Chapter 78: The Tangled Web

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A/N: Thank you all for your patience for this update.  I don't plan on it being that long again, but life got in the way.  I have a son with a full-leg cast, a husband with an injured back, and I worked a ton of overtime this week, so there just wasn't time for writing.  With that being said, enjoy the newest installment!  If you have ideas for the story, leave a comment or message me.  I always love your input!

Rory walked into her office on Monday morning and stopped at Kimberly's desk on her way in.  She sat a cup of coffee down on Kimberly's desk and stood there and stared at her until she looked up.

"Can I help you?" Kimberly smirked.  She knew what Rory wanted, but she was going to make her work for it. 

"My office, now!" Rory ordered with a mock-stern look and a giggle.  Kimberly picked up her cup of coffee and followed Rory into her office.  The minute they walked in, Rory closed the door behind her and sat down in one of her visitor chairs.  Kimberly sat down next to her and took her time sipping her coffee, enjoying making Rory squirm as she waited impatiently.

"So, how are you this morning?" Kimberly asked with a smile.

"I'm fantastic.  What I want to know is how you're doing.  You and Neil looked awfully cozy Saturday night, and you two disappeared together at the end of the night," Rory said as she eyed her friend.  "Now, spill!"

"Well, you introduced us and we started talking.  I found myself really enjoying his company, and then after the scene with Logan went down he told me about his ex and the end of their marriage.  He came back home with me Saturday night and we stayed up talking half the night and then he slept on the couch.  We spent all day Sunday together - we had brunch and continued getting to know each other.  He left early this morning to go back to Boston, but he asked if he could take me out this weekend," Kimberly shared excitedly.

"So you really like him?  He seems like a great guy, and I'd hate for him to get hurt again," Rory said softly.

"Yeah, I really do.  He's intelligent and witty and funny.  And have you seen the man?!  He's gorgeous!" Kimberly admitted with a laugh.  "And let me tell you, the man can kiss, too."

Rory held up her hands and laughed at her friend's enthusiasm.  "I don't think I need to hear anything else about how he kisses," chuckled Rory.  "You look happy, though," she admitted.

"Well, I'm certainly not unhappy.  It's early still - we don't even have our first official date until this weekend - but I'm optimistic.  I'm really excited to get to know him better and spend more time with him.  He already sent me a text letting me know he'd arrived at home safely and telling me that he hopes I have a good day."

"Men like Tristan and Neil are hard to find - men who know what they want and don't play games, who are willing to fight for what's important to them, and who treat you well.  I hope it does work out for you," Rory replied with a smile. 

*                    *                    *

Logan jumped as his office door swung open and hit the wall.  Mitchum slammed the door behind him and eyed his son suspiciously.

"Would you care to tell me where the hell you've been?  We discussed you going to see Honor and the kids last weekend, but you were supposed to be back in the office by Tuesday at the latest," Mitchum said tersely.

"Good morning to you, too, Mitchum," Logan groaned.  "I was visiting some friends and had some personal business to tend to." 

"This personal business wouldn't happen to have anything to do with a certain woman from your past, would it?  Perhaps one that I saw dining with you here in London not so long ago?"  Mitchum had long had his suspicions that Logan was seeing Rory again, but he didn't yet have any hard proof.

Logan's body tensed at the mention of Rory, and he eyed his father angrily as he considered his words carefully.  "There's nothing going on between Rory and I.  She's moved on; she doesn't need me anymore," he almost whispered.  It hurt just to utter those words.

Mitchum softened a bit at seeing his son's obvious pain.  He switched gears and sat down in the chair across from Logan's desk. 

"You know that Odette is the right woman for you to marry.  Her family is quite influential and we well-off financially as ours.  This is a good match, Logan," Mitchum encouraged him.

Logan sighed and ran his hands through his hair.  "You really still believe that?  Rory's family is influential - even more so than ours - and she'll soon be worth more than we are, too," Logan said tersely.  He was so tired of trying to help his family see Rory in a different light.

Mitchum chuckled and shifted in his seat.  "You can't seriously believe that her family is as influential as ours, son.  You have been blinded by what you think is love."

"You only know what you want to know," Logan said in frustration.  "You and Shira never bothered to get to know Rory well enough to know that her father is Christopher Hayden.  She's the sole heir to the Hayden and Gilmore families."

Mitchum's jaw dropped in shock as he considered this new information.  Surely it couldn't be true that he and Shira had shunned the Hayden heir.  "You can't be serious?" he asked quietly.

"I'm completely serious, Mitchum.  And I had the opportunity to still have her in my life, but when you and Shira decided to announce my engagement to Odette she broke things off."

Mitchum's mind was racing.  His son had been involved with the Hayden family.  This could be even better than Logan and Odette marrying.  "It's not too late, son.  If you chose to marry Rory rather than Odette, your mother and I could support that," Mitchum offered.

Logan laughed and shook his head at his father.  "It's too late.  She's moved on - she's actually engaged now.  I saw her while I was in the States, but it didn't go well.  And she's pregnant.  I was there when she found out that she's pregnant," Logan whispered sadly.

Mitchum's ears perked up at that admission.  Yes, a baby to unite the Gilmore, Hayden and Huntzberger families would do nicely.  "Get her back, son.  Do whatever it takes.  Marry Rory Gilmore-Hayden and your mother and I will back off and let you live your own life," Mitchum said before getting up and walking out of the office.

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