Fun facts!!

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For all of my old readers who have read the original, you may have noticed small and huge different changes I have done when re-writing this book, and so I decided to make a list of the changes just for fun~

I would also like to say that once I'm done with this book, it will be working in updating, and editing my other books, cause they're old a terrible but I still love them. Like this book.

So, if you're a fan of another other of my book, go check them out cause I will continue to write.


1~Loving a broken soul.

This book was originally called "Loving a broken soul," I did have a picture of a Zene fan art but I changed the picture, to a picture of a knitted heart with a knitted crack in the middle that I found on google as the cover. The title didn't seem fitting when I decided to re-write the book, and the cover was just awful. I did change the title and cover to what it is now, but although it better than the last one, I still doesn't seem fitting so I might change it when I come up with a better title and better picture.
Although the title does represent Zane being the broken soul and is being healed, not just by Gene, but by everyone, I feel like it's just not...fitting. Also, the cover is a little weird, it's just two boys kissing the bed, which I also found on google.
So if you guys have better suggestions, please comment.

2~Balto was originally going to keep in touch with Zane.

I had an idea, that after Balto had done this thing and left, that he went through Zane's phone after he passed out and call his own number. Then when Zane goes to work, Balto was supposed to message him, asking him where he was 'cause he wanted to "relieve some stress."
When re-reading the book, I didn't think it made any sense and was stupid, so I just cut it out and made it seem more like Balto was taunting him, his voice talking to Zane in his head and that he came back again for another round, just to break Zane more.

3~Garroth and Laurence weren't a couple yet at the beginning.

In the original, I didn't make Garroth and Laurence a couple but did hint that they liked each other, but due to Garroth spending most of his time taking care of Zane, I wouldn't be able to fit it in the story since realistically, someone wouldn't be interested in romance when trying to take care and help someone important to them who's a victim of a dangerous life-changing experience. That being rape, abuse of any kind, kidnap, etc..
So I just thought it'll be easier to make them a couple at the beginning so that Garroth has someone to lean on when times come hard for him and be comforted and get advice. Although, yes you can definitely lean on a friend for that, I just thought it makes sense to lean on someone who you kinda knows about the situation and Laurence seemed perfect since he lives with Zane.

4~Suicide scene.

I'm pretty sure lots of people know this, but the suicide scene was inspired from the show "13 reasons why", and there was also a scene where when Balto was invited to watch a movie, they were watching "13 reasons why". Back then I was a fan of the show but now I'm just meh about it like it's alright, the sad story is interesting but it's just okay for me now.
I did change the scene that they were just watching a movie without naming it, so it could've been anything, but the suicide scene I decided to keep it in just 'cause it was a big part in the original and I wanted it to stay the same as the big part in the re-write.
If I did change the scene, I would've written it as Zane overdosing instead.

5~Gene visiting.

In the re-write, I gave a hint in chapter 7, that some mysterious person visited Zane in the hospital, but with this book being a Zene book and the doctor giving a description of what the person looked like, it was obviously Gene. I just thought it is cute to write about Gene visiting Zane in the hospital to give hints about a different side of him in the story.

6~Parents visiting.

In the original, there was no chapter about Zane's parents visiting, I just wrote that Zane felt unimportant to his father but when re-writing the story, I added the chapter so the reader could understand better about Zane relationship with Garte and how much it could still affect a person, even if Zane wasn't going through the situation of trying to move on from being rape, Zane would have the same reaction when Garte was talking to him on why Zane didn't want him around, but Zane would shout back instead of breaking down and saying what he wanted to say in his head.

7~Gene's guilt.

In the original, Gene did feel guilty and did apologies to Zane about their past, but it wasn't as extreme and emotional in this version.
In this version, Gene seems more unforgiving of himself and thinks that he doesn't deserved to be with Zane or even be happy.
Although this isn't much of a change, I still wanted to bring it up cause why not.

8~Sasha and Zenix.

In the original, Sasha and Zenix don't really have an appearance in my story. In the chapter where Zane is trapped in their house, Sasha and Zenix are there, but they don't do anything, or even talk. But I did decide to give them more life in this book, even if they did have very little paragraphs written about them, it's better than just writing them in the story and just making them silent robots to do what Gene says without any comebacks.

9~Nana (Kawaii~Chan)

Okay, I'm going to be very open here, so don't like Kawaii~Chan. I find her to be very annoying, and although I did stop Aphmau I finally decided to catch up and Irene dammit... I wished she died. I just don't like how whiny and pushy she is, she like begged Zane to take her to the resort when she didn't even know why they were going to a resort in the first place. I kinda wished that she died like, Zane, you could do better. I know my ships aren't going to be cannon anytime soon, but come on!! Anyone!! Anyone is better!!
Which is why I decided to cut Kawaii~chan from the book. Never mentioned, not present in a single chapter 'cause she does not exist in my story.

And to all my kawaii~chan, Zane~chan lovers out there, I'm sorry. I don't care if you like Kawaii~chan and the ship, it's fine, it's your opinion, but don't get mad at my opinion.
Cause we can at least agree on one thing...Zene is a great ship!!
Don't disagree, cause you're reading this book for a reason!!

10~no epilogue.

Of course, in the original, there was so epilogue, cause I didn't think it was necessary, cause they already had a happy ending. But the reason why I decided to add an epilogue, is cause I thought it would be a cute way to end it, so the readers know that Zane and Gene are meant to be. At least in my story.

11~my inspiration.

So, although this is a pretty dark story I did get inspired by it by other really, really dark stories. When I first start to read Aphmau fan fiction, I did find lots of stories that had a similar situation with the Ro'Meave brother growing up in an abusive household with their father, Garte. Where mostly Garroth takes most the hits to protect his brother, Zane gets sexually assaulted by Garte or Garte friends, and Vylad feeling useless as Zane and Garroth protects him.
I did write something similar but deleted it 'cause I lost motivation to continue it and didn't know where I was going with it either. After deleting the story, this was around the time where Zane was becoming my favorite character and I wanted to read stories where it focused on him, but I was also going through the time where I read and write depressing stories 'cause I found them more interesting.
So, I decided to write a depressing story about Zane, where he gets rapes, but instead by his father because I wanted it to happen in this early adult years because Zane high school life was already horrible so I didn't want to add more and decided to make it a romance 'cause I thought the book would be pretty boring with it and I really like Zene.

I will be going back to writing the epilogue, and since it is the epilogue, it's going to be pretty long and since it's the end of the book, I want it to be perfect, even though that doesn't exist.
Also, I've been visiting family so that has been taking my time from writing, especially since I'm not allowed to bring my computer, and writing on my phone can be uncomfortable. But I will do whatever it takes to finish the epilogue as soon as possible!!

Thank you for your support and love!! I love you all!!!!

Healing a broken soul(Zane×Gene) {Re-write}Where stories live. Discover now