Chapter 40

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I am surrounded by a handful of energetic seven year olds at the moment. Patrick and I are getting to know our boys and get the team to know each other as well. But right now they are all excited that Niall Horan is gonna be their coach.

"Alright boys lets settle down so we can chat and learn a few things about the game today", Patrick hollered out. Still nothing. The continued to chase each other on the field and not listen.

"Hey!", I say blowing my whistle. They all froze then. "You boys come sit for a minute", I tell them. They listen. "Wanna know what happens when we didn't listen to our coach?", I ask them.

"What?", Daniel, a rich kid, asks sarcastically

"He made us run the field. His way", I explained

"And what way was that?", The same kid asked. I can already tell this kid is gonna get on my nerves.

"We had to sprint around the field", I explained. "Meaning, we had to raise our knees waist high as we ran around the field, as if we were running in place", I explained

"I say we listen", Another kid named Josh said as he looked at all the other players. The others lads nodded in agreement.

We finally got them to listen and started working with them on kicking the ball around. Let them rotate kicking it into the net. Things like that. All of them were doing rather well except for Daniel. He played around. Tripped some of the others.

"Daniel, since you can't play nicely and correctly, you get to set on the bench", I tell him guiding him to where i want him to set. All he did was shrug his shoulders at me and look down at the ground. While I work with he other boys I can't help but think of what I could do to help Daniel. Something is up with that poor kid. We finish up with the kids and pull them in from the field

"You lads did great today", Patrick said. Next practice maybe we can show you guys a few tricks", He said smiling. The boys all cheered on that one. Pretty soon the parents started showing up to pick up their kids.

"Daniel, mummies here", We here a high squealed voce say causing us to turn around. Some woman dressed in a very revealing dress and hgh-heeled shoes was walking our way. Couldn't tell if she was coming back from a strip club or a halloween party to be honest. Her make up was caked onto her face. "Hi Mr. Horan!", This woman said excitedly and..flirtatiously. I mentally cringed at the sight. "I'm Dominique", She says. "But my friends call me Nikki", She says smiling

"Nice to meet you", Patrick says as he gathers up stuff. Purposely trying to dodge her antics.

"Any of you wanna go for a drink?", She says causing Patrick and I to just look at each other

" thanks..I'm going out with my wife tonight", Patrick says with a smile.

"How about you Mr. Horan?", She says stepping a bit closer to me. I step back a bit. "I'm so excited that you are coaching my boy", She says.

"Ummm..No thanks, I am taken", I tell her. "And yeah me too", I say referring to coaching her son

"She doesn't have to know", She says

"He ", I tell her. My significant other is a He", I explain. "Not interested in you. And you need to quit coming to your sons games and practices acting like a floozy. Have some pride in yourself and your son", I say gathering up what Patrick couldn't and head to my car. She huffs and grabs Daniel and heads to her car.

Patrick and I just looked at each other and made our way to our own vehicles. "I will call you later in the week to set up the next practice", He says. "I will then have a schedule written out for us and the lads", He explains

"Sounds great", I tell him as I get into my vehicle and head back home.


When I pull up I noticed a truck parked in our drive with boxes loaded up in the back. I walk in and just about knock Louis over as he had an armful of boxes.

"What's going on?", I ask making my way further in the house

"Moving day", Louis says with a smile. I looked at him confused. "Remember, I'm moving in with Liam", Louis says happily.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot that was today", I say to him smiling. I'm happy he has found someone like Liam to be with. But it's gonna be different without him here

"Hey, it's not far from here", Louis says. "And now you and Harry will have the whole house to yourselves", He says wiggling his eyebrows. "We will still hangout like we always do, that is a promise", Louis says. I then start helping them load the rest of the boxes up.

"How was practise?", He asks after we load the last box and set down for a bit.

"Was good", I say. "Ohhh I finally found your match! This kid is you when you were a kid", I tell him laughing a bit. "This kid literally does nothing during practise and trips the players while running by them", I say laughing a bit

"Hey, I did stuff during practise!", Louis says putting his hand over his chest.

"Notice he didn't deny tripping other players", Liam says laughing

"Shut up you", Louis says smacking Liam in the arm playfully

"Ow!", Liam cries out. "First day of living together and you're already hitting me", Liam says with his little pout.

"Awe I'm sorry baby", Louis says leaning over to kiss Liam. It makes me happy to see Louis this happy. Been awhile since I have seen him like this.

We chatted for awhile longer. talking about this that or the other.

"Guess we better go so we can this shit unloaded", Louis says standing up. We say our goodbyes and give hugs and then they leave. I just set back on the couch and take in the quiet. Very rare that this place is this quiet. Too quiet. I set back and close my eyes letting myself get lost in the quiet. That's when my phone decides to buzz

"Shit!", I say setting up grabbing my phone. Scared the shit out of me.

"Niall! Meet me at mums in 30!", Harry rushes through the phone

"Everything okay?", I say getting a bit worried

"Just.. meet me there", He says and then the line goes dead.

I rush around to get ready and then out the door I go

A/N: A quick update. Sorry for it being short. Been busy preparing a wedding and work. But wanted to get something up for you guys. Wonder what the rush is with Harry? How do you think Niall will deal with Daniel? Sorry andi0805 I tried waiting, I really did. i have an addiction. my name is Kristy and I have an addiction to wattpad..:-) :-)

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