Chapter 46

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I wanted to take Niall away from all the media and bullshit that was being said. I know he says that he believes what I am telling him. But I can see a touch of doubt in his eyes. Maybe not much but it's there. I want to show him that nobody else means to me what he does. And that douche bag ex of mine is making it difficult. Which is his motive. So when we left we both turned off our locations on our phones and turned them to silent. Don't want to be bothered with anything or anyone for the next few days. We go on my bike again as there is more to the lake area that I want to show him. Getting through it all by car can be difficult. If you stay on the road that goes around the lake to get to the houses, going by car is okay. But there are trails through the area that a car can't get you through. He seems to be more comfortable on the bike with me this time. I feel his arms around my waist, quite low may I add. Made driving difficult at times. What made things a bit worse down stairs is when he got comfortable enough to just place his hands on my hips, his fingers close to my manhood. Needless to say I was in a big hurry to get us to the lake house.

"The house is that way, isn't it?", Niall asked as we turned the opposite direction

"It is", I answer him. "But I have something I wanna show you", I tell him as I continue to the destination.

I ride us into the wooded area as far as my bike will let us. I park in and put the kickstand down to prop it up properly. I climb off and put my helmet on the handle bars. Niall takes his off and gives me a questioning look. I take his helmet and do with his what I did with mine. I then get on the bike, sitting where I can face him. I put his legs over my thighs and pull him closer to me, like he is straddling me a bit. I take his face in my hands and gently start to kiss him. After the shock hit him of what I was doing, he started moving his lips with mine. I love being spontaneous with him. After a bit we break apart to catch our breath. I stand up and get off the bike

"Come with me, I have something to show you", I say taking his hand and helping him off the bike

"Haz, I've already seen that", He says smirking up at me

"Not that", I tell him smiling. "Although, I'm not against showing you that, again", I say earning a light smack on my chest from him

I grab his hand and walk further along the trail. There are some trees around but not like a forest. After a bit of walking Niall stops causing me to look back at him questioningly

"What's wrong love?", I ask him

"For one, how much further? And two, is your bike gonna be okay left unattended back there?', He asks looking around

"Not much further and yes it will be fine baby", I say kissing his cheek and then continue walking him following behind me.

After walking a bit we come to the place I want to show him. Off a little in the distance is the rest of the lake. But at the end of it is a waterfall. Picnic tables all around. Distance between some of them. It's quiet here. All you can here is the wind blowing through the trees and the soft sound of the waterfall. A few birds chirping in the trees. A great switch from the heavy traffic..phones ringing..or people whispering around us. No paps or media. No flashing cameras. Just us and nature.

"This is beautiful", Niall says softly. barely a whisper as if he was afraid to break the peace that is around this place

"Yes it is", I cheekily say looking at him. His cheeks turning a light pink.

I lead him over to the edge of the lake that is close by the waterfall. We sit at a table there and just gaze out on the lake. The sun is at the hight to where it is bouncing off the lake making pretty oranges and reds across the water. Especially along the waterfall. It's just late afternoon going into the evening. Birds are flying over the water in hopes to catch their evening dinner. He then turns on the bench so he is facing me. His legs on either side of the bench. I turn the same way so we are face to face. It is his turn to take me by surprise as he places his lips on mine.

"Thank you for bringing me here", He whispers against my lips.

I then start the kiss back up. It starts out slow and passionate but quickly turns into a heated one. All our emotions and unspoken words flowing through it. He then scoots even closer to me where his legs are now placed over mine in a straddling position. Wasn't too long ago that we were in this same position..on my bike. He then started to slowly rock his hips against mine causing some very much needed friction. Our tongues dancing around each others mouths, not really caring who has dominance or control at this moment. Don't know how long we had been doing this till we break free to catch our breathes again. All I know is that the sun was setting and the moonlight was glowing down on us. The water was looking very pretty now and was the only light we had.

"Make love to me baby", Niall says against my lips, trailing down to my neck

"We have a very comfortable bed waiting on us baby", I whisper back. Niall then pulls away and looks around the area.

"It's so pretty out baby. The moonlight shining down on us. The gleam of it bouncing off the water. A perfect place and time to do it", He says looking me back in the eye. Who was I to argue with that. His eyes were shining and the moonlight lit up his skin even more. There's no way I could make it back to our cabin before ravishing him. We went back to our passionate kiss. Our hands exploring each others bodies. His hand creep up my shirt as he started pulling my shirt over my head. Goosebumps being left on my skin where his finger tips had been. We break the kiss as we take each others shirts off. After more kissing we strip each other completely, Niall resuming his place on my lap. Pretty soon our moans and whispers of each others names filling the once quiet night. The further we went and the more I thrusted inside of him, the more the night was filled with 'I love yous' and a few curse words thrown out every so often. Just as we were both about to reach our highs, Niall screamed out my name as he started rocking his hips more and bouncing on me harder. I knew he wasn't gonna last much longer and neither was I

"Cum with me", I whispered in Nialls ear. Pretty soon he was screaming my name as I was screaming his. Him biting my shoulder as he finished spilling out all over us. I held his hips still as I thrusted in him harder and deeper causing me to spill out inside of him.

"God, I love you", Niall whispers as he kisses my lips

"I love you too baby so much", I whisper back. I wanted to be cheeky and tell him that he could call me Harry instead of God as a joke, but I didn't want to ruin the beautiful moment we were having. After a bit he stood up to put his pants back on. Me following his actions. When we got through we walked back down the trail towards my bike. Well the best we could as both us were still a bit wobbly on our feet.

"Shower?', Niall says as we walk back in to the cabin. I nod my head in agreement.

After our shower and maybe round two, we were now relaxing on the couch by the fireplace. Doing nothing but enjoying the peace and each others presence. I opened my phone and turned it on to check for any important messages. One popped up.

Private number: That bastard is going down
Followed by a few pix of what looks like occurred at the childrens practice this evening. I guess Niall had the same idea as me as I look up and see his phone by my face. A video playing back to us.

What? How? Is this who I think it is?..I send back to the number. I just get a quick yes from him and that's it

"Liam got this at the practice this evening. Recorded it on his phone", Niall says bringing my attention from my phone and back to him.

"Damn!", I say. "My sister has sass", I say causing us both to laugh.

"Yeah. As does Louis and Andi", Niall says. "We have some great friends for sure", Niall says.

I then show the pictures that were sent to me. Some of Andi shoving the camera in the paps face. Louis shoving his finger in jack ass' face. Gemma looking like she is ready to rip that bitch in half. So, we now have pictures and video of everything

"He best back off or this is all going to the press", Niall says. I nod in agreement. "By the way, who does that private number belong to?", He asks

Maybe it's time to let him in on more of my past

A/N: Here is another chapter for you guys my lovelies. I hope you enjoy it.
Narry time good? Yay? Nay?
What do you think they will do with this new evidence they've been given?
Who is this mystery person? And how are they tied into Harry's past?
Much love XX

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