Chapter 64: Suspicions

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"Hey there, little brother!" Honor said happily as she opened the front door and greeted Logan Friday evening. "I can't believe you're actually here - it's been forever. What's the occasion?"

"Can't I just want to see my sister, brother-in-law and nephews?" Logan smirked.

"You can, but I don't think that's what's going on here for even one minute. You never visit us. Get in here, but mark my words - I will figure out what you're up to," Honor said, eyeing her brother suspiciously.

"Geez, hopefully the rest of the family is more welcoming than you are," he teased as he saw two little bundles of energy flying his direction. He quickly braced himself and laughed as Evan and Micah ran into his arms, almost knocking him down. "How are my two favorite boys?" he asked with a smile.

"Are you staying with us, Uncle Logan?" Ethan asked.

"I am - I'll be here for a few days, at least," Logan confirmed.

"Awesome! Can we build a pillow fort later?" Micah asked.

"I think we can probably do that, boys," replied Logan.

"Hey, Logan. Good to see you, man. I was surprised when Honor told me that you were coming," Josh said as he walked in the room.

"What can I say - I thought it was way past time for me to come visit the family," Logan said.

"Well, we're glad to have you. I had planned on golfing tomorrow morning. I'd love for you to come along, if you'd like?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, that sounds great," Logan agreed.

*                    *                    *

"I'll be home by noon so we can leave for Ocean Beach. Your mom and Luke are meeting us here, right?" Tristan asked.

"Yeah, they should get here right around when you do. Have fun golfing with Colin, babe. I love you," Rory said, leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss Tristan goodbye.

"And you have fun at the gym, you gym rat," he teased, kissing her on the forehead.

"It's all your fault," she reminded him jokingly. "I'll see you when you get back."

She grabbed the keys to the Maserati and walked out behind Tristan, them both going their own separate ways at the end of the driveway. Tristan turned toward the country club and arrived a few short minutes later. He immediately spotted Colin and grabbed his clubs from the back of the Escalade and then walked over to join him. They were standing there preparing to tee off when he heard a voice that made him stop in his tracks.

"Colin and Tristan? What are the chances?" Logan said with a smile, walking over and embracing them both in a manly hug.

"Logan? I didn't realize you were in the States," Tristan said.

"I thought it was way past time to visit Honor's family, and I have some things to tend to here in the US. You two playing this morning, I assume?" asked Logan.

"Yeah, I thought we would get in nine holes before I head out for the rest of the weekend," Tristan answered.

"Let's all play together, then. It's been awhile since we've all gotten to catch up," said Logan.

"Umm...sure, that would be great," Tristan answered hesitantly.

They all moved to the first hole and Logan began talking as they teed off.

"So, Tristan, still have your harem of ladies at your disposal?" Logan asked.

", actually. I just got engaged on the Fourth of July, but I haven't had a harem of ladies in a long time - since way before Sarah. I'm an honest man now and loving every minute of it," Tristan replied with a laugh.

"I guess it's just Colin and Finn upholding the proud tradition of being ladies' men, then," Logan replied.

"It's just Finn now. I asked Steph to marry me last weekend," Colin said with a smile.

"No kidding, man? It's about damn time. I guess we're all committed men now," Logan said. "So, who's the lucky girl, Tristan?"

Tristan exchanged a nervous look with Colin before answering. "Do you remember me talking about Mary after I left Chilton?" he asked, deciding that using his nickname for Rory was a safe bet.

"That beautiful brunette you went on and on about? I don't know how I could forget," Logan chuckled.

"That's the one," Tristan said proudly.

"Wow, so you guys found each other again after all this time, huh? That's great, man. I'm hoping for something like that myself," Logan said.

"I thought you were engaged to Odette?" Colin asked, sensing the tension coming from Tristan.

"That's just a business deal. I didn't even propose - Mitchum sent her to Tiffany's with his credit card to pick our her engagement ring," Logan confessed.

"Still, you're an engaged man. That's gotta mean something, right?" Colin prodded.

"It means that I'm on the hook to fulfill the dynastic plan - nothing more, nothing less. I'm fairly certain she has a boyfriend back in France. I'm hoping to find Ace while I'm over here in the States. I think if I can pin her down, I can get her back. I don't get why she shut me out," Logan said. You could hear the anger rising in his voice.

"Logan, you're engaged. Surely you can't expect her to be okay with being your side piece, right? We all know that she's better than that," Colin reminded him.

"She seemed to be fine with it for the last two years, but something happened. It was like she was a different person the last time we talked, when she broke it off. I've never heard her like that before - she sounded so confident and sure of herself," confided Logan.

"If you really love her, that should make you happy," insisted Colin.

"That sounds like a bullshit line from a Hallmark card, man. What has Steph done to you?" Logan teased.

"I think he's right, actually," Josh piped up, finally joining their conversation.

"Easy for you to say - you got your forever with the woman you love," Logan scoffed.

"Hey, marriage has been anything but easy for us, but it's worth all of the hard work," Josh replied.

"My life, my choices, boys. Colin, have you guys seen her around anywhere? Last I heard she had an interview at Yale, so she's probably somewhere around here."

"No, I'm not sure where she is right now," Colin said, telling a half-truth.

"Well, I'm going to drop by Stars Hollow later today and see if I can track her down," Logan said. Tristan just sighed in relief, grateful that they would be on their way to Ocean Beach at that point.

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