Chapter 14

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Ed's POV

I sit up from the couch when I hear yelling come from the front of the house. I come into the hallway to see Jason towering over Jade. She was whimpering, on the floor, and she tried to get as far away from him as possible. I start running over, saving my baby girl, when I hear her speak. "No, please, Father stop. I didn't mean to do it, I swear." She whispers, almost not even heard. She then tries to get closer to the wall, but she is already as close as possible. I see Jason raise his hand up, about to strike and that's when I pounce. I take him to the ground, punching him as hard as I can. His nose is already gushing blood, and then he starts fighting back. I feel blood fill my mouth, and I get up off him. I grab him, hurl him out of the house, slam the door, then go to check on my baby. Taylor is already next to her, but Jade isn't there. Physically yes, mentally, well that was a different story. She was shaking, still in a ball on the floor, as she whimpers and cries. She then lets out a ear piercing scream, and starts screaming. "NO FATHER, NO STOP PLEASE. I FORGOT TO MAKE DINNER, I AM SORRY. I COULDNT REACH ANY OF THE DISHES. NO NO NOOOO." She screams, eyes screwed closed. She then goes limp, barely breathing, and that's when I grab her, rushing to the car, Taylor close behind.

Jade's POV

*few minutes earlier*

"What are you doing here?" I scream at Jason. Here he was, standing at the door, like nothing happened. He smirks, sending shivers down my spine. "Oh come on babe, come back to the apartment. I didn't mean it, I love you, not her. I swear baby, come back." He says, he doesn't sound sorry at all though, which is quite funny because of the words coming out of his mouth. "Um, no offence but you are a no-good dirtbag, so I would rather not. I ended it with you, so just give up. I meant it, now leave." I say, before trying to shut the door. He stops me, before he practically growls. "No. You are coming with me. Now." Before he grabs my arm. I slap him, and his hand drops from my arm. "NO. Don't touch me." I hiss, as I start to walk away. "HOW DARE YOU SLAP ME." Jason roars, spinning me around. I slap him again, "I SAID- DON'T TOUCH ME." I scream. He then slaps me, sending me to the floor. With my cast, it is quite hard to balance. I cower into the wall, whimpering in fear. He towers over me, reminding me of all those years, years ago. Father, standing over me, ready to slap me silly. When I look up, all I see is his face, everywhere, and that is when I am not even there anymore. As I fall oblivious to the world, I hear dad take Jason down, and mum soon crouches beside me, but its too late.

"NO, Father please! I will clean the kitchen right now! Don't hurt Abby!" I cry. I try to take my father's attention off of Abby, after all, she is only seven months. She can't take much, especially after last night. Finally, my father turns to me, his eyes are blood shot, and he has this evil looking smirk on his face. He then walks up to me, slapping me right across the face. I whimper, not letting myself cry out. I need to be strong, for me, and for Abs. I look up, just to see his face, causing me to flinch. He pulls me up by my hair, before throwing me into the wall. I fall to the floor, crying out in pain. It is too much, it hurts too bad. Why can't I just fall asleep and never wake up?

I am awakened from my thoughts by a kick in the stomach, causing me to groan. Finally, father is satisfied, walking to the door. He slams it, leaving me, barely able to move, and Abigail, oblivious to it all. Lucky baby.

"Jade, wake up baby." I hear someone's voice. I try to open my eyes, but it hurts so bad, it is getting harder and harder to breath, and finally, I just give up. Thank goodness, sleep to take away the pain.

AN: So so sorry for the late update! I am currently out of town, but I will try to write some more tomorrow! Love you guys:)  

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