Chapter 51

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A/N: I want to thank everyone now that voted on this story throughout. Thank you to those that commented last chapter! Your comments were amazing! This shout out goes to all of you! This book wouldn't be where it's at without you lovely readers and supporters! So, thank you so much for helping me when I get writers block..when I get confused on what story I'm writing and make mistakes on that. LOL..It happens often and sometimes I catch it and sometimes I don't. Just a massive thank you and loud shout out to all of you! XX


It's been a few days since the game, which Rover's one by the way. No surprise there. They are a great team. Louis played his heart out, which he always does. Could tell Niall was having a hard time not being able to be on the field that day. But he cheered his heart out for his teammates. He has been keeping himself busy with his little league team and he recently signed up as a volunteer at the childrens clinic for disabled children. He goes in and sets with them. Plays games with them. Colors with them. Just whatever activity they maybe doing that day. He is also helping them cope with whatever disability they are having to deal with. The kids have been enjoying it. That is where he is spending most of his days at while I'm at work. It's nice seeing him have that smile back on his face again. He has had it a lot lately. Says I have helped him be able to smile again. And he wants to help someone in the way I have helped him. Since he has started working with kids, his smile is more frequent and more noticable. You know the one that crinkles his eyes and looks like it hurts his cheeks. Oh and his laugh. Hearing that more often as well. The one that echoes throughout the room or building he may be in. The one that gets you laughing because, you know, his laughter is contagious. I know I have helped bring his smile and laughter back, but those kids have made it more noticable and happen more often. Anyways, here I am doing what I do best..ramble. Seeing them two get arrested that day was amazing. Has lifted the tension we have both been feeling. Which brings me to where we are now. I am sitting on the couch as Niall is messing about in the kitchen when it comes on

"Breaking News", The lady on the telly says getting my attention quickly as it interrupted the show I was watching. "If you didn't get the pleasure of watching the Rover's play Saturday, you will be happy to know they won. But that isn't all the excitement that happened that day. Here is a recap", She announces.

"Niall! Get in here!", I shout out from the spot on the couch. I hear him drop something and then his footsteps hurriedly make their way into the living room. He stands behind the couch with his hands by my shoulders as he watches what's on the telly.

"Well, Saturday was an eventful day for Rover fans and others as well. I am standing outside the stadium where two people were taken into custody late Saturday afternoon. We are not releasing names at this time but have been told that one of them is the ex of Harry Styles. As we all know Harry is the current boyfriend of Rover's player, Niall Horan. We have come to learn that the ex and friend of his were arrested for exploiting false information to the media and Harry and Niall. We hear that money was involved on all ends of this scandal of theirs. You fans of Niall horan will be pleased to know that he has not been banned from the Rover's team. It was a car accident he was in earlier this year that has caused him to not be able to play. Good news though, we have learned that he is healing nicely. Will we see him on the field again in the future? We don't know. Also have learned that Louis Tomlinson, also a current player on the team, is in a happy relationship with the guy that was involved in the accident. And NO, there wasn't any money involved just to keep a lawsuit from happening. They are truly in a relationship as we have seen Mr. Payne showing his support for Louis and have seen them around all happy and coupley. Happy to hear that what we have been hearing in the past has been all lies and very much false. Niall we hope to see you around the team again soon. Hope that all this mess is now solved and everyone involved can now get on with their lives. Back to you Jane", The reporter says as the screen goes back to the lady at the news station.

"Wow! That is amazing!", Niall says with a huge smile on his face. "Now, everyone knows what has been happening and hopefully the mess is now cleaned up", Niall says. He leans down and gives me a kiss and then comes around to sit beside me on the couch. "Oh!", he says excitedly causing me to jump a little as I wasn't expecting it. "I haven't got to tell you about the new little girl that has come to the hospital", He says with a smile. "She is the cutest little thing. She is five years old. Has long brown curly hair. The cutest brown eyes. She was involved in a house fire. She has burns down one side of her body that are getting treated. They are looking at possibly having to amputate part of her right arm due to the burn being that severe. The right side of her face was burned severely. They are doing skin graphs on her cheek and parts of her side and hip. They fear that she may have lost her sight in her right eye. She looks so adorable even with the burn marks. Sadly her parents passed in the fire so she is award of the state. I have seen her a few times the last couple of days. The nurses say that she is always asking about me since the first time I visited her. So she is the first one I have gone to see the last couple of days. All the kids smile and cheer up when I walk in their rooms, but her whole face and eyes light up when she sees me. You will have to go with me sometime when you can so you can meet her.", He tells me. His eyes have a slight glimpse of pain for the little girl but is covered up with joy for the happiness he is bringing to that little girl. "Her name is Naomi Hope. Her name fits her", He says with a smile. Seeing him like this makes me happy. I listen and hang on to every word he is telling. Everything he is saying about this little Angel.

"I will definitely have to go with you soon. I work around adults all day. Would be a nice switch to help a child as well", I tell him. "What is going to happen to her when she eventually leaves the hospital though?", I ask as I realize she has no family to go home to.

"She may end up at the orphanage that the hospital is connected to", Niall sadly tells me. "It's a nice orphanage with great people running it. But it's not the same as having a home and a family to go to", He explains. The joy in his eyes disappearing..his shoulders slumping..Like the weight of this news is too much for him to carry.

"Does she not have any family around?", I ask him a bit saddened at the thought of this little girl going through this with no family support.

"I have met her grandparents. The parents of her mother. They visit daily. But both not in the greatest of health to take on a child that will need lots of care and therapy. Physical and emotional", Niall explains. "They love her so much that is for sure. Just not able to take care of her", He explains.

Seeing him like this ..the love he has for others..made me fall in love with him even more. Not really thinking it was possible as I already love him with all my being. I know I have him in my life. We live together. But I wanna make this situation a permanent one. The thoughts already running through my head on how to make this happen.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. So many exciting things are fixing to happen. Can anyone guess what I have in store for you lovely readers? Much love XX

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