Chapter 47

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Third Person*

As Harry and Niall laid in bed that night Harry couldn't help but let his thoughts take over. Niall respected Harry and didn't push on asking him about this mystery person. Niall is cuddled up to Harry with his head on his chest. Harry is laying on his back staring at the ceiling mindlessly rubbing circles on Nialls back. Soft and gentle. Harry keeps asking himself how he is gonna explain this person and how he fits into his life. His past. It's nothing too bad. Niall's not gonna like be scared of him after this. Or be ashamed. Hopefully anyways. No, this subject may show Harry's weakness and he doesn't want Niall to know how weak he once was. He wants Niall to continue looking at him as this strong courageous person he is now. Not the weak person he once was. The one that would coward down with just one dominant voice. The voice that haunts his thoughts every so often. The one that controlled him for so long til his accident. The one that made him hide himself even from his parents. Oh yes, Harry has secrets that not even his family know about. They just know how things were when he had his accident. He never told them, out of fear. He pushed people away due to his ex. This person texting him being one of them. He was brought out of his thoughts with Niall humming a familiar song. Kind of scared him a bit as he thought his love was asleep.

If I lay here, would you lay with me and just forget the world

pretty soon they were both singing the song quietly and softly to each other. Keeping their voices low as if it would disrupt this little world they are in right now. Both of them wanting to forget the world outside these peaceful walls. All the drama. All the lies and chaos. Just stay in this peace for a little longer. When they finished the song it went back to being quiet. Both of them lost in their own thoughts. After a bit, Harry broke the silence a bit

"Zayn", He says softly. Niall barely hearing him, lifted his head off Harrys chest and glanced up at him. "The secret text is from an old friend of mine named Zayn", Harry said. Niall looked at him and kissed his cheek encouraging him to continue. Letting him know that no matter what he has to say at this moment, Niall will still be here with him.

"Zayn and I were connected at the hip through school. We met each other in year 6 and became friends immediately", Harry explained. Niall sat up so that he could look at Harry as he spoke to him. He nodded his head for him to continue, holding his questions til Harry got this off his chest. "To answer your question, no we did not date", Harry answered with a smile knowing that Niall was wondering that. He could see it in his eyes. Niall gave Harry a soft smile and then nodded once again for him to continue. "We did everything together. Studied together. Cheated on tests", Harry says causing them both to laugh. "We even went to the states to go to college together in L.A. That's when I met asshole and that's when things changed.", Harry says, his voice drifting at the end.

"You don't have to continue babe", Niall tells him lovingly

"No, I need to get this out. I have held it in for so long", Harry says looking up at Niall. "Here I am a therapist telling my clients to open up when I can't even release my own demons", Harry says laughing a bit. "When me and what's his name got together, things were pretty good for the first few months. And then it started going downhill a bit. But it was too late for me. I had already fallen for him and his charm. I couldn't see what he was doing to me. At first it was all subtle. The little jealousy he got when Zayn and I hung out. At first I thought it was cute and loving. As time went on things progressed. Pushed Zayn out of my life, unwillingly. He then started getting physical with me. but made it seem my fault. One time during video chat mum seen the bruise on my cheek. He told her that Zayn had done it. I went to argue and he silently shut me up til after the video call. I always loved it when we came to visit because he played the perfect boyfriend. I never wanted to leave because I knew the act would stop as soon as we did.", Harry spilled out everything like word vomit. Niall staying quiet to let Harry get out everything he had been bottling up. "When they thought Zayn was the reason for my bruises they texted him telling him to stay away from me. Not letting him explain anything. But he was always there. Hidden in the shadows watching over me. I miss him so much Ni", Harry says, The teers now streaming down his cheeks.

"Harry", Niall says softly as he wipes the tears from Harrys cheeks. "You need to tell your parents. And you need to mend things with Zayn. You need him in your life love", Niall encourages. Harry nodded his head in agreement.

"My accident was a blessing and a curse", Harry says chuckling lightly. "Through the chaos and madness of the accident..through my weakest times, I found my strength. And that's what my parents see, is my strength and courage. I don't want them to see me as a weak one", Harry says

"Weak? Harry, you are the strongest person I know! After all that you have been through and you are still alive. Living. Pushing through every struggle you face everyday. But you're also helping others overcome their struggles and helping them find their strength in the midst of their storm. You have helped me so much and have changed me so much. For the good. You have made me a better person. And your parents will see you the same way I do. Courageous and strong", Niall says laying back down beside Harry and cuddling him some more.

"Boy have the tables turned", Harry says laughing a bit causing Niall to laugh as well. "Thank you baby. I will definitely talk to my parents and set up a meet up with Zayn", Harry says smiling at Niall. "Will you go with me?", He then asks

"To which one?", Niall asks

"To both", Harry answers kissing Nialls nose.

"I will baby for sure", Niall answers him

"Thank you baby for everything", Harry says. Niall kisses Harry gently as a thank you to him as well

"Now that this is settled, can I have cuddles now?", Niall asks smiling

Harry pulled Niall close to him as he was before and fell alseep with peaceful thoughts running through his mind. He is gonna get his best friend back and stop this bastard from running his life completely.

A/N: Secret person revealed. What are your thoughts? Harrys past? How do you think Anne and Gemma will react when Harry reveals the full truth? Zayn making an appearance? Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Much Love XX

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