Chapter 8

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The next day, Garroth drove to the hospital to pick up Zane, walking into his room. He sees Zane sitting on the chair, next to the window staring off as if deep in his own thoughts. Zane heard the door open and quickly turns around, getting scared but sighs in relief when realizing it was just his brother.

"Hey, Zane," Garroth greets, trying to act cheerful, "How are you feeling?" Garroth asks. Zane just nods in response, putting on a small smile to act like he was fine, but life in his eyes was long dead.

Garroth sighs, but keeps his smile on, "Ready to go?" Garroth asked Zane nod, getting up. "I already filled out the paperwork," Garroth adds as they left the room. Garroth turns back, closing the door, and heads to the elevator with Zane following.

The two stayed in silence, not an awkward silence but not a comfortable one either. They walked out of the hospital, Zane finally being able to smell the fresh air as he gets in the car, sitting passenger as Garroth sat in the driver seat.

Garroth started the car and drove out of the hospital parking lot, "Do you want to get something to eat?" Garroth asked, breaking the weird tension silence. Zane shakes his head and stares out the window, trapped in his own thoughts again. Zane has always been a closed door, not opening up much, but now it was like if Zane was a locked door, to never open up again.


Garroth parked the car in the driveway of the house, getting out with Zane following Garroth inside the house. Laurence sat on the couch and turn, although knowing, he was still surprised to see Zane. "Zane, uh, wel-" before Laurence could finish, Zane just glanced at him for a second before going upstairs in a panic.

Laurence just sighs and gets up from the couch, turning to Garroth, "Still hasn't said anything, not even a word?" Laurence asked. Garroth shakes his head, "Nothing, not a single peep," Garroth answers. "He barely even looked at me," Laurence said, sounding concerned. "At least he seems more comfortable around you, maybe you can very, very slowly bring him out of his shell," Laurence comments and sits back down on the couch with Garroth sitting next to him.

Laurence lays his head down on Garroth's shoulder as Garroth grabs Laurence's hand, needing to comfort each other and from each other. "I know we should all be concerned for Zane, and I am. But, Garroth, what about you...?" Laurence questions, but Garroth doesn't respond and just pulls Laurence in a hug.

Laurence was surprised at the sudden embrace but hugs back. Garroth then pulls Laurence in a kiss, using his tongue, making Laurence let out a small moan. Garroth pulls away and pushes Laurence's head to rest on his chest.

Laurence was confused as he felt Garroth kissing the top of his head, "Don't worry, I'm fine. You should know better, that if there's anything wrong, I'll come to you immediately," Garroth says before pulling away and gets up.

"I'm just going to check up on Zane," he says and goes up the stairs to Zane's bedroom, knocking on the door before entering. Zane lays on his bed but sits up when hearing someone entering, seeing it was his brother. "Are you feeling alright?" Garroth asks and sits next to him. Zane nods and looks down at his lap, keeping a blank expression, "Are you hungry?" Garroth asked, since Zane didn't want to get any food on the way, and knowing hospital food isn't really that great.

Zane could see Garroth's efforts in trying to lighten the mood, and not wanting to worry his brother he nods. "Zane, just talk to me..." Garroth pleads, his expression turning into sadness, Zane held onto his sleeve, biting his lips as he turns to Garroth, opening his mouth but nothing. Zane didn't say anything, tears starting to well up in his eyes as he pulls out his phone.

Zane started typing something and then Garroth heard a ring from his phone, Garroth checked to see Zane had sent him a message.


Zane~I'm sorry, but I can't. You heard what the doctor said, it's difficult for me.

Garroth~But we need to start somewhere so it could be easier for you.

Zane~I know, but let's just slow down.
I just left the hospital from my failed suicide attempt and have a lot on my mind right now.
I think I just need some food and rest for now.
Please, understand that I'm just not ready.


Garroth looks over to Zane, seeing tears started falling down his cheeks as Zane tries to wipe them away but they continued to fall. Garroth sighs and pulls Zane in a tight embrace, Zane slowly hugging back. "Alright," Garroth says and pulls away, wiping away Zane's tears, "It's fine, I won't force you," Garroth then gets up. "I'll go order a pizza," Garroth says and walks towards the door, but then felt a tug on the back of his shirt.

Garroth turned to Zane had a guilty expression. Garroth just smiles and pets the top of Zane's head, "I'm not mad, just worried," Garroth says before walking out of the room. Zane sighs and lies back down on his bed, his sheets smelling fresh, thinking that Laurence must've cleaned his room and washed his sheets, which Garroth must've asked him to do since Garroth can barely mop the floor.

Although Zane changed his sheets that were kept in his closet, it did had a funky smell so it was nice having his bedsheets smell of detergent. His room also smelled of febreze instead of ammonia (a bleach-like smell).


Garroth goes downstairs to see Laurence laying on the couch, watching tv but Garroth walks over, showing Laurence the messages. "So he won't talk, but he'll communicate through text...?" Laurence states but also questioned. Garroth sighs, "Yeah, I'm going to order pizza," Garroth says and goes to the kitchen, dialing the number for dominos.


After about half an hour, there was a knock at the door. "It's the pizza," Laurence says and gets up, opening the door to reveal the pizza delivery man. Laurence pays and thanks the man before closing the door and setting the pizza box on the kitchen counter, with also some chicken wings and a 2-liter Pepsi soda bottle

Garroth grabs the plates, getting 2 slices of pizza for Zane and some pieces of chicken wings, and goes up the stairs. Garroth enters the room without a knock and sees Zane sitting by his desk, his sleeve rolled up and his bloodstain bandages unwrapped, staring at the scars. Garroth flinched at the sight as he walked over and set the plate down on the desk, turning Zane's chair and rewrapped the bandages then rolls his sleeves back down.

Zane just started with a dull expression, Garroth then looks up at Zane, surprised to see his expression as Zane grabs his phone, sending a message to Garroth.


Zane~Can I have some time alone?

Garroth~Alright, if you need anything just message me.


Garroth then stood up and exit Zane's bedroom, closing the door and going downstairs to Laurence. Laurence already setting a plate of pizza for Garroth at the coffee table, sat on the couch. Garroth sits beside Laurence who was eating his pizza and watching tv, Garroth wipes away some sauce from Laurence's cheeks as who turns to him and smiles.

Healing a broken soul(Zane×Gene) {Re-write}Where stories live. Discover now