Chapter 48

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A/N: Just wanna prepare you guys for this chapter. A bit emotional. Harry is now gonna reveal his past to his mum. Zayn and Anne will be in the same room after so many years. As will Harry and Zayn. How do you think this will go? Read on to find out! :-)

Authors POV*

To say that Harry slept better than he had in years would be an understatement. He slept with no nightmares and quite peaceful for many reasons. For one, He was in his babies arms. And for two, he finally spoke about things that he had kept to himself for so long. He woke up feeling revived and alive, if that makes any sense. To him it does. His chest feels lighter when he breathes and his mind feels clearer than ever. He finally sees the light at the end of his dark tunnel. He lets out a happy sigh as he stretches and wakes up more. He looks over to see Niall peacefully sleeping. He just lays there and admires this beautiful boy laying next to him. Seeing him in a different way than before. A better way. Someone he knows for sure he can talk to and confide in. Despite the shit Niall has been dealing with, he took all that Harry has been going through upon his shoulders. Harry couldn't hardly believe that he finally found someone that truly care. Yes, he knew how kind Niall was and how loving he can be. But last night proved even more of what kind of person Niall is. And that Niall is his. This baffled Harry even more. that there is someone for him that truly cares. And that beautiful person is laying next to him. Didn't run. Didn't yell at him for being weak. Instead he loved him..held him..and told him that he is gonna be okay..and that he was the strongest person Niall had ever met. No one, except his mum, has ever told him that and meant it.

He decided that today would be the day that he got his mum and Zayn here so that things could get sorted. While he had the confidence to do so. He wanted to also do it wile he and Niall were at the cabin so they could do this in private without the media being nosey. So, he carefully climbs out of bed as to not wake his boy up. His boy. Harry smiles at the thought. He grabs some clothes so he can get a shower done and get breakfast cooked up for Niall. Before he gets in the shower he sends a quick text to Zayn and his mum to meet up at the cabin at one in the afternoon for lunch. He then got in the shower, singing a different tune as he washed himself off. Memories of last night running through his mind. Their talk and intimacy they had afterwards. He thought about waking Niall up like that but figured he would give his poor boys bum a rest. When he got out he put his clothes on and made his way to the kitchen. He got the makings for pancakes out and some eggs and bacon as well. Just as he was about to set it all out on the table along with juice and milk, a sleepy Niall walked in the kitchen.

"Smells good baby", Niall said as he wrapped his arms around Harrys waist and placed a kiss on the nap of his neck.

"Thank you baby", Harry says as he turns around to face Niall, wrapping his arms around his boys waist. "Thank you for last night baby", Harry says placing a soft kiss on Nialls lips.

"Which part?", Niall asks with a smirk.

"All of it", Harry says. And Harry meant it. he knew that there was no way he could fully thank Niall for what he has done for him. As Niall feels the same way about what Harry has done for him

The two boys sat at the table and scooped up some of the food onto their plates. Both of them eating as if they hadn't eaten in days. Silence filled the room as they ate. A comfortable silence though. Both of them enjoying the food that Harry had cooked up. Harry finally broke the silence after a bit

"So, I decided to get my mum and Zayn here today so I could talk to them", Harry said as he took a drink of juice.

"What?", Niall said thinking he heard Harry wrong. Harry had to laugh a bit at Nialls reaction. His mouth open and his fork barely in his mouth

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