Chapter 14

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It's been a few days since Louis talked to whatever his name is. I don't even care at the moment to remember. I maybe being a bit harsh as louis explained to me what happened. But I am still bitter about the whole situation. yeah, maybe I should swallow my pride and talk to this guy, but I am still having a hard time doing that. He has gone through alot as well, but I guess i am just being selfish right now. Anyways, Harry has been coming over everyother day to do physical theropy with me. He has reminded me over and over again that I need to get stronger so that I can be prepared for more extensive theropy when this cast comes off. Which thankfully is happening real soon. He has been having me walk the hall last couple of times he's been here. I have mastered dressing myself. Yay me! taking showers is still a bit difficult but will be easier once this damned cast comes off. It's getting so irritating. It itchess all the time now. Mom got me a long handled thingy to use to scratch the spots I can't get to. Right now I am setting in my computer chair at my desk. Yes! Surprise! I'm not in my bed! HA! Think I surprised my mum too. Was quite funny actually. When she brings me my breakfast she us use to me being in my bed. She walks in my room and walks right past me to my bed.

"Niall! You're breakfast is ready", She hollers out. I do my best not to laugh yet

"Thank you mum", I say snickering a bit

"Oh! Niall! Shit! You scared me!", She screaches out nearly dropping my tray of food in her hands.

"Language mum!", I say while laughing.

"Yeah. No, that is an exception. You nearly made me wet myself", Mum says as she brings my food over to me

"Mum, you literally walked right pass me", I say laughing and taking the food she gave me

"Yeah, well, I didn't see you. You're usually in your bed still. I just nod my head and smile a bit. I would respond but then she would get on to me for talking with my mouth full. She made French Toast, Sausage, and some fruit. Juice and milk for beverage.

'Thank you mum. This is so good", I tell her inbetween bites.

"You're welcome love. get ready soon because Harry will be here in a bit", Mum says walking out of my room.

"Ugh. Alright", I tell her playfully. Honestly having him here hasn't been so bad. After seeing his leg and what he had to indure changed my outlook on things. he knows what I am having to face. He's been through it. Only he had to indure more and face harder challenges. It just helps to know that your theropist does know what you're feeling and thinking. He knows exactly what needs to be said and done. Not too long ago we got into it because I was ready to give up and this hasn't really started getting real hard yet. Harry says this is just the beginning. Anyhow I got an attitude with him and instead of arguing with me he got up and walked out of my room. But before he left he told me that if I don't want this then he has nothing more to do here. That this is all up to me. And since he's no longer needed he will be going. Needless to say i called him that evening to apologize and tell him that he is still needed. I just had a hot-headed moment. That's one thing about Harry. he does sympathize with me but he also gets tough with me. He knows how to push back.

"Good morning", Harry says as he walks into my room. "You're up!", He exclaims holding his chest faking a heart attack. Geez! Talk about drama queen. Wait, no, Louis still holds that title.

"Good morning. And yes, I'm up. No need to get all dramatic on me", I tell him spinning around in my chair to face him. He sets in the chair by my bed and pulls out my chart that he keeps all my 'activities' posted in.

"Alright, today we are going to walk the hall", Harry said walking over to me. He grabs my crutches and puts them at arms length making me have to reach for them. I go limp in my chair, just to be an ass. My legs straight out in front of me. My arms draped over the arms of the chair. My head kind of leaned rested on my shoulder. Dead weight relaxed. My eyes closed. Pretty soon I feel Harrys hands on each side of me resting on the arm-rests. I feel his warm breath in my face. I open my eyes to see him quite close to my face. His feet on each side of my legs like he is straddling me but not setting on me. Kind of leaning into me. My breath hitched a bit and my heart started racing. He has some beautiful eyes. His limps are so plump and kissable. Wait! What?

"Mr. Horan, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice", He says braking me from my not so clean thoughts.

"And what would the hard way be, Mr. Styles?", I ask him trying to keep my voice at a normal pitch and my breathing at a normal rate. I think I failed though by the smirk that is placed on his face. We both just froze in spot staring into each others eyes a bit. He blinks and shakes his head as if he was lost in thought as well.

"Well, I would have to do this", He says clearing his throat and leaning more into me wrapping his arms around my chest as to hiug me and starts pulling me up out of the chair. Tries to anyways. We are in mid way when we hear someone clear their throat.

"Am I interrupting something?", He asks teasingly

"Just trying to get your heard-headed friend up out of his chair", Harry says casually as he stands back up straight.

"I'm sure you were. And I bet he is a bit hard headed right now", Louis says with a cheeky grin on his face as he playfully bumps Harry's shoulder and winks at him.

"Oh My God, Louis!", I say feeling my cheeks heat up. I'm sure I am all shades of red right now

"Awe, Look! Nialler is blushing!", Louis says laughing walking over to my bed to set down. Harry just smiles at me and tries to act unfased by Louis' comments. But there is a look in his eyes telling me he was fazed a bit. I just let those thoughts go. He is my theropist and right now I need to focus on healing. Not his beautiful eyes..cute dimples..kissable lips..and did I mention his ass? No...well..he has an ass that would make a nun want to do sinful things to him. Just saying. And his thighs. OMG! He can wrap them around me any day! Shit I better lose these thoughts before little me decides to wake up. But damn I can't help but think about kissing his thighs and other places.

"Niall? Niall!", I hear being shouted at me. I come out of my Harry induced coma and see Harry standing there snapping his fingers in front of my face. "You okay mate?", He asks with his cheeky grin on his face. Shit head. He knows. He's just being coy about it.

"yeah, yeah, I'm good", I say as I grab the crutches and go to stand up. I coulda swore I heard him mumble i'm sure you are as we walked out of the room. Louis was on my side and Harry behind me just in case I fell they were there to catch me.

"You staring at my ass Mr. Styles?", I ask teasingly while we walked along the hall.

"N-nope", he answers clearing his throat.

"Are you saying my ass isn't good enough for you to look at?", I ask him just to get a reaction from him. Louis is beside me trying not to burst into laughter.

"I..ummm..I -I choose not to answer that at the moment", Harry stumbles over his words as he speaks. That got Louis laughing.

"What a great story for the papers.", Louis starts off. "Long time player of the Rovers, Niall Horan, now off the market as he has been taken by his theropist Harry Styles", Louis says imitating what the headlines would read. I couldn't say anything. I did not trust my voice at that moment.

"Wouldn't that just be the story of the year", Harry says laughing a bit. I couldn't help but think that it would be. It'd make a great story. If only it could be true.

A/N: hear you lovelies go. I hope you enjoyed it. Awe Narry slowly coming around. My Narry feels just went into over-drive I think. LOL..I was going to wait a bit longer for the fluffy stuff, but I couldn't hold out any longer. I hope it doesn't look too rushed. Please tell me your thoughts and ideas you may have. I love hearing from my readers. You're opinions and thoughts are important to me. Much love xx

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