder why he's like this. His hearts tainted, but it didn't just get that way overnight. He's had it hard and, no matter how you feel, I'm so happy he found you." At the confession of Lucian's troubled life, Bella's mind trickled back to the conversation between Elena and Lucian that she stealthily overheard.

"Who were you talking about before?" Elena's face dropped and she physically moved away from Bella's question. She opened her mouth to reply, leaving Bella hanging on her unspoken words, but Elena quickly clamped her mouth shut.

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