Chapter 30

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A/N: Just another little thank you to all of you that have helped make this story what it is. An idea that came from a good friend of mine on here to this is just amazing! Yes, I write it, but you guys inspire me with your lovely comments and ideas when I have writers block! So, thank you for helping get this where it is now! XX


I woke up from the best sleep that I have had in a long time. But the boy I am waking up next to is even more amazing. Scenes from last night still going through my mind this morning. The love and tenderness he showed me. He was so gentle and caring. He showed me last night that I am no longer broken. That I'm not used goods. That my leg is a part of me and that it is beautiful as well. But he also showed me that my accident and my 'crippleness' does not define me. But my courage and the fact I overcame my tragedy is what defines me. And I will spend the rest of my life showing him the samething about himself. I lay here watching him sleep so peacefully. We are both on our sides facing each other. He as both hands tucked under his chin. The blanket down at our waists. The window open a bit letting a cool breeze blow in on us. My ipod still playing music. Chasing Cars starts playing softly through the speakers. I just lay here and take everything in. My fingers softly going up and down his arm mindlessly. I watch as his eyes flutter around behind his eyelids. Like he is lost in a peaceful dream. Pretty soon I am brought out of my daze on him as he slightly moves and and his eyes slowly open. I am then staring into the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. I could handle waking up like this every morning for the rest of my life.

"Good morning handsome", He says letting out a slight yawn.

"Good morning beautiful", I say softly running my finger on his cheek. "How'd you sleep?", I ask him softly afraid to break this bubble we are in.

"Slept better than I have in a long time", he whispers to me. I smile at him and whisper ' me too'. We lay there a little longer not wanting to leave this space we have made for each other. But my bladder is now screaming at me

"I need to wee love", I say as I hesitantly roll away from him. I set up on the edge of the bed, the sheet loosely falling to my lower waist, barely covering my area. A cold chill rushes through me as my feet hit the floor and a breeze blows in on my bare chest. Niall reaches over and runs his finger tips gently down my back. I set there til my bladder just about releases itself. I jump up and feel Nialls hands fall from my back onto the bed. I literally run to the bathroom hearing Niall laughing at me from where he lays on the bed. Very unaware how naked I am at the moment. I barely make it to the toilet before I start pissing a fountain. Felt like Niagra Falls was flowing out of me. I then flush the toilet and wash my hands. I make my way back to the room and tackle Niall.

"Were you laughing at me?", I ask him as I hover over him.

"No", He giggles out shaking his head

"I think you were", I say lowering my face closer to him

"Maybe I was", He says softly grabbing my face and bringing it to his. Closing the gap between us. He kisses me for a bit and then pulls away a little. Our lips still almost touching. "Thank you for bringing me here", He whispers

"Thank you for last night", I whisper back

"My pleasure", He says with a cheeky grin

"I was very pleased", I say smiling back at him.

"I am gonna get ready for a shower", I tell him. "I want you to join me and then we are going to have a special breakfast", i say leaning down to kiss him as he was still laying in bed. "come on", i say grabbing his hand and helping him out of bed. While he stretched and yawned, I went to the bathroom and got the shower ready. I get in and seated on the chair in there as he steps in. I set on a shower seat as I am a fall risk when it comes to showers and such. I am able to wash myself up though with no problem. So, while he's washing his body I'm washing mine. He is now standing in front of me and I get an idea.

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