Chapter 31

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We pull up into our drive and Harry parks the bike. We climb off the bike and head to the door. Before getting there I find myself being pinned up against the house. Harry staring down at me.

"What?", I say in a shakey voice. He literally takes my breath away when he looks at me like this.

"I'm not ready to let you go just yet", He says getting closer to my face. "Although bossy 'take charge Niall' turns me on", He says leaning down to close the gap between us. His lips on my feels so good. They are soft and so inviting. We kiss for a bit longer and he pulls away just a bit

"Just think, though, the quicker I get this taken care of..the quicker we can be back in that nice comfy bed", I tell him holding him close to me by his collar.

"Shit baby lets go get this done", He breathes out. He grabs my hand and we make our way to the door. It's locked so I get my key out and unlock it. I go to open the door and Harry holds me back a bit. I just look at him questioningly.

"The door is locked? Walk in cautiously", He whispers

"Good point babe", I say as we slowly open the door and quietly walk in. And then we hear it

Oh fuck! Right there Liam!
I'm gonna cum Louis!

"Oh My God!", I mouth to Harry trying not to bust up laughing. Harry holds up his finger to tell me to be quiet and walks closer to the living room. He has this mischeivous look on his face so I know he is up to something

"OH! Fuck! Niall yes baby!", Harry yells out around the corner. He is now doubled over in laughter as Liam and Louis are now hurrying around the living room to get their clothes gathered around. A blanket around their waists. Yes, they are crawling around on the floor to get their clothes. I am now laughing

"That was not right", Liam says as he tries to slip his pants back on

"There's a reason the door was locked

"There's a reason we both have a bedroom", I tell Louis

"I was still able to cum. Were you Liam?", He asks as if this is all a casual thing. Leave it to Louis. Poor Liam is turning bright red. Well redder than he was before. He slightly nods his head 'yes'.

"Alright. That's all that matters then", Louis says gathering things up off the floor.

"Anyways", Harry says still laughing some. "Besides all this", Harry states pointing around the living room. "You doing okay Liam?", He finishes setting down on the couch

"Yeah, I think so. Just wish people would mind their own business and stop thinking everything belongs in the tabloids", Liam states setting down also.

"We'll get it taken care of", Louis says making his way back in the living room

"We damn sure will", I say. "The person who turned the picture in needs to be set straight and the one that wrote the article needs to be as well". I pull out my phone to call ' my people'. Through our coach we can get an interview/meeting set up with these stupid people. I was on the phone for a bit as the coach advised me to call our legal advisor person. I talked with him for awhile as he threeway called the manager of the the magazine. My legal advisor stayed quiet as I did the talking. He was on the call as well so he could vouch for what was and was not said. So if they decide to print something I did not say they could get sued.

"Hello Mr. Horan, My name is", The guy went to say but I cut him off

"Let's cut the small talk sir and get right to business", I tell him. So much more I wanna say but I know I've also gotta watch what I say or he can get me also. "This little article you had printed in your magazine is full of lies and bullshit. I don't know why you found it okay to have it printed and published. You didn't even get a hold of me, Louis or Liam to get our side before you got the story out. You took it from some bystander that was money hungry. Is your magazine doing that poorly that you have to grab at every story just to get something out?", I tell him

"Umm", He says but I don't let him go further

"You can't print what I think of this because you have no idea! You have no idea about the accident! You just know that there was one! You don't know all the details of it! So what gave you the right to print this and add what I think or say about it!?! Or to make people think that Louis..nevermind he is gonna get a chance to say what he thinks! For your information I am perfectly fine with them dating! There is and never was and never will be even a threat of a law-suit! So that can get out of everyone's thoughts right now! I suggest you print up an article apologizing for this article because you do not want to get another call from me on this subject! It will not be with me but our lawyer instead! You have two days to get this fixed or else!", I tell him and then hand the phone to Louis.

"Hello sir", Louis says as he takes the phone. "You have no right to say anything about this situation when you know nothing about it! I did not nor will I ever threaten him with a lawsuit! Or have him date me just to keep one from happening! He and I are dating because we like each other! And it's nobody's business to know more than that! Fix this or else!", He says. "Umm no I'm not gonna tell you about Liam's situation! That is his story to tell not mine! And since you have not heard it, he must not want you to know at this time! There is more of a reason of how this accident happened, but again, that's his story to tell! Get our names out of this article since it is nothing but lies! And you better think twice before putting us in one of your stories again! Understood? Learn to do your job properly!", He says then hangs up the phone.

"Wanted to say..'do your job propper you fookin' losah!', But I didn't think that would go well", Louis says causing us all to laugh a bit. My phone rang again. I seen that it was our legal advisor. Woops! Forgot he was on the phone too.

"Hey sir, sorry about that", I said laughing. He laughed a bit as well

"You guys did fine. Stayed cool to a point. But he can't come back on you guys for being too agressive", He explains. "Should be taken care of now. You lads have a great day", He says and then we hang up. "Welpt that's done", I say going to set by Harry.

"Good now we can go back to what we were doing", Louis says

"Let us leave first", Harry says laughing a bit

'Oh my god! Not that! Just hanging out and not worrying about shit", Louis says cuddling into Liam.

'You guys do that and we are going back out to the Lake House", I say standing up

"Sounds great to me", Harry says

"And when you get back, if the door is locked, CALL ME!!!", Louis says giving us a glare

"Yes horndog we will", Harry says. We say bye and then we head out the door. We climb on the bike and drive off to our spot. I wrap my arms around Harry and hang on tightly. Like I said, I could get use to this feeling.

A/N: Here you guys go. I hope it's as good as you were inticipating. as always vote and comment your thoughts and ideas. Much love xx

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