Chapter 5

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Jade's POV

Faster than I could blink, Jason was on top of Blake, screaming at him. "AND WHERE WERE YOU HUH? WERE YOU BEING BEATEN TOO? OR WERE YOU SITTING THERE FINE, WHILE MY JADEBUG WAS BEATEN THE CRAP OUT OF, MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY SCARRING HER FOR LIFE?" he screams at him, not hitting him, just on top and screaming. It was quite entertaining actually, but I decided to end it. I gave Mum Abby, before I put my hand on Jason's shoulder. I was surprised when he pushed me away, knocking me off my feet. I fell, hitting my head on the ground, enough to make me cry out in pain. When Jason hears that, he turns, shock on his face. "Jadie, I didn't mean to do that, I swear." He says, but he layer his hand on me. Sure he didn't know what he was doing, but that doesn't mean he won't do it again. "Stay away." I say calmly, tears in my eyes and wetting my cheeks. He gets nearer, reaching his hand out to me. "STAY AWAY." I yell, backing away, visions of my father coming back. It was all too much, mother, Blake, then this. I see hurt on Jason's face, and he reaches his hand out again. He touches my cheek, causing me to scream as I go into a full on flashback.

"Jade! Did you clean the kitchen like I told you too?" my father screams up the stairs. I'm hidden in my closet, praying he won't look here. I was going to clean the kitchen, but Father had beaten me so much the time before he left, I couldn't move. Since I couldn't get down the stairs, I couldn't clean, therefore disobeying. As I coward in the corner, I cry, frightened for what will happen when he finds me. As I start my sixth prayer, the closet door is ripped open, showing a really, REALLY mad, drunk Father. He was angry, no explaining could fix this. "There you are you little rat!" he screams at me, grabbing my hair and pulling me out of the closet. As scream, and it feels like my hair is being ripped out of my skull. As punishment for my screaming, he slaps me, causing me to whimper. He then hits, kicks, slams, and punches, each one causing new pain to shoot through my body. I whimper, just setting him off again. I gasp, as I see what he pulls from his jacket. I scamper away, shocked, that he even thought, to bring out a knife. Was he going to stab me? I whimper, making him start to scream at me again. "YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BRAT. YOU WANT TO CRY? WELL HONEY, I WILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY AND SCREAM ABOUT, THAT IS FOR SURE." He yells, walking closer and closer with the knife. He then plunges it in my leg, and I scream, but then, the world turns black.

Jason's POV

I didn't ever mean to hurt her, seeing her with fear in her eyes as she came towards me just broke my heart, but not as much as her screaming and whimpering she was doing because of the flashback I sent her into. She hasn't had one in a few months, and here we are with her in it again. As she screams, I just sob. That thing in her mind, controlling her thoughts, just didn't let her see it was real. She was living it all over again, and it was my fault. They are practically impossible to wake her up from, we just have to sit it out, and be there for when she wakes. But, that doesn't mean we don't try to snap her out of it. Taylor, Ed, and I all talk into her ear, saying things like "Its just a flash back Jadiepoo, wake up honey. Its not real." As we coo into her ear, her mother and brother stand there, mouths open, just watching in shock. Her mother has tears in her eyes, when really she helped get her into this state. If they hadn't abused her, she wouldn't be in this situation. But, she also probably wouldn't be here, so I can thank her for that.

I look up, as Jade gives the loudest, most ear piercing scream yet, before falling silent. I have her head in my lap, tears in my eyes. She opens her eyes, and whimpers. She cuddles into me, just crying into my shirt as I rock her back and forth. When she finishes, she stands. "Get. Out. Now." She says, pointing towards the door. I think she's talking to me, but when I look up, she is glaring daggers at her mother and brother. "But, Jade..." her mother starts, but is quickly interrupted by Jade. "I said, get. Out. NOW." She yells. As her brother starts to talk, she starts ranting. "I DO NOT NEED YOU. I HAVE A FAMILY. I HAVE A PERFECT MUM, DAD, SISTER, AND BOYFRIEND. YOU-" pointing at her brother, "WERE NEVER THERE FOR ME. SURE YOU LIVED WITH UNCLE, THEN AN ORPHANAGE, THEN A PERFECT FAMILY, BUT YOU COULD HAVE CHECKED UP ON ME. BUT NO. THEN YOU-" she points at her mother, "IF YOU REALLY LOVED ME, YOU WOULD HAVE TAKEN ME AND RAN AWAY A LONG TIME AGO, NOT LET IT CONTINUE. SO, AS I SAID BEFORE, GET OUT NOW." She screams, before getting in my arms, letting me hug her. I'm glad she isn't mad about earlier, I guess her flashback made her realize something, I just don't know what.

AN: got some little flashback action huh? LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU GUYS! Goal- 100 reads? xoxo ~Rach

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