Chapter 37: Admitting You Need Help

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Rory stirred on Thursday morning as she heard the puppies whining in their kennel. She snuggled closer into Tristan's chest and mumbled.

"They're as bad as actual human babies," Rory muttered under her breath.

Tristan rubbed his tired eyes and sat up in bed.

"I'll get them. You've been taking care of them while I'm at work, so it's only fair," Tristan said as he stood up. He walked into the living room and let the puppies out of their kennel.

"Good morning, you two. Come on, let's go outside," he said as he coaxed them both out the door to do their business. He walked back into the bedroom a few minutes later and set Romeo and Juliet on the bed with Rory. They immediately pounced on her and began licking her face.

"Whoa, hey! That's some stinky puppy breath," Rory said through giggles. "How did you two talk your dad into putting you on the bed, huh?"

Tristan chuckled and joined them on the bed.

"It's the puppy dog eyes - they're almost as bad as your doe eyes," he teased. "I'm powerless to say no."

"I'll have to remember that for when I want something and you tell me no," Rory teased.

Tristan just shook his head and laughed.

"You'd better get in the shower - we need to head to New Haven soon for your appointment. I'll get the dogs ready for doggy daycare."

Rory sniffled dramatically and wiped a non-existent tear.

"Aw, our babies are growing up so quickly! It's their first day of school," Rory joked dramatically.

"You're hilarious," Tristan deadpanned. "Get your butt in the shower, woman. We can't be late."

Rory got out of bed and padded into the shower. She let the hot water beat down on her tired muscles and sighed as she relaxed. She walked into the kitchen forty-five minutes later, dressed and ready for the day.

"Thank you again for taking today and tomorrow off to go to the doctor with me and look at apartments. I'm really excited to have four days together without work," Rory said gratefully as she joined him in the kitchen.

Tristan leaned over and kissed her.

"Of course, baby. I'm happy to do it, but we all know that you just want someone there to hold your hand when they draw blood for your physical," he teased.

Rory scowled and hit him playfully.

"Hey, don't tease! I don't like needles," she huffed.

Tristan wrapped her up in his arms.

"I'm just giving you a hard time, Mare. Are you ready?"

Rory grabbed her purse and phone.

"Yeah, I think I am. I'll grab the leashes," Rory replied.

She walked over and picked up the dog leashes and brought them over to Tristan, who had two wiggly dogs in his arms. She clipped them on and Tristan set the dogs down and led them out to the waiting Escalade. They made the short drive to Stay and Play, which was about halfway between their houses and dropped the puppies off before heading to New Haven. They were about twenty minutes into their drive to New Haven when Tristan took a deep breath and brought up the subject that had been on his mind.

"I was should probably mention your nightmares to the doctor. Maybe there's something she could do to help," he suggested gently.

Rory turned and looked at him and thought for a moment.

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