Chapter 46: The Meddling Cousin Strikes

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"Are you ready for this, Mare?" Tristan asked quietly as they pulled into Stars Hollow. Rory had been quiet and nervous all day over their impending visit with her mom.

"Yeah, I'm good. I have you there, so everything will be okay. I'm just tired of having a strained relationship with my mom."

Tristan reached over and took her hand and rubbed it soothingly. "You'll always have me, baby. We'll get through the weekend together," Tristan reminded her.

Rory looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you. You're always so good to me."

"Well, you deserve it," Tristan replied as they pulled up in front of the Crap Shack. He kissed Rory quickly - he knew that always calmed her down - and then got out of the car to help get Romeo and Juliet. The minute the dogs were out of the car, Lorelai bounded down the stairs.

"My grandpuppies have arrived!" she cried happily.

"Nice to see you too, Mom," Rory chuckled as Lorelai scooped the puppies up and began loving on them.

"Of course, it's good to see my daughter as well," Lorelai assured her. "These two are just so cute! I can't help but love them."

Tristan leaned over and whispered in Rory's ear so only she could hear. "Must be nice. She can't help but hate me," he said with a laugh, and Rory immediately joined in with a giggle.

"Well, lucky for you, I love you enough to make up for it," Rory whispered back.

Tristan wrapped his arm around her waist and watched Lorelai play with the Romeo and Juliet.

"I figured that you guys would want to stay at the inn, since that's where Jess and Rebecca are staying. You crate train the dogs, right?" Lorelai asked.

"Yeah, we do," Rory answered.

"Great, then they should be fine there, right? I figure they'll go most places with you anyway."

"Sounds great. Should we go ahead and go get checked in?" Rory asked.

"Yeah, why don't you go ahead and go over and do that? The dogs can stay with me for now - I'm sure they'd like to stretch their legs and play," offered Lorelai.

Tristan saw his opportunity and decided to take it while he could. "Actually, Mare, if you'd like to go to the inn and check in, I'll take the dogs for a walk with your mom."

"Yeah, sure," Rory answered uncertainly. She didn't know why Tristan would offer to do something with her mom. She took the keys and kissed him sweetly. "You're taking your life in your own hands there, Bible Boy," she whispered.

"I'll take my chances," he said with a chuckle. He helped her into the car and turned back to Lorelai after Rory had pulled out of the driveway. "Want me to take one of their leashes?" he offered.

"No, I'm good. You don't have to come - I could walk them," Lorelai said quietly.

"No, I'd like to go with you. I actually have something I want to talk to you about."

"Oh, sure. Let's go, then," she replied awkwardly.

They walked toward the end of the driveway and met Kirk coming up to meet them.

"Overnight delivery for Rory Gilmore," he said as he shoved a small package toward Lorelai. She passed it off to Tristan and signed for the package.

"Thanks, Kirk," she said as they set off on their walk again.

Tristan looked down at the package in his hands and considered it. There was no return address, but it had indeed been overnighted from London. "I wonder what in the world Rory's getting from England," he mused aloud.

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