Chapter 72: The Truth Comes Out

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Tristan took a deep breath and then got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side to help Rory out.  He offered his hand to her and she grabbed on tightly, trying to draw strength and some calm from his presence next to her.  Logan was already out of the car and he was pacing back and forth in front of the front door to their house with Colin standing there watching him.  Just one look at Logan told Tristan everything he needed to know - Logan was angry and wasn't going to go down without a fight.

He heard a car pulling into his driveway and turned to see Finn.  He gave Colin a quizzical look and Colin nodded toward Logan and shrugged.  "I thought it might be a good idea to have reinforcements," he said quietly when Logan was safely far enough away that he could be certain he wouldn't hear.  "He's been in quite a state since he saw you."

"Probably a good idea, man.  I appreciate you getting him out of the hospital so we could have some peace," Tristan said.

"No problem.  Is Rory okay?" asked Colin.

Tristan thought back to what they'd learned and couldn't help but smile broadly.  "Yeah, she's great - never been better, actually.  She just wasn't feeling well this morning so she didn't eat, and then her blood pressure dropped as well.  I'll tell you more later," Tristan replied as Logan's pacing brought him closer to them again.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on now?" Logan barked out angrily.

"Let's go inside and we'll talk," Tristan replied.  He unlocked the front door and he and Rory walked into the living room with Logan, Colin and Finn following them.  He got Rory situated on the couch and told the boys to make themselves comfortable.  Then he turned back to Rory.  "You need anything before we have this conversation?  I could get you a bottle of water and a granola bar or some yogurt or something?"

"You're so good to me, baby.  Water and a peanut butter dark chocolate Kind Bar would be great," she said with a smile.

Tristan walked off toward the kitchen and she looked up at the other three men sitting in her living room.  She could see the concern written all over Colin's and Finn's faces; she just didn't know if it was because of her fainting spell or because of the looming conversation.  Tristan returned a minute later with her water and snack and sat down next to her, wrapping a protective arm around her shoulders.  She scooted closer into his side and took a bite of her granola bar.  She could tell that Logan was anxious to know what was going on and she was grateful that he was being relatively patient.  Unfortunately, his patience had run out.

"We're inside and Rory's situated.  Can I get some answers now?" he asked.

"Rory and I went to Chilton together, and she was the Mary that I've spent the last fifteen years talking about.  She and I ran into each other at the reunion back in May, and after she broke things off with you we started dating," Tristan explained.

"That's it?  That's your explanation?  I come home to find my cousin engaged to my girl and that's the best you can do?" Logan asked incredulously. 

Rory decided it was time for her to jump in the conversation and squeezed Tristan's hand reassuringly.  "Logan, I know that this all has to come as quite a shock to you.  Tristan and I had no intention of you finding out like this - we wanted to let things settle down a bit more and then tell you together.  I'm sorry for the way this all happened."

"Did these two already know as well?" he asked, looking toward Colin and Finn.

Finn nodded slowly.  "We did, mate.  We've had a front row seat for the entire thing," he admitted.

"What the hell, guys?  I thought we were friends, and now I find out that you've both been lying to me this entire time?!  This is bullshit!" Logan exclaimed, his temper on full display.

"Logan, none of us wanted to get in the middle of things.  Rory had made her wishes clear, and you're engaged as well.  We all agreed with her that it was time for you both to move on," Colin said softly.  "Honestly, she deserves better than to be the other woman, and that's all you were willing to offer her."

"Who the hell are you to decide when it's time to move on?" he asked angrily.

"Logan, they were just trying to respect my wishes.  Please, don't be angry with them.  Even if they'd told you where I was, the end result would still be the same.  You and I were great together in college, and I loved you so much.  I'll always care for you, but I couldn't do it anymore.  You're not mine to hold onto now - you have a fiancee back at home.  I'm so incredibly happy with Tristan, and I want you to find that happiness with Odette," Rory tried to explain.

"I don't love Odette, Rory," Logan whispered.

"Learn to love her, or end things with her and find someone you do love, but I won't be that girl," Rory said firmly.  "This thing between Tris and I started way back at Chilton, and I'm so grateful that we found each other again.  He's in my life to stay, and you need to accept that."

"I guess you've made certain that he's in your life to stay now that you're knocked up, huh?  Did you do that just to make sure he'd stay?  You know you've never managed to keep a man around - we all leave," Logan snarled.  He was hurt, and in his pain he'd turned on the only woman he'd ever loved in a twisted desire to make her hurt as well. 

Tears filled Rory's eyes as they all watched her, shocked at Logan's words.  She steeled herself, determined not to let Logan get the best of her.  "You made your choice, Logan.  You chose your family and their wishes for your life, and you have to live with that.  Tristan chose me, and I chose him.  Go live your life, and I hope you can be happy, but you and I are over!" Rory exclaimed.  "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get out of here - I don't want to hear anything else that you might have to say."  She got up and turned toward their bedroom, leaving the men alone in the living room.

"Finn, can you check on Rory and stay with her, please?  It appears that Logan and I need to talk privately," Tristan said, trying desperately to keep his temper in check.

"Of course, mate.  Just...did Logan say that Rory's pregnant?" Finn asked.

"Yeah, we just found out at the hospital.  It's incredible news.  We didn't want anyone to know that we were trying to start a family because we didn't want any pressure.  It's actually twins," Tristan said with a smile.

Colin and Finn slapped Tristan on the back and offered their congratulations and then Finn walked through the house and into Rory and Tristan's bedroom.  He turned on the radio next to Rory and Tristan's bed to help drown out the heated words that were sure to be said in the living room and then distracted her with talk about the pregnancy and wedding.

Meanwhile in the living room, Tristan was livid.  "That was over the line, Logan.  How dare you speak to her that way?!  You claim you love her?  That's bullshit, because if you did you'd never have said that!" he exclaimed angrily.

"You act like you know so much about love - you two have only been together for a couple of months.  Give me a break!  She'll get scared and this will all come crashing down around you, just like it did for me," Logan shot back.

Tristan walked up to Logan and stared down at him.  "You will leave my fiancee alone, do you understand me?  She's finished with you, and your behavior today sealed the deal.  We all could have moved forward on good terms, but you ruined that.  So help me God, if you hurt her again you're going to have hell to pay.  I will not allow you to treat my family like that."

"You haven't heard the last out of me.  You just wait - I'll get her back somehow!" Logan called as he stalked off toward the front door and slammed it behind him.

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