Chapter 31: One Giant Leap Forward

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Rory pulled up to the Gilmore estate, which was now home, and smiled. Lorelai might not be happy about her decision to move to Hartford, but Rory was absolutely certain that she was doing the right thing. She got out of Tristan's car and walked around to the pool house.

"Hey, babe. You here?" she yelled as she walked in and dropped her purse and Tristan's keys on the table next to the door.

"In the bedroom!" Tristan called back.

Rory walked to the bedroom and was immediately impressed. All of her clothes were hung in the closet, and her personal items were unpacked in the bathroom. Her alarm clock and phone charger were plugged in on the nightstand and her books were all unpacked on the bookshelves.

"Wow, you've been quite productive," she said with a smile.

"I thought I'd try to get a head start so you didn't have as much to deal with. How was the gym?" Tristan asked.

Rory considered what to say for a moment.

"Class with the girls was great. There's this personal trainer there, though - his name is Mark - and I think he's hitting on me. He insisted on walking me to my car," she told him.

"Well, you are an amazingly gorgeous woman," Tristan whispered before kissing her.

"I think he's also into your amazingly gorgeous car," Rory chuckled.

"Now, Mary, what have I told you about using my car to pick up men?" Tristan teased.

"Hmm...I don't think we've discussed that, actually. I'm guessing that's a no, though?" she joked.

Tristan growled and wrapped his arms around her, nipping playfully at her lips and neck. "That's a definite no, Mare," he whispered huskily.

Rory closed her eyes and enjoyed Tristan's kisses and touches; she just couldn't get enough of this man. She closed her eyes and moaned as he hit a particularly sensitive spot. Suddenly, she pulled away and took Tristan's hand.

"I'm sweaty and need a shower, and you're coming with me," she said firmly.

"Yes, ma'am," Tristan replied with a grin.

She pulled him toward the bathroom and turned on the shower before shimmying out of her workout clothes. She could see in his eyes that he was enjoying the little show. She grinned at his reaction and walked into the large shower, and he joined her a moment later. They were both far too lost in each other to even care about actually showering at the moment. Things heated up between them and suddenly Tristan stopped.

"I don't have any protection with me, babe," he said frustratedly.

Rory thought for a minute and turned to look at him.

"We're exclusive, and I trust you not to cheat on me. We're both clean, and I'm on the pill - just like we talked about before. I guess there's really no sense in using double protection," Rory offered.

Tristan's head shot up. If Rory was sincere in what she was saying, it was a huge step in their relationship.

"Are you sure, Rory?" he asked.

Rory nodded her head at him.

"I'm positive, Tris. Chances of getting pregnant while on the pill are extremely slim, and I know we'd deal with it together if that ever happened, right?" Rory whispered.

Tristan swallowed hard. To hear Rory tell him how much she trusted him was overwhelming.

"Of course," he whispered. "I've waited fifteen years to be with you; there's not a chance in hell I'm ever leaving."

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