If You Could Ever Love Me

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"What can we do for you, Luna?" The she-wolf that Bella saved, also known as Amethyst, asks as she passes Bella a rabbits leg. After the group of Omegas found out Bella was their Luna, they quickly held a lunch for all of them. Good thing too, since Bella hadn't managed to eat any breakfast.

Bella forced a smile as she accepted the leg. She only usually eats rabbits when she's a wolf, but Omegas are known to eat such creatures while in their human form. 13 full grown wolves were gathered around a rickety long table in the single room of Amethyst's house. Apparently, this was the most formal kitchen in this part of the pack. While Bella noticed the dirt covered floor and cramped space, she forgot to answer the question. That was until Val subtly elbowed her.

"Oh, I just wanted to get aquatinted with the area. Thank you so much for hosting lunch, I'm starved." Of course, her stomach chose that moment to try and imitate the lion that roared out before an older movie started. The room became deadly silent until Val couldn't hold in her chuckled anymore and everyone started to laugh.

Bella looked around at the sunken faces that surrounded the table. The lighting in there was quite terrible. If her father was here he'd be yapping on about not being able to see a thing. A small smile tugged at the thought of her father, she had to remember to give them a call soon.

"So, Luna, how do you like the pack so far?" A male Omega asked. Bella hasn't quite managed to get all of their names, she thinks his started with an 'r' or something. Bella thought back to the question at hand.

"There are some things I want to try and change... Most likely starting with your housing and treatment here." Everyone, including Val, froze in place. One wolf even dropped their rabbit's leg from their mouth. Bella looked around at all the shocked faces. Was it that surprising? Had she offended any of them? "I didn't mean-"

But she was quickly interrupted with loud cheers from all the adults. The lunch was quickly abandoned as the Omegas all got up and started dancing around. Bella laughed, ignoring the thunderstruck Valenthia beside her. Amethyst quickly came over and embraced Bella in a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh! I knew from the moment I met you, you were the Goddess in disguise." Bella had only said one sentence. She had yet to even implement anything and they were already so happy. Looking around at all these dancing people, she knew they deserved a change, and hell she was going to give it to them if it was the last thing she did.

The Omegas basically threw an impromptu celebration. After quickly eating their meals they headed outside where the children were playing and announced the news to them. Bella and Val then proceeded to be thanked by every Omega in the pack, the youngest being a small 2-year-old who gave Bella a childish grin.

As the evening wore on, Omega parents rounded up their children to bring inside and Bella and Val were left with Amethyst and a few other adults.

"I really hope I wasn't overstepping by intruding in your homes and talking about changing things-" But Bella wasn't able to get the rest out.

"Nonsense. It's about time for some change. The treatment of Omegas started long before any of us was born. It's gotten socialized into everyone's brain that we are beneath them. You are like a breath of fresh air." The Omega whose name most likely started with an 'r' said, his arm wrapped around Amethyst.

"I don't know how quickly I can start improving things, but-" Amethyst once again cut off Bella by grabbing her hand and encompassing it in hers. They were lucky Bella was lenient for a wolf of such status. It was considered unthinkable to cut off a Luna while she was speaking.

"Just by speaking about it you've done more for us than any other wolf in this pack. Thank you, Luna."

Bella and Valenthia waved goodbye as they started to head back towards the central part of the pack territory. It was only fair that Bella let Valenthia get in a little work today, even if it was the late afternoon already. Just as they were leaving the Omega area, they caught the scent of multiple wolves headed their way, fast, and if the intoxicating scent that accompanied it was anything to go by, Bella's mate was with them.

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