Chapter 23

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Jade's POV

"'So who did you meet?' I hear a demanding voice say. Groaning, I spin around to come face to face with...

Becca! "BECCA!!!" I scream, running towards her and hugging her. I then grab her hand and sprint up to my room, yelling a quick 'hi' to Mum and Dad. I jump onto my bed, dragging Bec with me. "Gossip time!" we say at the exact same time, before I gesture for her to begin. "So how have you been? How is uni?" I ask, excited to see my best friend. With tour, her schooling, and just life, we have only been able to meet for coffee a couple times. Now she was here! "Ok, but you have to answer my questions after." she says, and I nod for her to start. "Well uni is really fun, my roomate is just awesome, and there are a lot of cute boys!" she squeals. I sigh, I love my life and everything, but sometimes I wish I could have a normal life, not one that is broadcasted by every magazine and website out there ya know? But I wouldn't trade it for the world. "Sooooo, have ya made any guy friends if ya know what I mean?" I say, raising my eyebrow up. She blushes and I gasp. "YOU HAVE!" I practically shout. I pat her arm until she gives me the details. "Fineeee," she finally gives in, and I start bouncing. "Hi name is Luke, and we ran into each other at a party one night. Like literally, I ran into him on the stairs and knocked him over. He then asked me out, and I said yes, because you know, I felt bad for running into him. The date went great, and we have been on a couple more. He finally asked me to be his girlfriend two days ago, on our last date." I giggle, before bouncing, gesturing for her to tell me about the date. "Ughh, you better give me this much detail!" she laughs, before continuing about her date. "This will sound so cliche, but he blind folded me. We drove for around 20 minutes, just talking. We finally arrived at this beautiful little pond, there were lights in the trees, and a perfect table for two. there were candles and it was absoluetly perfect." she sighs, getting a dreamy look on her face as she talked about it. I started to tune out more and more, just getting deeper and deeper in my thoughts. I thought about Triston and how captivating his eyes were, that perfect shade. It made my knees we... "Jade!" "Wha-ha-whu" I make a series of noises when I get snapped out of my thoughts. I forward to see Becca staring at me. She was smiling deviously. "What?" I narrow my eyes at her. "You have a crush, I can see it. Who what when where why. All the details girl." she says, before leaning back into my pillows. "So I was walking in the park, when, well you know how clumsy I am, but I tripped, and this boy with the most beautiful blue eyes caught me." I continue on about how Triston and I met, talking about Tracy and even his mum. She hangs onto every word, and I just ejoy it. I missed having someone to talk to. It was nice to just let it all out, to someone that wasn't my mom. I finish my story, and she just sits there (mentally planning our wedding I bet), before her head shoots up. "How can you have a crush on Triston if Jason is still your boyfriend?" My mouth falls open when I realize that I never told her about Jason. "We broke up." I say, with no expression on my face. She gasps, almost falling off the bed. "WHAT?! YOU WERE GOING TO GET MARRIED AND I JUST, HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS?" she starts ranting, pacing, as I sit there and watch. She finally calms down and sits, waiting for me to explain. I go over how the whole 'meeting my birth mom and brother' and whatnot didn't go quite well. I explain the times he lay his hand on me, and that is when I decided to end it. She looks at me sympathetically, before pulling me to the living room and we start out movie marathon.

AN: yes I have not posted. I am currently in Colorado, and I was going to write on the way there, but ended up reading and finishing my book so yeah that didn't happen, but here is Chapter 23!

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