Chapter 4

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Jade's POV

"So I got a call today," I start, "aaaannnnnddddd?" Jason urges me to continue. "And it was the hospital." I finish. "Why did they call exactly?" he asks, very impatiently may I add. "My father has died J." I tell him, not quite sure how he will react. I know he hates my father's guts, considering the whole kidnapping incident a few years ago, and the nightmares he comforts me from. "Well that is fantastic huh?" he says, excitement laced through his voice. "But that's not all," I whisper, as I look up at Blake and Mother. I see Mother looking at me, tears in her eyes, and Blake, with a questioning look on his face. I guess Mother is still feeling guilty, which she should, but we still need to work on that. "What is it, is it bad?" Jason asks, now as confused as Blake is. "Oh yeah, I am just not quite sure how you will take this, it is kind of big." I say, and that when I get an idea. "Hey babe, meet me at Mum and Dad's house in 30, I will explain there. I just want to only have to explain it once. I love you." I say, letting him reply before hanging up. I then stand, tugging Mother up with me. "C'mon. This won't happen unless my family approves, so come along." I say, pulling them out of the hospital room. I remember Mum doesn't know I'm coming, so I call her as I get in the car.

"Hey Mum... yeah I'm doing fine. Is it okay if Jason and I swing by real quick?... Yeah, oh and I have two other guests... Okay, be there in 15... Okay, love you more." I say real quick, before hanging up. "Where exactly are we going?" I hear Blake ask from the backseat of my Buick. "You two, are going to meet my Mom and Dad, and little sister, and boyfriend." I reply back. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mother look down at her hands.

As I come to a stoplight, I turn they radio on. I giggle when I hear the song Mum, Dad, and I wrote and recorded. Still giggling, I sing along to my part, enjoying hearing the song on the radio. When it ends, the MC comes on, I squeal when I hear what she says. "And that right there was the number 1 song of the Hits 1 weekend countdown! Give it up for Saving A Life." I clap, squeal, and even do a little happy dance. I see Blake raise an eyebrow, well I guess he doesn't know who I am, or what I do. "My favorite song okay!" I say, defending myself. His reply made me laugh so hard, I almost started crying. "You know, you are a really good singer. You should try to get a record deal or something." He states, completely clueless. As I pull up to Mum's house, I finally recover from my laughing fit. They both are looking at me with "Are you insane?" looks. I just shake my head. "You have no idea." I say as I get out.

They stare at the flat, as if it would eat them or something. "Ya coming?" I ask, walking up the stairs. "Are your adopted parents rich?" Blake says, emphasizing rich. "You could say that, and one, they are my parents. They have been more of a parent to me than my birth parents combined. No offense. And two, don't freak our too much." I say glancing at my mother, then Blake. Who knows, he could love dad's music or have a crush on mum for all I know.

As I walk in, I scream- "OH MY GAWD. I AM IN. I REPEAT I AM IN TAYLOR AND ED SHEERAN'S HOUSE. OH MY GAWD." I see Mum come around the corner, an amused look on her face. It is then replaced with a smile as she comes to hug me. "Oh Jade. We've missed you." She says, pinching my cheeks. "Mum, I babysat Abs yesterday, meaning you saw me YESTERDAY." I say to my foolish mother. Dad then comes down, a baseball bat in his hands. I look at him with an "Are you kidding me." face. He sees its only me, and blushes, setting the bat down. I then jump into his arms. "DADDY" I screech. He groans, putting me down. "You are getting a little big for that Jade." He says, looking down at me. I gasp, putting a hand over my chest, faking hurt. "Are you calling me fat?" I say, causing him to laugh. He then grabs me, tickling me until I can't breath. I then look in front of me, and see Mother and Blake looking awkward. I was about to introduce them, when I heard my name being called, and turned just in time to see the red hair flying towards me. I catch Abby, spinning her around, as she giggles.

"Jade would you like to introduce me to your friends?" Mum asks, looking at my mother suspiciously. "Wait for Jas- oh there he is. Jason come here, I would like you to meet someone." I say, motioning for Jason, who just walked in, to come by me. He takes Abigail, then looks at me expectantly.

"Okay, well this is my birth mother, and my brother." I say, receiving a bunch of gasps in return, and then a growl.

AN: Can we get 75 reads? If so, that would be fantabulous! Hope you are enjoying this story! Stay beautiful xoxo:)

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