Chapter 41: Family Time

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Tristan looked up from his work and gasped as he realized the time. He was supposed to meet his mom for coffee in ten minutes. Thankfully, the coffee shop was just down the street a couple of blocks. He picked up his phone and walked out of his office quickly to meet her. He walked the two short blocks and arrived just in time to see his mom pull up. He walked over and met her at her car, opening the door and helping her out.

"Mom, it's good to see you," Tristan greeted his mom warmly.

"It's lovely to see you as well, dear. Shall we?" Michelle asked, pointing toward the coffee shop.

"Of course." Tristan offered his arm to his mom and led her into the small, independent coffee shop. He made a mental note to bring Rory here sometime - he was certain that she would love it. He led his mom to a quiet table and then went to the counter to order their coffees. He returned a few minutes later with their drinks and sat down across from his mom. She began speaking the moment he settled into his seat.

"Okay, I can't wait any longer! I need to know about the young woman who my son has fallen for!" she exclaimed.

Tristan chuckled and shook his head at her enthusiasm. "Her name is Rory Gilmore, but you would know her better as Mary - that's what I've always called her. She and I ended up talking at the Chilton reunion in May, and we're seeing each other now," Tristan shared.

"That's it? That's all I get?" Michelle teased.

"No, Mom, that's not all you get," Tristan said as he rolled his eyes. "You guys will have to meet her soon. She's an incredible woman, and I think you'll love her as much as I do."

"So what your father said is true? You're in love?" she prodded.

"Yes, I am completely in love," he confirmed.

Michelle stood up quickly and rounded the table, wrapping her son in a hug. "Oh, this is just so wonderful!"

Tristan returned his mom's hug and laughed at her. "You'd think I'd just told you that I was getting married or giving you grandchildren," Tristan chuckled.

"But those things might not be too far off, right?" Michelle asked hopefully.

"No, they might not be. I'd certainly like to marry her at some point, and we're both in our thirties. I would like to propose this year for sure, even if we haven't been together for that long. Everything with Rory seems...intense, and real, and right. She's mentioned casually that she would like kids at some point. I know I would like at least two kids, so it would make sense not to wait very long," Tristan replied with a smile, his dimples showing.

"You want to marry and start a family?"

"With her? Absolutely," Tristan confirmed.

"Oh, this is wonderful news! Your father mentioned that there was some kind of extenuating circumstance regarding your relationship, though?" Michelle asked.

"Right, there is. Rory dated Logan back in college, and when he proposed she said no. They had been seeing each other again on occasion before she and I reconnected, and he's having trouble letting go. We'd like to make sure that word doesn't get back to the Huntzbergers yet - we want more time before we have to deal with them."

"Of course, son. Now, I must meet this young woman! We'll all be going out on Charlie and Max's yacht on the fourth. You guys really should join us," Michelle urged.

"Aunt Shira and Uncle Mitchum won't be there?" Tristan confirmed.

"No, they're vacationing in Europe right now. Your sister and Greg will be in town for the holiday, too. Just talk to her about it and let me know?" Michelle pleaded.

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