Chapter 55: Celebrations Galore

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"There you two are! We were wondering if we needed to send out a search party," Michelle joked as Tristan and Rory walked back to the group. "Did you two have a nice walk?"

"It was perfect," Rory replied softly, still smiling from the events of the last half hour. Tristan pulled her closer and smiled at her.

"The fireworks are about to start. Will you hold me, Aunt Mary?" Kayla asked, running up to Tristan and Rory excitedly.

"Of course I will," Rory chuckled. Kayla weaseled her way in between Tristan and Rory, pulling their hands apart so she could hold their hands instead. As soon as she put her hand in Rory's, she looked up puzzled.

"Wait a minute, that wasn't there earlier," Kayla said quizzically, holding Rory's hand up for inspection. "My mommy has a ring like that. Where did it come from?"

Everyone's eyes snapped to Rory and Tristan, who were standing there looking at each other, smiling happily.

"Is that..." Michelle trailed off, looking at Tristan questioningly, just as Abby squealed, "You did it?!"

Tristan chuckled and moved behind Rory, wrapping his arms around her. "I guess we don't have to wonder how we should announce it now, huh? To answer your questions - yes, Mom, it is. And yes, Abby, I did. This beautiful woman is now my fiancée," Tristan said proudly before leaning down to kiss her on the cheek. He watched as everyone's faces registered the announcement and their expressions turned to happily excited smiles.

"Oh my gosh, this is amazing!" Abby squealed, instantly flying across the deck to hug Tristan and Rory. "I've always wanted a sister, and now I get you!"

"Thank you, Abby," Rory said, laughing. "I think having you for a sister will be amazing - I already feel like we're family."

Chandler and Michelle were right behind Abby, waiting to congratulate the newly-engaged couple.

"Welcome to the family, Rory! We couldn't be happier for you and Tristan. This is amazing news," Michelle gushed as she and Chandler hugged them both.

"Thank you so much. It's still a little surreal, but I'm so happy. Tristan is everything to me," Rory admitted.

"Well, I think this calls for a celebration!" Max said. "Charlie and I will go get champagne and glasses and we can all toast to the happy couple."

The group was abuzz with conversation over the new development, and soon Max and Charlie returned as promised. They passed around glasses of champagne and Chandler stepped forward and held his glass up. The group grew silent and he spoke.

"Son, I knew the moment that you told me about reconnecting with your Mary that you were a goner, and now that we've met her we can all see why you love her so much. Your mom and I are incredibly happy for you, and we're proud of the man you've become. We couldn't be more pleased with who you've chosen to share your life with, and we look forward to many years of marriage for you both. May you look back in forty years and realize that today was the day you loved each other the least. To Tristan and Rory!" Chandler offered.

Everyone toasted the couple and then turned their attention toward the fireworks that had just begun. Tristan led Rory, and by extension Kayla, over to the seating area and settled onto the sofa with Rory tucked under his arm and Kayla in Rory's lap.

"See, they love you. Your family grew tonight; you're part of the Dugrey family now, too" he whispered.

*                    *                    *

Rory rolled over in bed Wednesday morning and smiled as she saw the gorgeous ring adorning her finger. It really was stunning. She smiled and kissed Tristan's bare chest. They'd stayed up until the wee hours of the morning making love to celebrate their new engagement.

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