Chapter 18: Tell Me About the Ex

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Tristan ran his hands through his hair and sighed deeply. It had been a long morning in court, ending in their favor, and now he had rushed back to the office to meet Doyle to go over contracts he'd been sent from the network. Doyle had asked him to look them over before he signed them. Tristan spotted Doyle as he walked through the lobby of his office.

"Doyle, sorry I'm running a bit behind. Come on back with me," Tristan greeted him.

"Thanks, Tristan. I appreciate you meeting with me on such short notice. The network just e-mailed these contracts to me and they'd like me to overnight them back, but I thought it best to have them looked at before I signed them."

"It's always a good idea. Have a seat," Tristan instructed him as they arrived in his office.

Tristan began reading through the contract while Doyle sat and waited quietly. After Tristan finished the last page he slid it back over to Doyle.

"I don't see any problems with signing it as written," Tristan told him just as his phone beeped. He stood up and took his phone out of his slacks pocket, smiling when he saw the incoming text from Rory.

"Sorry, man, that's Rory. Give me just one second," Tristan said as he typed out a reply and hit send.

"No worries. How are things going there?" Doyle asked.

"They're mostly good. We had a small hiccup this morning, but otherwise things are better than I ever dreamed," Tristan replied with a broad grin.

"Paris hasn't quit talking about how perfect the two of you are together since Rory visited."

"It's pretty unreal."

"So no major issues as of yet?"

"No, nothing major, although it's only been two days. She got a little frustrated with me this morning, but I think we worked through it. You were around when she and Logan were together, weren't you?" Tristan asked.

"Saw it all first-hand."

"I handed her my credit card this morning to use today while she's out shopping with Steph and she kind of freaked out on me. She said she always felt like Logan was trying to buy her affections or forgiveness," Tristan said.

"There's no question about that. I believe he truly cared about her, but his answer to everything was to throw money at it. He rented a coffee cart for her once as an apology. He constantly showered her with gifts and extravagances, like a Birkin bag. They had some really good times together, but they also had some really bad times as well. They started their relationship while both seeing other people. Just before he committed to her, he went MIA for two weeks. He slept with his sister's entire bridal party while he and Rory were fighting and taking some time apart. It was a rollercoaster for everyone around them."

"Wow, that's really shitty," Tristan replied.

"It is. And according to Paris, since they reconnected a couple of years ago, he's been really bad about trying to spend his way into her good graces because he couldn't commit. Paris is thrilled that Rory finally kicked him to the curb."

"I am, too," Tristan beamed. "It still seems a bit unreal."

"I've been married to Paris for years and it still feels that way at times; I'm just not sure if it's good or bad," Doyle chuckled. "Well, I need to head back to New York, and I'm sure you want to get back home to Rory as well. I appreciate your help."

"Happy to do it. Let me know if you need anything else."


Tristan had just sat down on his couch when he heard the front door open.

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