Chapter 16: Our Next Plan

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A/N: I'll update the next chapter tomorrow. 


Jin's Pov

We decided to go back to the warehouse one by one, because if we went back there all together, I know that they'll doubt it, and it's obvious that we went all together to somewhere. We decided to talk about the plan next time. We don't want to went back late, Chin Hwa hyung will doubt it. Some went back, and some of us went somewhere. It's one of the plan, not to comeback at the warehouse all together. So I just went to the grocery store to buy some foods. So that if he ask why I went back late, I have an excuse. We finished our mission too early, so that we can talk without worrying about the time too much. 

Next time, we'll talk about our next plan, and that would be our first step too. But before we do our first step we need to plan carefully. We need to think first. But I think we need to do something about Chul Moo and Dong Chan. I know that they're planning something against us too. I think it's better if we killed them? Before they kill or hurt Min Kyung. I know that they hate me, and they'll do anything to make me look bad and feel bad. Even if it means killing the most important person in my life. I won't let them hurt any of my friends. I need to do something, but I need to tell it to my friends too for them to be aware about the two. 

I went back to the warehouse. It's quiet like usual. I went straight to my room. I feel like I can't sleep again, there's so many thing running in my head right now. I keep thinking about the next plan, I'm also thinking about the what if. The negative results too. Should I still do the plan? I guess I need to. I don't want to live like this for the rest of my life. I won't waste my chance, I'll do it not just for myself, not just for my dreams, but also for her, for Min Kyung. Then I think about Min Kyung. I wonder how's she? Is she alright? I hope that she is. Then I remember when she confess to me, I smiled remember the word I love you, but my smile quickly fades away when I remember how much I hurt her. I didn't mean to hurt her, I just want to protect her.

Just wait Min Kyung-ah, soon I'll find you, I know we'll meet again, another time, another place. I'll find you wherever you are. I just wish that she still loves me when that happen. But I wish that we'll succeed in our plan to stop this kind of job. I know that I need to pay for what before I get the chance to be with Min Kyung, but I'll do what's right. I need to change, I need to do something. Nothing will happen if I keep on doing my Chin Hwa hyung wants me to do. Sometimes, I doubt about what really happened about my family. It seems strange that some of my friends's family died the same as what happened to my family. I doubt if what if Chin Hwa hyung did something about our family? So that he can take us and make us believe that we owe him. I doubt it, but I don't have a proof and it's wrong to accuse someone. 

After 5 days 

We're all here at the forest, tonight we'll talk and think about our plan, and maybe our first step. Should I told them about my doubt about what happened to my family? Maybe I should. After all, it seems like our family got killed by someone we didn't know who. Was it Chin Hwa hyung? It's not impossible if it's him. But I still hope that he's not. 

Kai: So, what would be our next plan? 

Me: Wait, before we proceed to our next plan, can I ask you guys about something? 

Sehun: Sure, what is it hyung? 

Me: Isn't strange, that our family got killed? It's just, I doubt it. It seems like Chin Hwa hyung did something. Look, we want to get revenge to that person who killed our family. But I'm thinking that the one who killed our family is no other than Chin Hwa hyung or also a member of the Crowheart. 

Xiumin: Maybe. It's possible. It makes me think about it too after you tell it to us. We need to figure it out. 

Jinyoung: It's not right to accuse someone, but it makes me doubt it too. And it's better to be sure that Chin Hwa hyung isn't involve about the death of our family. It's better to be sure, we'll figure it out. 

Jungkook: Well it's better to be sure. I don't want us to look like a fool believing everything that Chin Hwa hyung told us. 

Suga: Yes, and once I knew that he's the one who killed my family, I won't forgive him. 

Me: Yes, I won't forgive him too. But let's move on with our plan. 

Hee Young: Sure! Have something in your mind? 

Me: I'm wondering, do we need kill Chin Hwa hyung for our plan? 

Namjoon: If we need to, we will. But as much as possible, I hate to kill. But if he's the one who killed my family, I won't think twice, I'll kill him. 

Suho: For what I see, we need to. If we talk to him or beg him to stop this kind of business, I'm sure that he won't listen to us, right? 

Sehun: I agree with Suho hyung, he won't listen so we don't have any other choice but to kill him. 

Mark: If we talk or beg him to stop this kind of business, he won't listen to us, instead he'll know that we're planning something, so we have no choice, we need to kill him. 

Baekhyun: Yes, he's right. The only thing to stop this is to kill him. 

Me: I guess you guys were right, we need to. But one more thing that's bothering me. 

Jungkook: What is it hyung? 

Me: It's about Chul Moo and his friend Dong Chan. I know that they're planning something against us. I felt like they already knew about Min Kyung, and what if they did something to her and tell Chin Hwa hyung about us? I'm sure that it'll get us in danger. 

Taehyung: Yes, I know that they hate us. I don't know why, but they'll do anything to hold us down. They'll also do everything just to break our plans once they knew about it. 

Jimin: How about we kill that two first? Before they break our plan? Or hurt any one of us? 

Hee Young: Yes, I think we need to kill that two. They'll do anything just to break our plan, and the worst is, they know about Jin oppa and Min Kyung's friendship. What if they hurt her? Or use her to hold us down? 

Me: You're right, they can use her to hold us down, and the worst is, what if they told Chin Hwa hyung about it? We need to do our best to stop their plan. 

Yugyeom: So our first plan is to kill them? 

Me: Yes, I think our next plan is to kill them, but we need to be careful, we need to do it without making Chin Hwa hyung doubt that we're the one who killed them. 

Chen: It's pretty hard, but I know that we can do it. It'll be harder once they do their plan and told Chin Hwa hyung about your friendship with Min Kyung.

Me: Yes, that'll be harder and I don't want that to happen. 

Lay: Don't worry, we'll do our best not to let that happen. 

Me: Thank you everyone, I didn't expect that you'll help me with my plans. I mean, it's a very dangerous plan. 

Jimin: We're all friends here, and we're tired of doing what he wants. Min Kyung is right to be honest. And we want to live a normal life too. We don't want this kind of life. Sometimes, I wonder if Chin Hwa didn't adopt us, maybe we're in a better family and we have a better job and life. 

Chanyeol: I agree with that. Don't worry, we can get out in this kind of life and job soon. Let's just think positive and pray for the best, but we must be ready for the worst. 

Suho: Let's pray and hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. We all in this together, we are one. We can't do this alone, but we can do it all together. Fighting!

Everyone agreed with him including me. I smile, and like we did the last time, we went home one by one. So our next plan is to kill Chul Moo and Dong Chan? I can't wait for it, I won't let them do anything bad to Min Kyung. We need to find a right time and the perfect timing to do our plan as soon as possible. 

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