Chapter 82: Mr. and Mrs. Dugrey

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"Family and friends, for the very first time as a married couple, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Tristan Dugrey!" Finn yelled loudly as Tristan and Rory walked back outside for their celebration.  The area had been transformed into a romantic wonderland with flowers and candles and flowing tablecloths.  Everyone cheered loudly after Finn's introduction, and Tristan stopped short and pulled Rory into his arms.  He dipped her and kissed her tenderly, much to everyone's delight.  He stood her back upright and chuckled at the blush on her cheeks. 

Tristan cleared his throat to get the attention of their guests.  "Rory and I would like to thank you all for being here to celebrate our marriage tonight.  Before we take the dance floor for our first dance, I have a gift for my bride." 

"Tris, you didn't have to get me anything," Rory said softly.

"Wait until you see your gift before you say that," he said with a laugh.  He covered her eyes with his hands and then nodded to Lorelai, who walked around the corner.  She returned a minute later with Rory's surprise and nodded to Tristan.  He leaned down and whispered in her ear.  "There was something missing tonight, and I knew that I had to do what I could to make our night complete," he said quizzically.  He uncovered her eyes and she looked up and squealed.

"Oh my god, Lane!!  You're here!  How in the world did you manage to get here when you're on tour?" Rory asked as she ran the few steps to Lane and hugged her.

"We played our show a couple of hours ago and your husband sent a private jet to fly us back as soon as it was over.  We couldn't make it for the ceremony, but I couldn't miss my best friend's big day," Lane replied with a smile, hugging Rory fiercely.  "And the second part of your surprise is that we're playing your wedding."

Rory looked at Tristan in shock and he just nodded to her.  She flew back into his arms and kissed him again.  "You are the best husband ever!"

"I knew how much having Lane here meant to you."

Lane walked to the wooden stage that had been set up and sat down behind the drums.  "This song goes out to our newlyweds who were fifteen years in the making.  I'm sorry that I've been away on tour and didn't get to see them reconnect, but I did get to be there for their early years, or as I like to refer to them, their Spawn of Satan years.  I'm so happy that you two found each other again.  Now, it's time for your first dance."

Tristan took Rory's hand and led her out on the dance floor as the band started playing Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran.  Rory wrapped her arms around Tristan and laid her head on his shoulder, content to be in her husband's arms.  He sang softly to her as they swayed to the music, and Rory had never been happier in her life.  As the song ended, she reached up on her tiptoes and kissed him and then sang the last lines along with him.

Take me into your loving arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

That maybe we found love right where we are

Rory looked around her at all of the people who meant the most to them, who had come to share in their wedding, and was overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness.  She snuggled into Tristan's chest and buried her head as a few tears escaped from her eyes.

"Hey, you okay?" Tristan asked when he noticed her tears.

She sniffled and shook her head.  "I'm just so incredibly happy that I can't believe it, Tris.  It's all so perfect, and I'm so grateful," she whispered, willing the tears to stop.

Tristan took her face in his hands and wiped her tears with his thumbs and then kissed her tenderly.  "I'm so happy that we're here, too, Mary.  Now, I do believe it's time to feed my beautiful bride and our little ones."

He took her hand and led over over to their table, and they sat down next to each other and enjoyed dinner with their family and friends surrounding them.  They had opted for Italian and had several family-style bowls of different types of pasta sat on each table.  Dinner was filled with laughter and warm conversation, and before Rory knew it Fitz was tapping his glass.

"If I may have everyone's attention, please.  We thought it was only appropriate that we have a bit of fun with the newlyweds, so rather than a speech from the best man and maid of honor, we each have something to say.  As one of Tristan's oldest friends, I decided that I could start things off.  When I met Tristan in military school he constantly talked about his Mary, and I honestly thought there was no way in hell that she actually existed.  Imagine my surprise when I get a phone call from him telling me that he's convinced her to marry him.  Rory, best of luck to you.  Let me know if you ever need me to smack him around for him.  I have to say that you are everything he ever claimed and more.  I'm truly happy for you two.  To Tristan and Rory!"

Everyone else joined in the toast as Lane made her way to the mic.  "Rory, on my wedding day you teased me by reading a letter I had written you about a crush.  I must say, I think I've found something even better for your wedding day, so I hope you enjoy this," Lane smirked.  She made a show of unfolding a piece of notebook paper.  "Dear Lane, Chilton isn't what I expected at all.  I'm having such a hard time adjusting and making friends, so I feel very much like an outsider.  Then there's this annoying guy named Tristan - we can just call him Spawn of Satan - and he keeps flirting with me and acting like I'm some kind of conquest.  I have some news for him - I will never be his girl, and I will never end up in his bed."  Everyone was laughing at this point, enjoying the opportunity to hear Rory's early thoughts on Tristan.  "When will he get the picture that we'll never be together?  I've gotten run, but I'll see you tonight."  Lane folded the paper and smiled to the couple.  "Rory, I hope it's safe to say that your feelings on the annoying guy named Tristan have changed at this point.  I'm going to save this letter to show your kids someday.  Congratulations, you two!"

The rest of the night was spent in similar fashion, with dancing and laughter and personal messages to the happy couple, until finally Tristan swept his bride into his arms and carried her down the beach to where they would spend their first night together as husband and wife.

"Tris, I can walk!" she giggled as he almost jogged down the beach, anxious to get her alone.

"No way, Mary.  I've waited half my life for this, and I'm going to enjoy every single minute of it.  I've earned the right to carry you over the threshold."  He stepped in the door and sat her down gently on her feet.

"I think you set me down too soon," Rory teased as she slid his jacket off of his shoulders, pulled his tie over his head, and began unbuttoning his shirt.  "We're going straight to the bedroom, Mr. Dugrey."  She reached behind her and unzipped her dress and then dropped it and let it pool at her feet, leaving her in a blue lace bra and pair of panties. 

Tristan smiled and threw her over his shoulder as he sprinted toward the bedroom.  "Say no more, Mrs. Dugrey."

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