Chapter 4

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Zane's phone vibrated in his pocket as he shakenly grabbed the phone and saw it was a message from Garroth.


Garroth~Are you feeling better?


Zane's hands shook as he typed in his reply, having many typos he had to fix due to his shaking fingers and taking longer to reply.


Zane~Yeah, I don't need you to baby me.

Garroth~Well you are my baby brother.
My shift is almost done, I'll be home soon with some medication just in case.


Zane doesn't reply back and drops his phone, staring at the blood on the floor that's also mixed with tears. Zane didn't want Garroth to see him like this, not wanting to be a weight on his brother's shoulder and having to deal with this again.

Zane slowly gets up, his legs still feel wobbly as he tried to stay steady, wiping away the tears in his eyes, and picks up the knife, putting it in the sink and washing it while also washing his cut wrist. Zane watched as the blood goes down the drain until it was just water.

He turns off the sink and grabs a paper towel, covering his wrist as blood continued to run down as he went upstairs, having to hold on to the railing for support, and goes into the bathroom. Zane looked around through the cabinet and grabbed the role of white bandages, sitting down on the toilet.

Zane removes the paper towel, now covered in blood, from his wrist and started wrapping the bandages around his wrist, wrapping around 2 layers so no blood soaks through. Zane was starting to feel light-headed, but ignored it, needing to clean everything.

Zane puts the bandages back in the cabinet and throws away the bloody paper towel in the toilet, flushing knowing someone might notice it in the trash. Zane goes back downstairs, grabbing a mop, and started cleaning up the blood, also spraying some air freshener to cover the scent of his blood.

Zane then went upstairs to his bedroom, wanting to clean up the mess Balto had made but when he entered his room, a shiver went up Zane's spine. He looked sheets at the bed, the covers were stained and a mess, he didn't even want to go near it.

Zane sighs and closes the door to his bedroom, deciding to clean it up later as he heads back down and collapses on the couch. He felt exhausted, his eyelids were heavy and his body was burning. Zane closes his eyes, regretting too as he could only see the red ruby eyes of Balto, opening them again.

Zane sighs, looking around the living room and trying to find something to keep him awake. The tv wouldn't help, if he can still see Balto when closing his eyes, it'll be the same with the tv as earlier.

The house is dead silent, giving Zane an eerie feeling, making him wish Garroth would come back, making Zane feel calmer about knowing Garroth is fine when he's around him. Balto words repeated in his mind.

"It'd be a shame if something happened to your precious, innocent, idiotic brother."

As much as Zane hates to admit it, Balto was right, Balto threat was mainly the only reason why Zane didn't want to tell his brother. Garroth was innocent and Zane doesn't want to drag Garroth into his problem, much get him into the same situation.

Healing a broken soul(Zane×Gene) {Re-write}Where stories live. Discover now