Chapter 41

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A/N: Omg! Has anyone seen Dunkirk yet!?! If not you have got to! One part we see dark angry Harry! Oh God! He is so HOT!!..Anyways it's a must see movie! Was very good and entertaining!


I hung up the phone and hurried to get around. I was in some shorts so I just threw a shirt on and put my shoes on. The way Harry sounded it was an emergency so i wanted to hurry up and get to his house..well his mums house. I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out the door. I drove the distance to Harry's mums, which Harry lives there too, wondering what could be wrong. Why Harry sounded so urgent. When I got there, I got parked and hurriedly got out of the car and quickly made my way to the door. Just as I was about to knock, the door flew open and there stood Harry.

"What happened? What's wrong?", I rambled as I walked in the door

"Just come set down", He says taking me by the hand and leading me into the living room. I can tell Anne has been cooking as the house is feeled with a delicious fragrance. Smells like chicken of some sort. When we walked in I also seen my mum setting there. How did I miss seeing her car outside? hmmm

"Mum?", I say as I set down on the couch by her and Harry setting next to me. Anne in her chair next to the couch.

"Robbin will be down in a bit and then we will talk", Anne says with a small smile. I look at Harry and he just smiles a little. My mum does the same. Okay what did I do?

"Hi there", Robin said with a smile as he walked into the living room setting down in his chair that is next to Anne.

"Am I in trouble?', I finally asked as I looked at everyone.

"No, not at all", Anne said with a smile. "Why?", She asks

"Cause Harry here made it sound urgent for me to get here", I explained glancing at Harry. He had a huge smile on his face

"I just wanted you to hurry and get here so I could see you sooner", He says earning a playful smack from me.

"You deserved that one son", Robin said to Harry laughing.

"Anyways, we do wanna talk to you both over dinner", Anne said. "We wanted your mum to be here as well", She says. Her and my mum have become close friends and it makes me so happy that they are. "Let'sgo to the table and we can eat and chat", She says getting up. We all follow her in there and see that the table is already set up and the food out on the stove covered up.

Anne brought the food over and I was right. Chicken and a dish of  seasoned rice, brown gravy and asparagus.

"Looks so good", I said to her as she placed the food on the table. Everyone hummed in agreement.

"Thank you!", Anne said as she she made her spot at the table. We passed the dishes around so we could dip up our helpings. We had sweet tea to drink.

"Ok soo", Robin starts off. "Harry tells me you two are getting along quite nicely", He says with a smile. I nod my head as my mouth is full of food. Harry looks at me and smiles. His hand is on my thigh under the table as mine is on his as well.

"He tells us that you two have discussed moving in together", My mum says. I nearly choke on my food at that time. We have talked about it, but I thought Harry was just joking around. I was serious about it but I didn't realize Harry was too

"yes", I say as I stop choking and swallow my food. Harry looking at me concerned.

"With that said, there are reasons why Harry still lives here at home", Anne explains. "The main one being he needs help in some areas that I'm sure you're aware of", She explains looking at me.

"Very aware", I say with a smile. Cause, well, helping Harry in the shower definitely is no burden. "And I am willing to help him in any way he needs me to", I say looking at our parents. "He is pretty much independent in most cases", I say. "And the ones he's not is no problem for me to help with".

"I'm sure of that one", Gemma says surprising us all with her appearance as she walks into the kitchen. She just smiles and winks at me as if she read my thoughts. Robin snickered a bit and our mums just shook their heads with smiles on their faces

"Nice for you to join us Gem", Anne says pointing for a place for Gemma to set down.

"Sorry I'm late, I got a bit tied up", She explains. Harry was the one to choke on his food that time

"I'm sure you did", I say smirking at her. That caused Harry to choke more. Our parents just shaking their heads at us

"Not like that you perv", Gemma says glaring at me playfully. "Although that could be fun", She says with slight smile.

"Oh dear God!", Anne says shaking her head. "Think that's our cue to excuse ourselves", She says laughing a bit.

"Oh it is", Harry says squeezing my thigh causing me to blush a bit.

"So where did we land on you two moving in together?", My mum asks. "I'm not rushing it, just wanting to hear both sides", She explains

"When it happens, it happens", Harry says looking over at me

"I wouldn't mind it happening whenever Harry is ready", I say smiling at Harry.

"Really?", Harry asks looking at me with wide eyes and a huge smile. "What if I said that I am ready now?", He asks causing everyone to look at me and then back at him

"Then I guess we move in together now", I tell him with a smile.

"I guess we're moving in together then", Harry says excitedly leaning over to give me a kiss

"Yes!", Gemma says . Our parents smiling at us.

"Where you guys gonna live?", Anne asks. Harry and I just look at each other with raised eyebrows. Having a silent conversation amongst ourselves

"Nialls place", Harrys says smiling

"Good reasonable choice", Robin says. (A/N: hard for me to even write out Robins name without tearing up)

"My babys moving out", Anne says tearing up a little. "So happy for the both of you", She says

"Me too", My mum says. "haven't seen you this happy in a long time", She says with a smile.

At that time my phone buzzed from inside my pocket. I pull it out and open it up. It being my phone you dirty minded MoFo's. I see that I have a text from Louis

Lou: You need to read this mate!. Was what he said followed by this Has Niall Horan been banned from the Rovers. read more to find out

What the fuck?? all I could send back

A/N: Here you lovelies go. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Thoughts about Harry and Niall finally moving in together?

Thoughts about the article topic Louis sent Niall?

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