Chapter 17

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Harry (Surprise)

Theses last few weeks have been interesting to say the least. I have other patients other than Niall that I see. I have been doing this kind of work for about two or three years now. I have seen many different people and many different cases. None of them have gotten to me the way Niall has. I am trying to keep my mind straight(even though I'm not) and stay professional. But all this fun bantering going on and getting to know him more. There is just something about him that I am having a hard time keeping my distance. Not to mention that I am a big fan of his. So, in situations like this, I usually go to the one girl that knows what to do in all situations. After seeing this patient of mine I head over to her house

"Hazza!", She screams out when she opens her door. "What brings you here?", she asks while we make our way into the kitchen. Which I must say is smeeling quite good

"I have a problem", I whined out setting down at the table. The smell getting to my scenses and I'm sniffing around to figure out what it is

"Who'd you trip this time Haz?", She asks opening the oven door

"Gemma! That was only once", I tell her with a playful glare. She stops what she is doing and looks at me with the same kind of glare. "Okay three times..fine five", I tell her. "I was still trying to get use to using this damn leg if mine", I tell her laughing. "By the way food smells delicious."

"Lasagna and tell your excuse to that waiter that had a tray full of drinks", Gemma says smirking. I just laughed a bit

"That was a bit funny", I say now laughing more as I see it play out in my head. "Anyways, that is not my problem though", I tell her watching her take the lasagna from the oven. she set it down on top of the stove and then came and set down with me at the table.

"Alright little brother, what is your problem?", She asks me as she sets down.

"That you got that smell good food out and didn't give me any", I respond with a pouty look on my face

"Harold! Stop changing the subject and just tell me", She says raining her hands in the air huffing and puffing.

"Can I have some of that if I tell ya?", I ask her with my little cute grin on my face

"Yes, Hazza! Just tell me!", She says getting a bit impatient.

"There's this guy", I start off

"Ohhh A guy", She says wiggling her eyebrowes. "Do I know this guy?", She asks leaning closer to me

"Yes! All of the U.K. knows him and most of the U.S. as well. He plays on the Doncaster Rovers", I tell her. She wrinkles her forehead and squints her eyes like she is thinking or confused

"But I thought Louis Tomlinson was straight and had a girlfriend", She responds that look on her face

"He is. And he's not the only one on the team", I tell her slapping her arm. "But I got to meet him also. Like a few times", I tell her with a grin on my face. Louis is her favorite player.

"You're an arse!", She says whining. "No lasagna for you", She says crossing her arms across her chest and glaring at me. "What one are you talking about then?", She asks the glare still on her face

"Niall", I tell her preparing to get slapped again.

"Get the hell out!", She exclaims pointing at her door.

"Who's getting the hell out?", My mum says walking into the kitchen. "Ohh my son!", She exclaims with open arms when she sees me. I wrap my arms around her neck returning her hug, Looking over at Gemma sticking out my tongue. I know, pretty childish but oh well.

"Muuuummm", Gemma whines out. "He came here just to rub it in my face that he got to meet Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan", She says with a pouty face.

"No, I came here to tell you that I think I may be starting to like one of my patience and I needed some advice from my big sister", I say sticking out my bottom lip

"Awe! He just needed to talk to his big sister", Mum says ruffling my hair

"And to tell her that it is Niall Horan", I say with a grin

"Mummmm", Gemma whines out. "He's being mean. Spank him", She says as mum set out a plate of lasagna in front of her.

"kids kids kids", Mum says as she sat down with a plate scooting one over to me.

"What are your thoughts that you need help with Harry?", Mum asks getting us back on the topic I came here with.

"As you now know, my patient is Niall. I know the boundaries between doctor/theropist and patient. But I am having a hard time keeping those boundaries with him", I explain to them

"How old is he?", My mum asks

"22 I believe", I answer her

"well he is at the age of consent. Well over. Either try to keep everything at bay for now while he is your patient. Or just keep your dates and suff quiet", My mum says

"For his theropy to just talk can be done anywhere right?', Gemma asks. I nod my head yes as I had a mouthful of food

"Just his physical theropy has to be done at the clinic place", I explained

"Okay, then if anyone asks you're talking with him about things at whatever place you maybe seen at", Gemma says. "Just keep the touchy stuff at a minimal when in public". I nod my head in agreement.

"That's if he even likes me back', I say taking a drink.

"Time will tell love", My mum says

"Yes, and in the meantime you can introduce your lovely sister to these two lovely lads", Gemma says with a grin.

"I will see what I can get set up Gem", I tell her with a smile. I am feeling better about it now. He is an adult. And we can lay low about it if need be for the time being. Again that's if he likes me as well. Now I'm really excited about our session tomorrow. After awhile of chit chatting we bid our goodbyes and I head home.

When I get home I head to my room to grab some comfy clothes and head to the bathroom for a relaxing shower. As I start stripping my phone buzzes. I pick it up to see a text from Niall

See you tomorrow. Have a great night-Ni

"See you tomorrow. Taking a quick shower than laying down", I text him putting in a few winky faces

mmm Have a nice shower Mr. Styles-Ni. Niall sends back followed by winky faces

'try not to think about me too much-H

I will try not to-Ni.

I just smile at our texts and then hop in the shower before the water turns cold. I get washed up and get out quite quickly. I wrap the towel around my waist and head to my room. I dry off and put on a pair of boxers and then climb into bed. I grab my phone and continue texting for a bit with Niall. Mainly talked about the session tomorrow and what it would consist of. Around midnight or so we both decided it was probably time to sleep. We said goodnight and I fell alseep immediately. Niall on my thoughts. Does he really like me or is he just doing playful bantering. This could be just how he is. Sweet and loving and lots of fun to be around. i probably shouldn't let myself get too close or let my feelings show themselves too much, I decide falling into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: Hope this wasn't too boring. Seeing Harrys side of things his thoughts. Hope you liked it. Please leave your thoughts or ideas for me. Much love xx

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